Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Remember the old wives tale?
Breakfast like a King
Lunch like a Prince
Supper like a Pauper.
When you think about it, it makes total sense that you will be fueling your body during the day when your body will need energy to perform your daily tasks be they mental or physical. It is easy to over burden the digestive system, eating large meals in the evening then retiring to bed an hour later and wondering why we have a flabby belly!
Break fast is exactly what it says on the tin, you are breaking a fast. Think about it, how often do you go 8 to 9 hours without eating? During the day that would be unthinkable. Even if you are used to the disciplines of fasting you will know how difficult it can be to go without food all day.
Here are 4 good breakfast foods to help give you energy and boost mental alertness.
Eggs: I don't agree with low calorie diets unless you want to count calories all your life. Life becomes a lot easier when you eat with awareness and control your portions. Becoming aware of how and what you eat puts you in control after all would it not be better to eat foods that burn energy rather than store fat? For instance 2 scrambled eggs on toast with a little jam is far better for you than a bagel with cream cheese.
Protein breakfasts will keep you fuller for longer. your sugar levels will be raised over a longer period of time helping you control your appetite.
Yogurt: In a recent study people who ate 3-6 ounces of yogurt per day lost 61% more weight than people who did not. This was all over body fat including belly fat. Try some natural yogurt with fresh fruit or muesli
Reduce Belly fat by replacing refined grains to Whole grain: Whole grains help in the control of blood sugar levels, helps to lower blood pressure and are also good for the heart and helps in the prevention of cancer. Steel cut oatmeal is an ideal way to start break fast with a few berries or an apple on top.
Fibre is a great controller of the appetite as well as being good for colon health. Because it does not get absorbed by the body. It was at first thought to have little benefit. At the simplest level fibre is important because it holds water in the faeces and makes stools soft and bulky.
Add 2 table spoons of oat bran or wheat bran to breakfast cereals or yogurts to make sure you keep your colon healthy and prevent colitis, appendicitis, diverticulitis and bowel cancer.
I have just discovered a way to permanently reduce belly fat in less that 30 days to find out how visit:
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