How To Make Your Belly Fat Go Away? - Start This Top Secrets About Abs Exercises

If you've decided to get your belly fat disappear and make yourself nice four or six-pack, then listen closer! There is nothing easier to get muscled than1 abs, but there are some secrets about making it work. I don't know where it came from, but it's a myth that you can make your belly fat go away by doing crunches. This exercise will help you burn more calories, but as any other activity will do that for you.

When we do crunches we logically think that by making work our abdominal muscles, we burn our belly fat. Wrong! Our body decides where to take energy reserves from in order to do the activity. And the belly fat is the lust one to go. Yep, sadly but true. You need to understand the physiology behind that. If you consume more calories that you spend, the excess is stored as fat in the middle of your body (your stomach, hips, your buttock). It's a survival function. Your body keeps this energy in the less distractive place. It would be energetically inefficient to store fat in your arms, because you would move them all the time and spend it all.

So knowing that, the first step for beautiful abs is diet. Consume less calories that you spend and you are one way there! Having great abs isn't hard, as I said, but it has it's tricks. You have to do both: right diet (nothing complicated there - as less sugar as possible) and right exercises (this component for having sexy abs is more specific).

You need to know what to do for your body. The workout for two different people are usually different. Find what is yours and you'll possess the right tools to loose belly fat and shape your abs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Nesterov_Gueorgui/146731