2 Best Exercises For a Flat Stomach, Period!

Getting a flat stomach and eliminating those love handles takes intensity. As a professional I can recommend no better couple of exercises than the 2 I have included here in order to give your metabolism a significant boost and assist you in getting a flat tummy. Read and apply!

1. The Overhead Kettlebell Swing: This particular exercise requires the use of a single kettlebell of moderate resistance. In order to execute this lift you must properly learn how to swing the bell with good form. To do this you must pick the bell up with both arms and start out from the lock out position. When I say lock out position I mean that your hips and knees should be locked and the bell should be hanging at your groin. Your feet should be shoulder width distance apart in length. From here you will want to execute the hip snap. The hip snap is done by you constantly having to flex and extend at both your hip and knee joints in order to create enough momentum to swing the bell back and forth like a pendulum from between your legs up to above your head. In order to do this effectively you must maintain tension throughout your core and body so you don't destabilize yourself throughout the movement. Destabilizing will only lead to injury. As you snap the bell between your legs you want to forcefully swing the bell in a tight arc to elevate it all the way up to above your head. This lift is tremendous in helping you to speed up your metabolism and does way more than crunches do for your flat stomach.

2. Kettlebell Clean And Walkout: For this exercise you will want to set the kettlebell between your feet on the ground. Make sure that you have plenty of room in front of you and that the ground is flat. Properly perform a clean lift and rack the kettlebell at your chest. Once you do this you then will want to squat to set the bell back down between your feet and then walk out on your hands extending your body into an upright push up position. After you get into the walkout position then simply walk back on your hands and before standing up grab the kettlebell to clean and rack it at your chest again. Repeat this for the designated number on one side of your body before moving over to do the opposite arm. This is a sure hard hitting workout for a flat stomach if you are serious about getting results! Take the time to learn more about kettlebells and training by accessing the rest of my articles on the matter for free. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here: http://www.betterthansteroidsebook.com

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brandon_Richey