You Can Get a Flat Stomach Fast With This Secret For a Sexy Ripped Stomach

If you've been exercising and not getting the sexy ripped, flat stomach you're after, worry no more; these secret exercises and lifestyle changes will make all the difference.

Following the seven steps below should lead to major improvement.

1. While you are sitting in your car, on the couch watching tv, or at your desk working, contract your stomach. Doing this simple isometric exercise several times every day, you will be on your way to the tight abs you're after.

2. Substitute water for any soda, coffee drinks or alcoholic beverages you normally consume. It is nearly impossible to lose stomach fat when consuming these fattening, sugar-laden drinks.

3. An exercise ball is an inexpensive, effective piece of equipment when trying to tone up your stomach muscles. Crunches on the ball are easier and more effective than those done on the floor. Doing a bridge over the ball, where your toes and fingertips are touching the floor, will strengthen your back as well.

4. Pilates, a very popular type of exercise today, strengthens your core through movement and breathing. Doing Pilates will tone your entire body, but is particularly effective on your abdominal section. You will maintain your sexy ripped stomach if you continue doing Pilates on a regular basis.

5. Leg raises are another exercise that works wonders on your abs. Simply raise your legs slowly off the floor while keeping your back flat. Keeping your legs stiff, hold them in the same position for ten seconds. Rest, then repeat as often as your fitness level permits.

6. Knee raises can also be an excellent form of exercise when trying to achieve a flat stomach fast. You will need a specific type of equipment found in a gym or purchased for use in your home to do this type of exercise.

7. Any type of aerobic exercise, including brisk walking, running, jogging, bicycling, stair climbing, etc. can help get you to your goal of a flat, ripped stomach as well.

So, take in fewer calories, particularly by consuming water instead of high-calorie drinks like soda, and burning calories with aerobic exercise in addition to toning workouts that include leg lifts, knee raises and crunches and you will have your stomach flat and gorgeous before you know it.

You can also get a free ebook by a certified trainer on how to get ripped and lean by clicking Secrets to Getting Lean

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Berryson/445625