Super green food is gaining more popularity every day it seems because people are beginning to realize how beneficial it can be to your body. One of the key benefits is that it helps burn fat. When your body notices that your blood has become too acidic, and you no longer have the proper alkaline levels in your body, your body immediately goes into a protective mode. It begins producing "visceral fat cells" to store the excess acid and this is a major reason for the current obesity levels in America. Some estimates have placed that level as high as two out of every three Americans.
In order to be able to reduce the obesity or weight that you would like to lose, you need to prepare your body's condition to break down these fatty cells. Food cravings are a big part of the battle, eating beyond what our body needs and often eating only processed food or "junk food" instead of pursuing a healthy diet.
Super green foods help to neutralize the acid in your body which will help you to not only feel better, but also to help reduce the food cravings. It has been known to also help boost energy levels. Who hasn't had that "tired" feeling lately? You hear it from people all the time. Unfortunately most people don't get enough greens in their diet every day. Most are lucky if they eat even one salad a week.
Super green foods can be such a powerful healer to the human body that there are countless stories of sick people recovering from life threatening illnesses just by cutting out high fat, high sugar and highly processed foods from their diets.
When one begins to see the turnaround in their poor health condition by changing their diet, they appreciate how the super green whole foods speed up the process of delivering the alkalinity that your body needs and in turn which helps to turn your body into a "fat burning furnace!" If you are hoping to lose weight, then it is critical to understand that you can exercise all you want and think that this alone will give you the lean body that you desire, but unless you reduce the acidity in your body, your attempts may well be in vain.
Many studies have shown that by keeping your body in an alkaline condition, you are more fortified to fight of chronic illnesses and diseases. If you don't already have some pH strips at home, I would strongly recommend that you buy a small box which retails for under twelve dollars in most drugstores or health food stores. The first thing in the morning when you get up and before you eat or drink anything, take a small piece off of the pH strip and moisten it with your saliva. The yellow strip will change color depending on your acidity/alkalinity condition, and on the pH strip box, or inside the box, there should be a chart that will let you match up your color to the chart to get a reading on what your condition is.
Why wait any longer to begin eating fresh vegetables and fruits and getting into your body the source of fiber and nutrition that it has been starving for. By setting realistic goals for reasonable healthy weight loss, you will reduce your stress and speed up the weight loss process. All of this can be possible through the consumption of super green food. I would recommend [] as an excellent source for either powdered or capsule forms of green food.
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