Is Juice Fasting the Fastest Weight Loss Solution?

Everyone that wants to lose weight is looking for the fastest weight loss possible. There are a lot of fad diets out there that you have to be careful of because the danger is of putting the weight right back on. If you want to get a good start losing a lot of weight, you might want to check out Juice Fasting. I wouldn't recommend this for long term weight loss although you could use this with regular food as well once you finish the fast. In the short term, this might be a great way get a head start on dieting.

In this diet, you need a juicer machine. A blender or a mixer won't work. This machine just makes juice and separates it from any fiber. There are various machines available from not too expensive to very expensive. The most affordable one is the centrifugal juicer and makes more pulp than juice but is good if you don't have a lot of money. The more expensive one is called the champion juicer because you can actually make baby food, fruit ice cream, sorbets, and sauces. It is possible to be on this diet for up to 40 days and this will allow the body to get cleansed or you can follow it as little as 2 to 3 days. It is all up to you. This may just be the fastest weight loss solution.

You can lose a lot of weight while on this diet and it is recommended that you stay on this for at least two days until you are free of detoxification symptoms which can be rather severe. There are different reasons why a person may want to use a juice diet for fastest weight loss. Some people may want to lose weight just to detoxify their body. Some may have a disease. Losing fat is immediate on this diet as the toxins are forced into the blood stream and then are gone. This is because the fats are toxins.

Some people may think that this type of diet will make them more tired but in actuality, it will increase their metabolism. There won't be weight gain and you will actually eat less and have more energy. The body works better too as the colon is cleaner since it has been cleansed. The best thing you can do during this fastest weight loss diet is exercise and you will still be burning calories while you sit reading a book.

For people who want the fastest weight loss solution, the speed of this diet is amazing. A person could drop 30 to 40 pounds on a 30-day juice fast according to the claims. In the beginning, a person will lose 3 to 4 pounds a day and then it will drop to 1 pound a day. The best part of it is for your spiritual and physical health, so don't get frustrated if the weight loss slows down due to water retention. It is best to be realistic and keep at it. Your body will be feel better for it.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jessica_Gordon