Best Way to Lose Belly Fat - Are You Being Held Back by a Medical Condition?

It's unfortunate that in today's society, when people see an overweight person with belly fat, that they think that person must be addicted to take away food or donuts or both! Now, a poor diet is a common reason why so many people are carry too much belly fat. But what you might not know, is that there might be some medical reasons why you have belly fat.

The FTO Gene

The FTO (Fat Mass and obesity associated) gene can cause people to be overweight through absolutely no fault of their own. For people that have this gene, studies have shown that on average, those people will carry more weight than those without the FTO gene. If you live a healthy lifestyle, but continue to have belly fat, it might be worth checking this out.

Having said this, scientists continue to study this FTO gene. It is true that only a tiny percentage of people are obese due to their genetics. If your family is overweight, this may hint that genetics play a part, although it's more probable that an unhealthy lifestyle is causing your excess body fat.

Thyroid Problems

Since the thyroid gland controls how effectively the body utilizes energy, any thyroid problem you may have might be effecting your weight. Hypothyroidism is a condition where the body does not produce enough thyroid hormones. This causes the body to not burn energy effectively, which can contribute to more belly fat.

Dr Lou Aronne, who authored the best selling book Weigh Less Live longer, says that one of the best ways to deal with hypothyroidism is to live a healthy lifestyle full of good food and exercise.

Prescription Drugs

Belly fat can also be gained from taking prescription drugs. If you have been on prescription drugs for an extended period of time, this may be something for you to consider, because a Glasgow University study found that some patients gained as high as 22 pounds per year because of their prescription medicine!

Check with your doctor about this if you take medication for depression, heart disease or high blood pressure, because the medications for these conditions may have weight gain as a potential side effect.

However, by far the best way to lose belly fat is to get stuck into a fitness program. There are so many benefits we would need to write another article! If you can get the right advice, you will overcome any of these medical conditions.

Good luck, be healthy!

Read here for more great articles on the best way to lose belly fat [http://getleangetmuscle.com/best-way-to-lose-belly-fat-with-medical-conditions].

Dave Thompson

Author and Lead Researcher at the No.1 Online Resource Centre for Fitness Information


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