Do You Want to Lose Weight for Summer?

7 tips to turbo charge your metabolism and lose weight fast.

Summer is not officially here yet, but it sure feels like it out there. And when summer comes we start looking for the fast way to lose that unwanted weight. Perhaps there is a special occasion coming up, a wedding or a family reunion. Maybe it's a vacation to a sunny spot in the Caribbean. Whatever the reason, you'll be glad to know that there is a fast way to lose weight and you can do it. Here's how.

Detox One of the best ways to start any diet plan is to detoxify. There are different ways you can do this. Some people do a fast, some do raw juices, some do colon cleanses, etc. What I recommend is that you don't go over 30 days on this phase and that you don't starve yourself either. You could do a little of each of the things I mention above for a week or more, making your meals mostly lean protein and non-starchy vegetables.

Be as active as possible.

Take advantage of every situation that will allow you to burn some extra calories. Take the stairs, park far and walk fast, play outside with your children, plan family activities that require physical exercise like a bike ride or swimming, take up gardening, and clean your garage. Any other physical activity that requires lots of oxygen will improve your cardiovascular system and help you burn fat.

Exercise at least four times a week

Follow an exercise plan that is easy to stick to and effective. Change your routine often, variety is key to help you body shed fat. Keep your sessions between 30 and 45 minutes. Alternate between aerobic exercises, resistance training and flexibility practices such as yoga or tai-chi to avoid injuries and achieve maximum results.

Drink lots of water.

This step is very important, especially when you are first starting. Water helps you flush out toxins and metabolize fats. Start your day with a 12 ounce glass of water and keep drinking throughout the day. Water also helps you feel full faster during meals so you eat less.

Watch your calories

There are many formulas out there that can tell you the right number of calories you need to eat to start losing weight. But what's most important is where your calories are coming from. Eat more protein and green salads and cut down on sugar and starches. Also, there are places in the web where you can easily keep track of what you eat on a daily basis. One web site that helped me a lot in the beginning was www.sparkpeople.com. They have great recipes and you can keep track of your workouts as well.

Beware of your food sources

Avoid all prepackaged and processed foods. They are loaded with preservatives, food colorings and other chemicals that are harmful to your health and stop you from losing weight by. Eat organic foods preferably from local markets wherever possible.

Stay focused on your goals.

Write down a few realistic goals that will help you stay on track. Start every morning challenging yourself with something small like working through the last 10 minutes of your exercise video or eating smaller portions for dinner. Come back in the evening and see how you did. Did you meet your goal? If so, be proud of your efforts and set a new goal.

Remind yourself daily why you want to lose the weight. Don't have a pity party if you ate too much of something you shouldn't have or didn't follow through with exercise one day. Pick yourself up, accept where you are right now, learn from your mistakes and just keep going. Your perseverance and hard work will pay off in the end.

For more information on healthy living and weight loss tips, please visit [http://holisticworldcentral.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Florisabel_Castillo