Juice fasting is a popular way of losing weight. While there are positive forms of doing this, there are also many negative diets like this that aren't beneficial at all. Find out the healthier way of doing juice fasting for weight loss that won't ruin your metabolism.
Who is a juice fast not for?
Before going on a juice fast, you need to make sure that you can and should be doing this. If you are diabetic, pregnant or recently pregnant, or needing certain types of food during your day because of a medical condition, this type of eating plan is not good for you and should be avoided.
What goes into your juice fast?
A juice fast is simply not eating solid food. Some people drink mainly water, but that's not the best way of doing these. Get a juicer and juice fruits and vegetables. You will still be getting food into the body that are very high in nutrients that you might not be getting during your normal daily diet. This type of food is very low in calories which is why it helps with weight loss.
What's the point of these fasts?
Many people do it for a variety of reasons. Some do it for detox. Some do it to recharge the system. Some do it for weight loss.
How long should you fast to lose weight?
It's best to have these types of fast in short bursts. If you do one for too long, eventually your metabolism will slow down and you will start to lose muscle. When this happens, it's the opposite of what you want in a weight loss routine. It's best to do these fast for a day or two then go back to normal eating for about week or more.
What's another strategy?
You can also just replace a few meals each week with a liquid meal like this. You get great nutrition and limited calories which is good for weight loss.
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