Is there really a secret step to getting a six pack? Everybody dreams of that flat stomach, tight abdomen, ripped six pack abs. We all look for easy ways to achieve a six pack and prefer those that require minimal effort. Unfortunately, it is not easy and requires hard work and dedication. While this sounds unattractive, it is the sad truth.
Strong and defined abs are the cornerstone of a physical ideal. It increases the body's core strength, which is also vital for good performance in all your physical activities. There are two things you have to do to get great looking abs. The first is to reduce belly fat covering the abdominal muscles and the second is to build ab muscles by doing ab exercises. Thinking that ab exercises will burn fat in your stomach is a myth. The body cannot be forced to lose fat in a particular area by exercising the muscles in that area directly. Exercises work muscles, not fat. The only way to lose fat in your stomach is to lose overall body fat. Here are some tips to help you lose body fat and get those dream abs.
Steps to getting a Six Pack?
· Set your goal: Everybody wants a 6 pack abs but no one has a plan to achieve it. Set a definite goal to get abs. Motivate yourself by putting a 6 pack abs pictures in your room and look at it every day. Whatever happens, do not lose your motivation! It will take some time, not to lose patience.
· Nutrition: Changing your diet is the first step to losing fat and gaining muscle. You need a balanced diet of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and reduce your calorie intake so that you burn more calories than you are consuming. Make sure you do not cut calories too drastically as it could have a negative effect on their health. It is easier to consume fewer calories if you fill with food rich in fiber, which is found in whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Also, beware of empty calories such as sugary drinks, beer etc. You have to eat 4-6 meals throughout the day instead of 3 large meals as this will help boost your metabolism and reduce hunger.
· Do not cut the fat: Do not cut fat intake because it is necessary for bodily functions. Instead switch to healthy fats like olive oil, fish, and nuts. These may also help lower cholesterol and protect your joints.
· Protein:Protein is a must if you want six-pack abs. Reduce carbohydrates and increase intake of quality protein with each meal. Protein is the primary building block for your muscles. Good sources of protein are chicken, fish, eggs, milk, etc.
· Drink more water: Water cleans toxins from your body, and keeps you hydrated. It has zero calories and helps reduce hunger as well.
· Do cardio: Cardiovascular exercises like running, bicycling, brisk walking; swimming, etc are the best exercises to burn fat. You can start with 15 minutes of cardiovascular exercise daily for 3 to 5 days a week and increase to 45 minutes for best results.
· Abdominal workout: You have to work your abs every day. Just take 2 to 3 days (not consecutive) per week to work all muscle groups like the abdominals. Treat the abdominal muscles like any other muscle, and concentrate on doing slow and controlled repetitions. Some of abdominal exercises you can do include guidance abdominal, oblique abdominals, lift the front leg, side leg raises, abdominal crunch, abdominal exercise ball, reverse lateral, side bends and twists.
· Sleep well: Muscle recovery is also important after training. The average healthy adult requires 6-8 hours each night. During this period of rest, the body recovers and is ready for another day.
It takes different time for different people to lose fat as the body stores fat and loses according to your genetic makeup. You cannot control when and where fat is lost. For example, women tend to store excess fat in the hips and thighs while men tend to store in the middle and back. So all you need to do is follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly and let your body respond. Consistency in everything you do is the key to getting ripped fast!
For more information see the resources below
Want to learn the SECRET TO GETTING A SIX PACK in HALF the time. This secret will turn your body from fat storing mode to fat burning mode within hours?
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