Lose Stomach Fat Effectively - 3 Tips On Becoming The Biggest Loser: Losing Your Stomach Fat Fast!

You might have seen many people losing their stomach fat within given period of time like the reality show "The Biggest Loser" where the contestants had to undergo thorough weight loss plan in order to shape their body into a fat burning furnace. This show has inspired many plus size people to lose weight particularly to those who are still stuck with belly fat.

If you have tried many ways to lose your belly fat and the outcome is unsatisfying - it does not mean you have to quit the whole routine. Based on the TV reality show, everything is achievable as long as have a clear positive mindset. To lose fat effectively, it does not require luck, "magic spells" and "silver bullet" - it purely relies on pure determination and self-discipline.

When all the methods seem ineffectively help you to lose stomach fat, it's time to move back to basics.

Here are the 3 basic ways that can help you stay focus on how to lose stomach fat efficiently:

Tip No. 1: Find a solution to reduce stress

Health experts often linked stress to obesity. In other words, when a person is overwhelmed by stress at work, it will lower one's body metabolism that can burn fat slowly. Therefore, this can explains why some people are easier to gain weight although they consume only little amount of food.

There are many ways to reduce stress effectively including non-exercise methods like singing, music listening, watching good movies; and simple workouts like burpees, Russian twist and many more - as these methods can simply help you to lose stomach fat.

Tip No. 2: Discard all unnecessary "junk" food

It is not about throwing tidbits, sweet delicacies - it's actually about getting rid of processed food (or canned foods). If you really read the food labels, it has preservatives which have complicated chemical names that you don't understand. It's the time that practice healthy eating habits if you are seriously want to lose stomach fat fast.

The best way to practice healthy eating habit is to eat multi-nutritional food which consists of raw foods like fruits and vegetables, protein-rich foods like lean meat and eggs, good carbs like legumes and nuts and many more. In addition, you need to practice "Calorie Shift Diet" in order to increase your body's metabolism that can convert your excessive stomach fat into energy.

Tip #3: Be sure to have enough rest

Normally, weight gain corresponds to lack of sleep. Regulate you time of sleep and make sure that you do not frequently stay overnight to watch movies or a ball game, rushing work, or to spend long hours online. It is because your body digests fat much slower at night if compared with daytime. You need to have at least 49 hours of sleep per week (equivalent to 7 hours of sleep per day). If you keep practicing irregular sleeping patterns, the excessive fat will be stored beneath your skin especially within your stomach area!

By practicing these above mentioned tips consistently, you will be the "biggest loser" - meaning losing stomach fat fast!

Can't wait to say goodbye to your fat stomach? Get started with the right way of getting flatter and leaner abs fast by visiting this website - CLICK HERE.

It is surprising that you could not lose your belly fast by following Truth About Abs method as this method has helped many people to lose their unwanted belly fat which seemed impossible to accomplish.

If you are seriously looking for the best method to lose stomach fat fast - visit MikeGearyTruthAboutABS.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Decaprio_M.

Fastest Fat Pill to Get a Flat Belly

Do you want to get a flat belly so that you can look stunning in those body hugging tight jeans?

Gaining weight is easy but getting rid of it can be a bog problem. Not just this, losing weight gets more and more difficult as you get older. The main reason behind this is that your metabolism gets slower with age. Not just this, over time a lot of toxins and other chemicals get accumulated in your body that slow down your metabolic rate.

Another common reason behind weight gain is your love food. Most people are not able to control their diet and eating greasy and fat or sugar rich foods makes them gain excess pounds.

Dieting is a common resort that many people take to. There are thousands of diet but what is for sure is that almost all of them fail to provide results and this is largely because it is extremely difficult to stick to a diet for weeks or months. Most people fail at dieting once the initial excitement to lose weight wanes off and what is worse is that they put even more weight when they stop dieting.

Fastest Fat Pill

One of the best ways to lose weight is with the help of a diet pill. Now, there are thousands of weight loss pills and one of the most important categories of such pills is that of fat burners.

Fat burners, as the name suggests, can help your body burn fat at a faster pace. This can result in loss of weight. There are many fat burners that are notoriously famous for their ill side effects. In fact, some of them can even prove fatal and lead to death.

You can easily pick up such horror stories in weight loss forums online.

Safety is of great importance when choosing a fat pill.

Slimming pills have come off age and there are some pharmacy grade fat burners that can help you lose weight without such ill effects.

What makes such a fat burner even more effective and fast is that it not only ensures faster fat burning in your body but also helps suppress your appetite. This is important to cut down your food intake.

Such a pill is made with enzyme boosters that boost your metabolism and also reduce appetite at the same time. Such a pill can make you lose up to 5 pounds within a week. However, for best effects you must combine light exercise with such a diet pill.

So, if You Want to Get a Flat Belly, Check out the Fastest Fat Pill that Has Become Quite A Rage All Over the World.


Get a Flat Tummy with the Best Fat Burner [http://weightlossmaxed.com/phen-375-powerful-legal-fat-burner] that is Making Waves All Over!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Brunson

Beer Belly Solutions - The Easiest and Quickest Way to Get Rid of a Beer Gut

Pints of beer drunk frequently are going to swell up and distend the stomach regardless of an individual's body fat levels. Some men regularly drink at least half a dozen pints in one drinking session. The pressure of retaining pints of high calorie fluids is going to swell even the leanest person's belly.

High levels of visceral fat also cause the beer belly look. Visceral fat is internal fat. It is actually underneath your six-pack muscles and covers your organs. People who have high levels of visceral fat are also insulin resistant and need to avoid sugary, processed and starchy foods.

Obviously the best way to lose a beer belly is to stop drinking beer!

If you don't drink beer and still have what looks like a beer belly then you will need to lose the visceral fat. Given that visceral fat is an indication of severe insulin resistance then the first step is to manage insulin levels by limiting certain carbohydrates in the diet and sugary processed foods.

Eliminating breads, pastas, ready-made meals and basically anything that comes in a fancy packaging with unpronounceable ingredients including so called healthy cereals is the fastest way to drop fat. Then it can take as little as a couple of weeks to see a major change in the size of your beer belly.

Beer is a terrible choice of drink for someone who wants to lose body fat. Beer has empty calories and has an estrogenic effect. Hops are highly estrogenic and are considered the main causes for beer bellies and man boobs on men.

Exercise recommendations for beer bellies and man boobs should be something that gets your heart rate high and panting like a dog. Resistance type training is the most effective way to exercise for someone wanting to burn fat. Weights burn more calories than cardiovascular exercises such as the treadmill and rowing machine. You need to approach resistance training with a view to sweat and work hard in order to get the best results.

Anthony Chapman is a Body Transformation Coach and creator of a downloadable step-by-step diet GUARANTEED to work. Discover how to Lose Weight, Fat & Inches [http://www.fatlossevery10days.com] in Only 10 Days! This diet is EASY to implement and is intended for busy people, options to commit at different levels are presented. To get FREE FAT LOSS TIPS everyday for the next 10 days please visit [http://www.fatlossevery10days.com]

(c) Copyright - Anthony Chapman, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anthony_Chapman

Losing Fat Off Your Stomach - Why Is It So Hard To Lose Belly Fat And What's Guaranteed To Work?

Losing fat off your stomach doesn't have to be complicated. However, if you choose to go on a fad diet or take diet pills, then unfortunately you've just made it not only very complicated, but virtually impossible to get results.

You see, the fat that is around your midsection is very stubborn. Therefore, typical fad diets, JUST exercising, and/or taking unnatural and dangerous pills is not going to cut it for losing stubborn fat. Stubborn body fat is only removed by following these 4 key "increasing" principles:

1. Increasing Your Water Intake: To get rid of that annoying bloating feeling, remove water weight, get rid of harmful toxins in your body, and to help speed up your metabolism, you must keep your body hydrated all day long. What I recommend for you to do is to consume 1/2 your body-weight in ounces of fresh water throughout the entire day.

SECRET TIP: To cause a thermal effect (quick boost to your metabolism), have a glass of ice-cold water as soon as you wake up in the morning!

2. Increasing How Much Sleep You Get: Your body burns off calories during sleep and will also repair muscle tissue. If you are not getting enough sleep, then you are inhibiting your body from accomplishing these very important goals. Aim to get a minimum of 7 hours of rest each night for best results.

3. Increasing Your Intake Of Fat Burning Foods: There are over 30 different types of foods that will literally melt away fat just by eating them. The more of these foods you eat, the more you'll lose fat off your stomach! Examples of these foods are peanut butter and turkey legs to name a couple!

4. Increasing The Release Of Fat Burning Hormones: Your body will either release fat "storing" or "burning" hormones. If you eat the right way and avoid fad dieting, then your body will release the "burning hormones"! The best way to eat to trigger these hormones is by eating more frequently and readjusting your calorie patterns each day.

BONUS TIP: Do you want to Lose 11 LBS IN 7 DAYS and melt away stomach fat FAST?

=> Click http://www.FatLossIn7Days.info to discover a fat loss secret that can have you several pounds slimmer in your first week... WITHOUT starving or depriving yourself!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Avy_Barnes

4 Super Fast Secrets to Lose Belly Fat Extremely Fast! Here is Something You Shouldn't Miss at All

There is no such thing as a magic pill, drink or formula that can help rid you of those unwanted belly fats, but there are actually four surprising ways that can help you shape and turn it into a fabulous six pack. Read on and find out how you can accomplish just that.

1st Secret - It is really not about the foods that you consume, what truly matters is how much is it that you take in. Although there are exceptions involved because some foods are better than others, but studies show that limiting your food intake provides a huge impact in losing weight than being aware of the exact foods that you should be eating.

Gradually lessen the portions that you are having on your meals until you reach the point wherein you are not hungry anymore. Remember, only eat to satisfy your hunger.

2nd Secret - Fats and carbs are also good for you. People need fats in order to survive, so it is unwise to cut them off completely from your diet because the body needs fats (especially unsaturated fats) for it to function properly. Saturated fats and trans-fat are both good, but they are not the best for you.

Carbohydrates are also needed to fuel the body. Just remember to be wary of how much is it that you consume.

3rd Secret - You do not necessarily need to go to the gym to lose those belly fats - intense exercises are not your only solution. In fact, researches show that by just being consistent in doing certain activities like household chores for example, you can rid yourself of those unwanted flab. A 30-minute walk each day for example, can do the trick.

4th Secret - High intensity exercises are actually not that good for you. Sometimes, in their haste to lose weight, a lot of people engage in rigorous workouts and in the process, gets injured or hurt.

The Real weight loss secret- Can you imagine yourself losing 9 lbs every 11 days from now? Yes you heard it right "9 lbs every 11days guaranteed". This is the single most effective way which helps you lose weight. It is truly an absolute breakthrough in the weight loss industry. If you don't know this than you are missing out on the best ever secret "Guaranteed" to help you lose weight right away. So are you ready to drop some pounds within the next 11 days? Read on to discover it right now- Click Here

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Russell_Jackson

How To Lose Belly Flab and Get A Flat Stomach

I'm about to show you some unconventional ways on how to lose belly flab and get a flat stomach. These aren't your typical gym type exercises like doing situps, crunches, or running on a treadmill. Not only do you get better results from what I'm about to tell you, but it's also more fun.

First, do belly rubs.

These help to give you local spot reduction to your belly region. What you do is rub your hands together for 15 seconds to create kinetic heat. Then once that's done, while lying down, rub your belly in small circles around the belly button for about 30-45 seconds with 1 of your hands.

What happens is the heat in your hands will penetrate your skin and into the fat deposits causing some of them to loosen up and be swept away. Ideally, do this for 3-4 minutes a day. Twice a day for 2 minutes each time would be perfect.

Second, take extra virgin coconut oil.

This isn't a true weight loss supplement, but it works like one. I've had clients take 1 tablespoon, twice a day, for 11 days and lose 6-8 pounds without doing anything else. For best results, the time at which you take it is critically important. If taken at the wrong time, it's a complete waste of money.

Third, do isometric ab squeezes.

You may have belly flab, but there is a flat stomach underneath it. Tighten up those ab muscles on and off for 10-20 seconds. So you tighten them for say 20 seconds, then relax them for 20 seconds, etc. Ideally, do this exercise about 4 minutes a day... 2 minutes in the morning and 2 minutes at night would be best.

This is about the easiest way on how to lose belly flab and get a flat stomach.

If you're sick and tired of getting the same old boring and tired weight loss advice on how to lose belly flab and get a flat stomach... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, do more crunches and situps, and blah blah blah"... then you found the right person. I'll make weight loss easy and enjoyable for you... AND NOT BORING!

First, click http://www.weightlossguide4women.com to get your free 19-page report "How Spinning Around in a Circle Like a 4-year old Child will Skyrocket your Weight Loss Success". This will give you a jumpstart on how to lose your belly flab fast.

Second... after you get the free report, you'll be sent inside my website for even more unique and little known weight loss tips, tricks, techniques, and tactics. These unconventional tricks are a "shortcut" way on how to get a flat stomach... no mention of running on a treadmill or doing crunches. I promise.

Third, with my advice, you won't starve, have to go to the gym ever, or basically do anything that is a hassle for your busy life. Listen, I understand you want to lose your belly flab without changing much in your diet or exercise plans... I get it. I have this completely covered. I've worked with over 3,700 clients. I know a 1 size fits all plan doesn't work. So I've come up with lots of "tricks" to personalize weight loss specifically for you and your lifestyle.

Fourth... there is no fourth. Just enjoy the free report and my website. If you don't lose most of your belly flab with just my free information... I'd be amazingly surprised! http://www.weightlossguide4women.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Jolan

Got Stomach Flab? Quickly Remove Stomach Flab With This Powerful Dieting Solution

Alright guys, today in this article, we're going to talk about how you can quickly remove stomach flab with the following powerful dieting solution. I hope you're ready....because this is going to knock your socks off!

Okay, first things first. Let's talk about the basic core principles. Let me tell you, if you don't comprehend, implement, and practice the basic core principles of a healthy lifestyle, ladies and gentleman....results will be minimal to none....it's just as simple as that.

What are those principles? Proper nutrition (complex carbs, healthy fats, fiber, protein, and foods rich in vitamins and minerals), drink plenty of water daily ( I recommend for you to drink 1/2 to 1 gallon of water daily for optimal results), get plenty of sleep every night (7-8 hours of sleep every night is ideal), cardio exercise (if you want to remove stomach flab fast, do yourself a favor and do high intensity cardio exercise guys), and weight training exercise (building lean muscle is absolutely essential for fat loss and weight loss).

Now let's get down to business! Are you ready? Are you prepared to receive this breakthrough dieting solution to quickly remove stomach flab? Ladies and gentleman....drum roll please.....the 2008 dieting solution of the year to remove stomach flab is... consistency.

"What the"?! "I thought it was going to be some super secret!" Was that one of your responses? If so, don't feel bad, that's usually the response everyone gives.

Why is consistency so shocking to people as being the best dieting solution? It's because people are so brain washed into thinking that there are miracles, potions, and secrets to fat loss.....and it just isn't. Guys, it comes down to the basics of a healthy lifestyles, and STAYING CONSISTENT with it all to quickly remove stubborn stomach flab. The more consistent you are with a diet, the faster the results....it's just that simple!

Looking for a way to "remove stomach flab [http://ever-loss-diet.info]" fast? I highly recommend for you to check out the brand new breakthrough diet of the decade....The Everloss Diet. With The Everloss Diet, you'll get a complete diet plan that covers every aspect of healthy living and weight loss from food and diet, to activities, to supplements, recipes, fat burning techniques, and an inside view of how your body type works at your age.

Find out more extensive information about how to lose weight and get faster fat loss now at [http://ever-loss-diet.info]

Avy Barnes is a long time health and fitness enthusiast, weight loss consultant, and an Expert author here on ezinearticles.com with over 200 articles and 70,000 article views.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Avy_Barnes

How to Lose Love Handles in 2 Weeks - Secrets That Actually Work!

Here's how to lose love handles in 2 weeks. There's nothing hard or crazy about what I'm about to tell you. Just do it and you'll get rid of your love handles quickly. If you're really obese, I can't guarantee you that you'll completely lose your love handles, but you'll reduce their size a great deal in the 2 weeks.

How to Lose Love Handles in 2 Weeks

1. Go buy yourself a hula hoop and use it 10 minutes everyday

A weighted hula hoop that's 36-42 inches is perfect for reducing your waist and love handles. Being weighted helps maintain it's rotations around your body. You'd think that if it ways more it'd fall down easier. It's actually the opposite.

A weighted hula hoop should cost you around $10.

Now here's the key to making this a regular part of your life and get the most out of it. Don't do all 10 minutes at once. Just use the hula hoop for 1-2 minutes. But do that often... 5-10 times a day.

You're probably thinking that "what, 5 times a day... that's too much". But it isn't. You don't need to schedule these. Just put the hula hoop in front of your living room tv.

When you have the tv on and a commercial comes on, you hula hoop. Simple.

2. 1-Minute Hindu Squats

I assume you're relatively busy and have a hard time fitting exercise into your schedule. That's where the brilliance of 1-minute hindu squats come in.

They're not the typical squat with weights to build muscle exercise. Instead, you only use your bodyweight. Nothing else. The key to making these work to burn off your love handles... going fast.

If you can get 20 or more done in a minute... that's great. You'll be burning off fat in no time.

Be sure to squat down far enough. For that, swipe your finger tips to the ground. Besides that, do these for 1 minute... 5-10 times a day. Again, commercials are a good time to do them.

That's a simple way on how to lose love handles in 2 weeks.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah", then...

Click http://www.weightlossguide4women.com to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm giving away this report today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free report now. If you don't lose 10 pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised! http://www.weightlossguide4women.com

Jennifer Jolan

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Jolan

Lose 2 Inches - Lose Inches From Waist, Butt, Thighs, and Hips

Here's how to lose 2 inches from all areas of your body. Lose inches from waist, butt, thighs, and hips. If you're motivated to lose weight, then I urge you to read this BREAKTHROUGH information I'm about to share with you.

Lose 2 Inches

1. Jump on a mini-trampoline

This is a total body exercise that helps you to lose inches from waist, butt, thighs, and hips. To lose 2 inches total from all over your body in less than 2 weeks, you'll need to jump on this for 20 minutes a day.

Now wait! Hold on. You're thinking you're too busy to find 20 minutes a day. I'm willing to bet you that you're wrong. Here's a secret I use. I use this thing during tv commercials.

You watch tv, right? Don't lie! If you do or you don't, it doesn't matter. Just use the principle of the matter. You jump on it for 2 minutes at a time during "down" or "wasted" time such as tv commercials, after you use the bathroom, before cooking, during cooking, after cooking, etc.

You have lots of free time... even if it's only a few minutes here and there. So use those 2 minutes.

2. For fast weight and fat loss, do hindu squats

This is an exotic name for fast, bodyweight squats. I recommend these to anyone who is willing to "go all out" for just 5 minutes a day. You don't like working out, OK fine, then just give me 5 minutes a day doing these.

It's a simple exercise, but it's not easy.

Even without weights, using just your body and squatting up and down as fast as you can for 5 minutes straight is unbelievable. The way you feel doing this is something you just need to experience to truly understand hindu squats.

Some guidelines... swipe the fingers of both hands on the ground with each squat, have a goal of at least 100 squats in 5 minutes, and it's OK that your heels come up off the ground (this helps you go fast with them).

You'll lose inches from waist, butt, thighs, and hips using just these 2 exercises. Added up, you'll lose 2 inches from all over your body in less than 2 weeks.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah", then...

Click http://www.weightlossguide4women.com to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm giving away this report today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free report now. If you don't lose 10 pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised! http://www.weightlossguide4women.com

Jennifer Jolan

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Jolan

Fastest Weight Loss Methods - Skinny Asian Secrets That Work

The key to the fastest weight loss possible isn't found by killing yourself at the health club doing hours of cardio. And it's not at the bottom of a bottle of diet pills either. However it CAN be found all around us...by looking at the lifestyle and choices of the millions of ultra-lean Asian women all over the world.

Today you're going to learn some simple tips that Asian women use to drop inches and burn fat easily...even right after having a baby...that you can add to your day-to-day routine and get on the road to your "dream" body!

Fastest Weight Loss - The Asian Way

There are a lot of great Asian techniques that can give you the fastest weight loss possible, but for beginning clients in my diet program I start slowly with easy-to-learn basics:

1. Time for a drink of cold water - Cold water makes the body burn calories just by trying to adjust it to body temp after you drink it, enough so that researchers found many people burn as much as 66 calories for every 12-ounce glass of chilled water! Try to get in 4-6 glasses a day.

2. Make your biggest meal breakfast - As the days goes on our metabolic rate naturally falls, and by the time the sun goes down we're at our lowest in terms of being able to burn calories that are eaten. Remember this as you plan your day, and make breakfast your largest meal, lunch a medium-size meal, and dinner your smallest. Load up your dinner plate with low-calorie high-fiber vegetables and you'll feel full for hours and won't be tempted for an evening snack. That alone is a MAJOR step on the fastest weight loss road!

3. Reduce your "white" carbs and increase protein - White carbohydrates (breads, pasta, rice, sweets) cause a dramatic insulin spike when eaten, which has a side-effect of preserving fat deposits around the body instead of burning them for energy. Instead try to make protein the focus at every meal, and have veggies be your side-dish. Never have a white carbohydrate past 8pm, make it a rule!

4. Slow down the pace when at the dinner table - A simple rule my Asian mother taught me when I was a girl growing up in Taiwan was to take a bite, put down my chopsticks or utensils as I chewed the food, swallow it, then pick up the chopsticks or utensils for another bite. Amazingly this is still one of my fastest weight loss methods that I lecture my clients about because when timed with a watch most of them eat their entire meal in less than 6 minutes! Slow down your pace by just 20-30% and you'll find you can eat far more calories per meal without it being converted to fat.

5. Put on your walking shoes - Make a fun habit out of walking. Just 15 minutes in the AM and 15 minutes after dinner will produce tremendous surges in your metabolism, allowing you to burn around 200-300 calories worth of fat during the course of a day. Asian women consider walking to be one our fastest weight loss tips, it's that powerful when it's done every day. Plus it lets you enjoy nature and the environment, which puts you at peace and lowers stress at the same time.

These 5 fastest weight loss tricks may seem basic to you, but you'd be amazed at the results they produce when done together for extended periods of time. Losses of 30, 40, and even 50 pounds in just a few months aren't uncommon, and without having to do crazy workouts or starve yourself for hours a day.

What If You Still Can't Lose Weight?

If today's tips don't help you trim down your tummy fat or love handles for good, you'll want to learn a more powerful secret free method that Asian women do to force fat off of their belly and thighs quickly...without starving or doing insane workouts.

This solution works quickly and is very simple, the full details on how to do it are in the free report here: Fastest Weight Loss. I actually do it myself while relaxing on the couch watching TV, and it works amazingly well.

Click on the link and learn the trick yourself before it's gone: http://www.skinnyasiandiet.com/free-book.htm

Love and good health always,

Catherine Cheng - Founder, The Skinny Asian Diet

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Catherine_Cheng

8 Diet And Exercise Tricks To Lose 3 Inches From Your Waist In 1 Month

A clean diet, strict exercise regimen and will power are the three secret keys to lose stomach fat quickly. This is because stomach fat takes a good amount of time to melt away and is usually among the last to go. If you are desperate to trim a few inches from your waistline, but do not have weeks and months to wait, here are 8 diet and exercise tricks to lose 3 inches from your waist in a matter of a month.

Measure up

The best way to start out is by measuring your waist. Thereafter, you should keep a track of it measuring it at regular intervals. Counting the inches you've managed to reduce will keep you motivated.

Diet Tips

Cleaning your diet of junk and fatty foods will restrict the formation of new fatty deposits preventing the body from piling on more fat in the abdominal region.

1. Reduce your daily calorie intake by approximately 500 to 700 calories. It helps you lose 1-2 pounds in a week which is a healthy amount. Do not aim for more than 2 pounds a week.

2. Do not starve the body by skipping meals. Excessive food restriction sends the body into survival mode. Thus, it starts storing more fat instead of exhausting those already present.

3. Substitute the three large meals of the day with six smaller meals. This step will keep a tab on your cravings while at the same keep your metabolism boosted.

4. Finally, it is important to make healthy food choices. This includes doubling up your intake of fiber and protein foods. They fill you up quickly and prevent overeating. In addition to this, you should eat a judicious amount of fruits, vegetables, nuts and healthy fats. Drink a lot of water and 3-4 cups of green tea. Green tea will speed up your metabolism and help you lose fat fast.

Exercise Tips

Exercise will help get rid of the fatty blanket sitting over the abdominals. Hence, it occupies an important place in your strategy to lose 3 inches from your waist in a month; there is no doing without it.

1. Aim for a whole-body exercise routine. It kicks the body into the fat burning mode and helps reduce the overall body fat percentage.

2. Include abdominal exercises in your exercise routine. Abdominal exercises do not do much to reduce stomach fat. However, they play a crucial role in sculpting the abdominal muscles creating for a lean and toned look. A list of beneficial core exercises includes the bridge, the plank, crunches and squats. Abdominal exercises will really help if in addition to trimming the waist by 3 inches you are aiming for a sexy six pack.

3. Try to fit in a cardio workout in your exercise routine. The ideal is 30-45 minutes, 3-4 times a week. Cardio exercises are most effective when done as interval training by alternating high intensity exercises with moderate to low intensity activities. Interval training helps burn more fat in a shorter duration of time than simple cardio.

4. If you are really serious about trimming your waistline in a month, you will also have to lift a few weights. Weight training increases the resting metabolic rate by increasing muscle tissue in the body.

To make these diet and exercise tips on how to lose stomach fat quickly more effective, you should also get enough rest at the end of the day and learn to manage your stress.

How would your life be if could apply 6 tricks and in just 1 month to lose 2 inches from your waist and 1 inch from thighs, with almost no effort? If you take action now and watch the video in this link you will get for free the exact blueprint to follow for a month, so just click here to watch it! http://youtu.be/tvQJVi8Rdkc

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Heather_Jameson

Essential Tips For Women Over 50 Who Want to Diet to Lose Stomach Fat

Women over 50 have likely noticed some changes in the way their body lays down fat. They typically find it more likely to put on weight in their belly and this leads to the need for a different approach when they want to diet to lose stomach fat.

Due to hormonal changes common in women over 50 fat distribution shifts. Fat is now easily stored in the belly and less likely to accumulate on the legs, hips and butt. This does come with a significant health risk because stomach fat is said to be "metabolically active" which means that it more easily releases fatty acids into the blood stream and this increases the risk of heart disease in women over 50.

To diet to lose stomach fat a woman wants to pay close attention to her carbohydrate intake considering the types of carbs she eats and when she eats them.

First of all she will want to keep her carbohydrates in the whole form. This would mean whole wheat breads and pastas, brown rice, whole fruits, etc. These carbohydrates take longer to digest and therefore do not lead to a spike in the insulin level of the body.

When insulin spikes, for instance after eating a cookie or other refined food the body's internal environment changes and for a period of time the body increases its ability to store fat, especially in the stomach area and it also decreases its ability to burn fat.

The second tip women over 50 can use to successfully diet to lose stomach fat is to avoid all carbohydrates in the evening. Here again there is no rise in insulin level so fat burning is enabled and fat storage in the belly diminishes.

The way to diet to lose stomach fat in women over 50 requires a closer look at the way carbohydrates are handled by the body. Follow these recommendations and you will control belly fat.

Losing the weight is possible but there are things you must do.

Get the complete picture of How To Lose Weight in my Free WEIGHT LOSS BLUEPRINT.

If you are considering going on a diet you need to read The Weight Loss Blueprint to get started the right way.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Becky_Gillaspy

Best Fat Burning Diet - Effective Tips

Nowadays, there are lots of programs being offered which concerns best fat burning diet and weight loss. These programs are presented along with powerful diet tips that many people follow. The current South Beach diet is one of those. Others, though, opted for the cookie diet.

There are still other diets that you can try. There is a detox diet, low carb diet and many more. They all claim to make you lose weight.

Each has its own benefits that brought something amazing for those who followed it as diet tips. Here's a really simple way you may apply to minimize and reduce your weight. Aside from the diet tips presented now, there are many practical ways that will somehow help you.

Rather than having 3 heavy meals, it is suggested that eating 5 to 6 small meals in a day is the best fat burning diet tip. Studies reveal that the metabolism of a person increases when a person eats a lot of food. Thus, the higher the metabolic rate, the more the excess fats will be burned.

For people wanting to lose weight, eating foods rich in protein is advised. Proteins are noted to have Thermogenesis induced diet or the T.I.D. Most experts use TID to find the number of energy used by the body during the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients and fats.

The more you eat foods rich in proteins, the more it gives you the energy to do your daily tasks. Your metabolism will feel safe enough to gobble the best fat burning diet food as soon as you eat it. Likewise, one must not forget to eat foods with lots of carbohydrates but has low G.I. Index or Glycaemia Index.

G.I. Index is the rate of carbohydrate conversion into glucose that enters the bloodstream. It is essential because the process of secretion of insulin is lugged by carbohydrates. Insulin is the substance that makes the fat tissues to develop. The best fat burning diet lowers the entry of glucose in the blood stream.

For most people, especially those who consider themselves as obese, losing weight is an uphill battle. Weight loss is considered a big word that brings on emotions of apprehension and despair. It is somehow equated to an ideal but an elusive dream.

Others, though, have struggled to lose weight either for health reasons or just plain vanity. Weight loss is also considered as a means of improving your overall sense of well being.

Now that you are already informed about the best fat burning diet, come to the conclusion that weight loss is a long journey that should begin with the right mindset. This includes behaviour modification, exercise and healthier food choices. By helping yourself and following this diet tips with all your heart, for sure, your goals will be achieved.

Losing those unwanted pounds seems elusive. Throw your worries and cares away! Let Jennifer Lewis guide you on the best fat burning diet. Start to discover more hot tips at her website on top weight loss guides.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_J._Lewis

Good Diet Tips to Lose Abdominal Fat - What is the Top Diet For Losing Fats in Your Abs?

If you are looking for a way to lose those abdominal fats that are proudly showing and are simply embarrassing, then changing your diet can be your best bet to do just that. Some people opt to go the faster way by going under the knife to get rid of those fats. However, the whole process can be fatal and scary, not to mention that it will cost a lot to get a surgery. Little do many know that by simply choosing a good diet, they can lose a number of pounds off the weighing scale.

If you want to burn belly fat, here are the top diet tips that you should consider:

1. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is ideal for burning belly fat. The old rule is to eat at least five servings of vegetables and two servings of fresh fruits daily. These are actually the keys to maintaining a good weight and keeping the fat at bay. Not only is a vegan meal a great source of vitamins and minerals, but it is also rich in fiber and good carbs that will make you feel full for a longer period of time.

2. A low-sugar diet will help you in your goal to trim down. Almost half of your sugar intake might possibly be coming from sugary beverages which are not healthy in the first place. Sugar is merely a simple carbohydrate and, if taken in excessive amounts, is not essential in your diet compared to complex carbs. So the next time you drink your next soda, think of all the useless sugars it can add to your weight first.

3. Portion controlled diet is better than eating low fat meals. The problem with low fat plans is you still have to eat large portions of meals three times a day which is not any better than eating six small servings of your favorite food daily. Since you need to balance between the calories you consume and the calories your body burns, portion control is a good practice for you.

Now you want to have more energy, be Healthier, look Younger, lose weight, and cleanse your body, right?

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Acai Berry is the #1 "Super Food" because it has so many different elements that help your body, so you can't go wrong with Acai Berries & Colon Cleansing.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ruben_McDaniels

Extreme Fat Loss in 2 Weeks - Melt Away Fat Every 2 Weeks With This Effective Diet!

If you are wondering how to have extreme fat loss in 2 weeks, then take a look at this article. An ideal diet program suitable for all ages to lose excess weight is prescribed here. You will not undergo any artificial food or put your body forcefully in fasting for losing weight. Try this straight healthy method to lose your unwanted fats.

* Why to avoid foods that reduces metabolism?

Faded foods or foods that lack nutrients are not recommended in the modern method of weight loss programs. Researches have led to the conclusion that faded foods or completely dieting your body not reduces the fat, instead slows down the speed of metabolism which has a vital role in reducing fat. So, without dieting and taking good food you need to increase your metabolism rate. This process will end as a permanent solution to your ambition of extreme fat loss in 2 weeks.

Faded diets increases fat contents in the body and also does not give flexibility in melting the existing fat. You can experience extreme fat loss in 2 weeks, if you boost metabolism by taking whole grains, good fats, rich carbohydrates, complex fibres, vitamins & minerals.

* Does calorie diet shifting help in extreme fat loss in 2 weeks?

Calorie diet shifting does not allow you to restrict foods. This is a unique way of shifting the calorie and thereby boosting the metabolism. As we need to raise metabolism for fat burning, this method was suggested by experts. All the 4 meals you take in a day will be alternatively replaced with different calories of food. Here, you miss the regular calorie and replace it with higher calorie. This interchange or confusion is done to shoot up metabolism.

Calorie shifting diet can also be done by replacing protein in the place of carbohydrates and vice versa. Suppose, the main diet in your breakfast is oatmeal (rich in protein) replace it with some other food that is rich in carbohydrates. Your body could not accept this minor confusion and this leads to acceleration of metabolism.

When metabolism shoots up, your fat burning hormones raises and melts the accumulated obstinate fat.

Want to Melt Away Fat and drop 9 lbs. EVERY 11 DAYS? Well, I highly recommend the "calorie shifting diet" from Fat Loss 4 Idiots. I lost an amazing 50 lbs. of fat total in 8 weeks using this popular online diet plan... and it all stayed off FOR GOOD! This diet works so well because it is based on skyrocketing your metabolism by eating REAL foods. NO starvation, NO cravings, NO diet pills... just 100% natural and very EASY dieting! Clickhttp://weight-loss-diet-secret.info and get started today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_Gate

How to Burn Body Fat Without Extreme Dieting - Lose Weight Fast!

Are you ready to learn how to burn body fat without suffering and starvation? You really don't have to resort to drastic calorie reduction or vigorous exercise to get rid of body fat easily. Contrary to popular belief, burning calories and body fat is fairly easy to do!

You hear so many different opinions on this topic. From fasting and ridiculously low calorie diets to lifting weights, running 3 miles a day or doing exhausting cardio, there are so many stories you don't know what really works. I will give you a few tips on how to burn body fat that truly work, and aren't hard to accomplish.

First of all, who can live on those special diet meals that contain about half of the food you normally eat? Besides that, the food usually isn't too tasty. Just the thoughts of those meals is enough to send you to McDonald's for a double quarter pounder with cheese!

Now, here are a few things you should know about burning body fat, and how easily it can be done.

1. Fat burning foods - No, these aren't rabbit foods. They are real foods that you eat every day. Lean proteins, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, nuts - these are all good fat burning foods. Calcium is a super fat burner!

2. Combining foods - There are some secret little tricks to combining your foods in a way the increases calorie and fat burn tremendously. When protein, fat and carbohydrates are combined in the right manner, your metabolism goes through the roof.

3. Eating more often - Think 3 meals per day is the right way to lose weight? Think again! How often and when you eat makes all the difference.

These are just a few tips on how to burn body fat. There are many other little secrets you probably don't know. Did you know that you must have calories in your body for your metabolism to work properly? That's why starvation diets don't work. Your metabolism slows down drastically, and you stop losing weight.

If you are ready to finally get rid of excess fat and achieve the slim body you've always wanted, you can. Are you ready to learn more about how to burn body fat? Visit the links below and get the body you want in no time flat!

Ready to learn how to burn body fat without suffering or extreme diets? It's much easier than you think, and you don't have to eat expensive and tasteless diet meals! Read my reviews on the best quick weight loss plans at http://lose-weight-and-burn-fat.blogspot.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Teresa_Tackett

Fat Burning Pills For Men - Harness the Power of Acai Berry Supplements For Extreme Fat Burning

Who else wants to turn their body into a fat burning furnace to reveal the body of an Olympian that lies underneath? Here's the one thing that's missing in your equation to get the body that will make you proud and drive women crazy - you need to get your metabolism to the highest level you can if you want the ripped look you see on magazines. But if you're working a desk job or don't have that much activity in life, raising your metabolism to a fitness model level is next to impossible.

The only way to level the playing field is to add a natural fat burning supplement like Acai berry to your diet. Only then can you skyrocket your metabolism levels and start to feel the fat around your midsection and all over your body melting away.

What Types Of Guys Need Acai Berry Supplements?

No matter where you're at on the spectrum of weight loss, Acai berry supplements can help you in some major ways. If you're just beginning to eat healthy, an Acai berry supplement can enhance any changes you make for the better. For instance, if you're still struggling to switch to whole grain breads and pastas, an Acai berry supplement can help you add more fiber to your diet with just one or two pills daily.

Let's say that you're already going to the gym and eating reasonably well. An Acai berry supplement can help you as well. One of the benefits of Acai is that it's one of the most potent sources of antioxidants on the planet. Antioxidants will help a guy like you because they'll help fight free radical damage. Free radicals are dangerous particles that cause cell damage which contributes to the loss of muscle mass.

You probably know that muscle is one of the best ways to increase your metabolism to extreme heights. If you're not getting enough antioxidants in your diet, you're going to have much harder to maintain the muscle that you're gaining. Gaining muscle is already difficult - don't make it harder for you by ignoring what is going on inside your body. Acai berry pills will actually give you an advantage over this natural process for a boost to your metabolism.

What Makes Acai Berry Supplements Better Than Other Fat Burners?

There's no question that there are plenty of fat burning supplements on the market. But what makes Acai berry outstanding and better than all the others is that it's completely natural. When you think of other fat burners, you can't help but wonder what types of side effects they might have. Whether it's being jittery or causing heart damage, man made fat burning pills can wreck havoc on your body.

An Acai berry supplement is beneficial because it's completely natural and works with your body rather than against it. You won't have to worry about not being able to function at work because you can't sit still. And you don't need to be faced with the risk of being rushed to the hospital for heart palpitations. All you need to do is take your Acai berry supplement, make some small changes in the way you eat, and then you'll turn your body into a fat burning furnace.

Good News!

We have saved you hours of research and possibly hundreds of dollars by reviewing the top fat burning pills for men [http://www.acaiberryformenonly.com] available on the market. Don't fall for the scams, traps, and junk pills that have been produced to steal your money. Do the best thing and visit [http://www.acaiberryformenonly.com] today to find out about the only valuable Acai berry supplements for men.

You'll even find out about some special limited time offers where you can get FREE trials on the products we reviewed.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeff_LeCrois

2 Extreme Fat Burning Exercises For Women!

Ladies, if you are wanting to take your fat burning cardio strength routine to the next level then you have got to include exercises that will elevate your level of perceived exertion and cause you to break a sweat nearly right when you start your workouts. This is the most efficient way to get your body to burning calories at a high rate so that your body will kick into fat burning mode. I have included 2 exercises below that will help you with this very need.

Fat Burning Exercises For Women!

1. Kettlebell Thrusters: You see ladies by now you may have heard of the ancient strength and conditioning device that is known as the kettlebell. This device is highly effective effective in helping you to torch a significant amount of body fat within a short amount of time if you don't mind breaking a sweat. The kettlebell thruster is a hell of a lift for you to engage in to help you to annihilate the stubborn body fat you have been battling for so long.

To execute the kettlebell thrusters you need to have the availability of at least a single kettlebell of moderate resistance. Make sure that you are comfortable and have a 100% confidence in handling a kettlebell in base lifts such as pressing and squats before performing this lift. To begin, place the bell on the ground between your feet with your stance slightly wider than shoulder width. Next, clean and rack the kettlebell to your chest. From here squat while maintaining the balance of the bell in front of you in the racked position. Try to squat low enough to touch the inside of your knee with your elbow. This is a good marker to gauge your range of motion. Come out of the squat and once fully extended perform an overhead press with the bell. Continue this cycle for the designated number of repetitions to complete the set.

2. Kettlebell Swings: If you are looking for a truly effective exercise to help you to kick your body into fat burning mode then you just found it with this exercise ladies. Kettlebell swings are a truly effective exercise and a tremendous fat burning workout routine for women. This is the base pull oriented strength endurance lift that you can perform with the kettlebell.

The kettlebell swing basically involves you swinging a bell or bells from between your legs up to at least chest level back and forth like a pendulum. This lift can be varied in many ways by either manipulating the range of motion to swing the bell all the way above your head, by including 2 bells, by swinging heavier bells, or by only swinging a single bell in one arm. The many variations alone can give you an arsenal of fat burning lifts to perform just about anywhere. To perform the typical double arm single bell swing you will want to hold the bell with both hands allowing it to hang at your groin. From here you are going to engage your hips and knees in a motion of constant flexion and extension to generate the force and momentum you need to swing the bell back and forth. Once you complete 10 to 15 forceful reps of this exercise you will quickly see why it is so effective in helping you to lose the weight.

If you haven't already started to implement the use of kettlebell thrusters and swings into your arsenal of fat burning exercises then you are only holding yourself back ladies. Take the time to learn more on the subject by accessing the rest of my articles for free. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at http://www.efandps.com
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at: http://www.efandps.com/www.efandps.com/Brandons_Members_Newsletter.html
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brandon_Richey

Extreme Fat Loss Diet - Using Joel Marion's Program to Burn Fat

The Extreme Fat Loss Diet (also spelled as Xtreme) of Joel Marion is a workout and diet program that claims to be able to get you to burn fat fast. In fact, in a recent report, Joel Marion pretty much claimed that you can triple your fat loss using a few simple tricks that formulate a part of his plan.

Well, does the Xtreme Fat Loss diet plan really work? Is it for real or not?

Let me start by saying that it's difficult to say for sure whether Joel Marion's claims are accurate. It's hard to calculate how fast you used to burn fat and how fast you're burning fat right now. This is why I can't say for sure whether you can triple your fat loss with this plan or not. It may be exaggerated a bit.

However, what I can say is that Joel Marion is known as a fitness and nutrition expert of some caliber and reputation. He knows how to get men and women to burn off body fat and build lean muscle tissue. He is also famous for his carefully researched plans and advanced fat burning techniques, often using non-traditional methods such as cheating days, density training, and so on. I believe that using Joel Marion's program will help you to burn fat fast. Of that I have no doubt. However, you do need to be aware of a few things:

1. The workouts in this plan will not be so easy to do. You have to be willing to push yourself hard in order to really get the results this program can deliver.

2. You need to follow the program to the letter. Joel Marion's Extreme Fat Loss Diet is made up of a sequence of workout and nutrition combos that need to be followed in order for the best results. You must not deviate from the guidelines.

3. Your weight loss may move in a zig zag. For instance, you may lose 5 pounds in a week, gain 2 in the following 3 days, and then lose 3 more in the four days after that. As one complete cycle of this plan is 25 days, you should judge your results at the end of that period to not cause yourself undue concern.

If you are willing to work hard at this program I believe it can deliver excellent results for you in both fat burning and muscle toning aspects.

For a complete review of how this plan works visit Joel Marion's Extreme Fat Loss For the workouts of this plan and the eating methods involved visit Xtreme Fat Loss Diet Review John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Davenport

Extreme Fat Burning Workouts

Do you want to develop the ripped, shredded look? Imagine how you will feel when you step out of the shower and look at your reflection in the full-length mirror... Are you searching for extreme fat burning workouts?

If you are committed to getting the body you want then you need a plan that is based on results. As you are no doubt aware cardio workouts just don't deliver. They are long, slow, boring and in general a poor way to burn fat. Then what is the best fat burning workout? If you are going to spend time in the gym, why not use the method that gives the best results?

High Intensity resistance training will give you the most result for your time spent. This method has been shown to excel in post exercise energy expenditure.

This means that you are burning calories like mad during the workout and due to the intensity of the workout your body remains "revved up" and continues to burn calories. This has cardio beat hands down.

A few tips for effective workouts:

1. Have a social support network. I can't overstate the value of having people who you can identify with.
2. If you haven't already, improve your diet. Eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruit. Lean meat at meals.
3. Commit yourself to a consistent exercise program.

How fast can you burn fat? Health professionals recommend safe fat loss at 1-2 pounds per week. Remember, you did not gain the fat in a couple of weeks and you are not going to lose it in that amount of time either.

This should answer the question of extreme fat burning workouts [http://www.slimandfitness.info]. This will take time. Commit to consistency. Look to avoid the most common mistakes that most people make, I did, visit this website: [http://www.slimandfitness.info].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Charles_Mason

Low Carb Or Low Fat Diet Best For Losing Belly Fat?

Important news on weight loss and heart health. When it comes to losing dangerous belly fat and improving the function of your blood vessels, it seems that for those who are overweight either a low carb or low fat diet will work just as effectively. Doctors know that being too heavy, especially if the fat sits at your waistline, is a risk in terms of heart disease.

Heart disease is a leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States. It's caused by the build up of plaque in the arteries that lead to your heart. Over time the arteries narrow and blood flow to your heart can slow or stop altogether. And while you can't change heart disease risk factors like your age, your gender, your genes or your race, there are things you can do, today, to decrease your risk. One of the most important is to get your weight under control.

That's easier said than done. And to help clarify the question about which means of weight loss, low carb or low fat, is best, the researchers examined 60 men and women who weighed an average of 215 pounds. Half the group was assigned to follow a low carbohydrate diet, the other half a low fat eating plan - both offering subjects a similar number of calories every day.

The low carbohydrate diet used for the research had up to 30% of daily calories coming from foods like bread, pasta and some fruits, while 40% was from fat that came from meat, dairy and nuts. The low fat diet had no more than 30% of daily calories coming from fat, and 55% of calories coming from carbs.

The subjects also did some moderately intense exercise during the 6-month study period. At the beginning and again at the end of the research, the team assessed the blood vessel function of each participant by conducting a special blood flow test that allowed the researchers to see how well the arteries expanded when they needed to, thus letting blood to flow freely through the body.

When the study was over, the low carb group lost on average 28.9 pounds; the low-fat group lost on average 18.7 pounds. But more important than the number on the scale, in terms of heart health, was the amount of belly fat a subject lost. The more loss in this area, the better the arteries functioned.

The research found that the level of blood vessel function improvement was directly linked to the amount of belly fat the subject lost, no matter whether they were following a low carb or low fat diet. The news is important because there had been concerns from some experts that the low carb diet might have a harmful impact of heart health. This latest work has shown that there is no harmful effect to the heart from eating this way, and that it will help you lose lots of weight as well.

FREE Bonus Secret Health Reports - For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from the Daily Health Bulletin. Click through now to discover more on the differences and similarities between a low carb or low fat diet on effective weight loss.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kirsten_Whittaker

Best Diet For Belly Fat

When it comes to finding the best diet for belly fat you're going to have to look deep into the dieting program to make sure that it fits a number of criteria. The reason most diets on the market are going to fail is because they're way too hard on your body and they'll literally starve your body into losing belly fat. And the worst part about those crash diets is that they're not going to be sustainable because eventually your body is going to get fed up with not eating anything and you'll end up binging. But with the right research you'll be able to discover your best diet for belly fat loss and you'll not only lose the weight fast but you'll keep it off as well.

The reason most crash diets aren't going to work is because they'll think you body is starving and it'll go through drastic measures to make sure that it doesn't. Many people don't know when they starve themselves that they're much more likely to burn muscle off their bodies instead of the fat. This is where the whole skinny fat body syndrome appears because they'll lose all muscle in their body and they're left with an un-toned body. Instead of starving yourself people should really look to rotate the amount of nutrients that they take in on a daily basis.

The reason you'll want to keep changing how much calories your body takes in is because it'll keep your body guessing and thus increase your metabolism. If you keep having your calories too low then you'll also bring down your metabolism and you'll stop losing belly fat for good. The best diet for belly fat loss will easily be the diet that allows you to rotate the nutrients you take in so you can speed up your metabolism. It's really too bad that most people are aware of this calorie cycling principle because it can produce dramatic results for getting rid of belly fat.

Also it's going to be wise to find a diet that you're going to be able to do for a long period of time. With many of the diet programs on the market you're only going to realistically be able to do them for a week or two before you end up cheating on your diet. The best diet for belly fat is going to be the one that will realistically allow you to binge on your diet. To do this you have to find a diet that will make you eating healthy most of the time during the week and on one day you're going to be allowed to completely binge and eat whatever you want. This is not only going to help keep you motivated but it'll also boost your metabolism as well.

The author of this article on the best diet for belly fat also owns a Napa boot camp. For more information on what is the best diet for belly fat be sure to check out his rapid fat loss blog.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Josh_Schlottman

What You Can Expect From The Belly Fat Diet

You Will Lose Weight, but You Will Also Specifically Lose Belly Fat

Because most diets are designed to help you lose weight by cutting and/or burning calories, they result in weight loss that includes the loss of stored water and lean muscle tissue. If you're able to stick to them for long, you may see a nice new number on the scale, but you still look flabby because you've lost muscle instead of stored fat.

This plan does not rely on simply cutting calories to lose weight. You'll probably take in fewer calories, although some people who have been on low calorie diets will actually start taking in more. The key is that you will be taking in the right calories - from foods that actually help to speed up your metabolism, burn stored fat and utilize your food better to provide energy.

You Will Not be Counting Calories, Carbs or Fat Grams

There are two reasons for this.

- This diet does not rely on cutting calories to lose belly fat.

- The foods list is designed to provide plenty of nutrition and satisfaction without empty calories, excess carbs or unhealthy fats. As long as you stick to the foods list and follow some simple guidelines, there's no need to track everything you put in your mouth.

You Will Not Be Portioning or Weighing Anything

One of the reasons that most diets fail, even diets that are based on solid science, is that they take too much time to follow correctly. People today are busy; our schedules are already overloaded and our time is already stretched too thinly. Diets that require you to keep journals, track exchanges and measure, portion and take note of every morsel are a lot like having a second job. No matter how good a diet is, if you don't have time to follow it, it won't work for you.

Again, by sticking to the foods list and following some simple guidelines, you will get plenty of food and plenty of nutrients, without getting too much fat or too many unhealthy carbs. There's nothing to track, nothing to measure.

You Will Not Be Hungry All The Time

One of the keys to losing belly fat is to eat as frequently as possible, even grazing all day long. Because of this, you won't have to be left feeling hungry or have to suffer through cravings brought on by too little food or a lack of the right nutrients.

It may take your body a week or two to get used to your new way of eating, so you may find yourself feeling hungry frequently. However, when you are hungry, you're supposed to eat! There's no need to deal with a grumbling stomach until the next scheduled meal. Eat!

You Will Not Be Tired and Grumpy

Frequent meals and snacks keep your blood sugar steady. Spikes in blood sugar are quickly followed by crashes in blood sugar. This is the cycle that occurs when you skip meals and then eat a large meal, or get too hungry and grab a snack filled with sugar and simple carbs.

This cycle will leave you feeling fatigued, foggy and irritable. It gets even worse when you limit the good carbs and fats in your diet.

The Belly Fat Diet allows you to eat whenever you want - but you're also eating a diet rich in healthy carbs and fats, so you have a steady supply of energy without all those spikes and crashes.

You Will Probably Lose Weight Faster Than You Expect

It used to be accepted as fact that you should never lose more than two pounds per week. This is because most diets cut calories to lose weight. Losing more than two pounds per week meant that you were reducing your caloric intake to unhealthy levels.

Because the Belly Fat Diet does not rely on this method, but rather helps your body to reset and maximize its fat burning and fat storing systems, you can safely lose more than two pounds per week. The old method of dieting actually caused your body to feed on itself by using its own muscle tissue as a source of protein and energy. With this plan, you'll get plenty of calories, protein and other nutrients. You'll also be resetting your body's fat burning and fat storage systems. This means that the weight you lose will be stored fat, not lean muscle, so it's perfectly safe for you to lose more than two pounds per week.

Some people might lose between five and ten pounds the first week. Do not be concerned that you're losing too much too soon. This is a response to increased metabolism, the shedding of unneeded stored water and targeting stored fat. Weight loss often then levels out in the following weeks to an average of between three and five pounds per week.

Not only will the lean muscle tissue you already have be safe, but you'll also actually be adding more lean muscle on this plan.

"It's Just Water Weight": How many times have you heard that phrase? Fad diets do result in fast initial weight loss and a good deal of that weight is water. However, not all water weight loss is temporary. Excess sodium and processed foods cause your body's tissues to retain excess water. The Belly Fat Diet plan cuts out processed foods, additives and excess sodium, which will stimulate your body to flush out all of that unnecessary fluid. Also, the plan is a permanent lifestyle change, not a quick fix. Hopefully, you won't be going back to an unhealthy diet once you reach your fat loss goals, so you won't be packing that water back on. Therefore, some of the weight you lose in the first week or so will be water, but it won't be coming back


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Bui

Belly Fat Increases by Drinking Diet Soda

Do you love diet sodas but still want to lose belly fat? If so, drinking diet sodas may not be a good idea according to a new study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Researchers discovered that people who drank diet soda gained nearly 3 times the belly fat over 9 years as those who did not consume diet soda (J AM Geriatr Soc 2015).

In the study, 749 individuals ages 65 and older were asked, every few years, how many cans of soda they consumed a day, and how many of those sodas were diet or regular.

The results were very predictive of abdominal-fat gain, even after the researchers adjusted for factors like smoking, levels of physical activity and diabetes. Individuals who did not drink diet soda gained approximately 0.8 in. around the waistline over the study period, but the ones who consumed diet soda every day gained 3.2 in. The people who fell between - occasional drinkers of diet soda - gained nearly 1.8 in.

This is quite shocking news to me because I always believed that diet sodas were a healthy choice for weight loss but now research shows it increases belly fat over time for women over 40 and 65. Visceral fat - the fat that surrounds the abdominal organs- is associated with increased cardiovascular disease, type-2 diabetes and inflammation which make this kind of fat the most dangerous. These findings, which authors refer to as "striking," add to the rising body of evidence that no- and low-calorie sweeteners may contain some health concerns.

"Regular sugar has caloric consequences," says the study's senior author Dr. Helen Hazuda, professor of medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. And one of those is that it triggers satiety - a sense of fullness or satisfaction. "Your body is use to knowing that a sweet taste means you are ingesting energy in the form of calories that, if you don't burn them off, is going to convert to fat," she says. Artificial sweeteners, however, confuse our bodies and weaken the link in our brains between sweetness and calories. That, Hazuda says, can lead to weight gain and cravings for sweeter and sweeter treats.

On the other hand, the Caloric Control Council, an association that represents the reduced-caloric food and beverage industry- disagreed with the study's finding. "The use of low-calorie sweeteners in fat loss have been shown to have benefits," the group mentioned.

Researchers found that the belly-fat gain was most common in people who were already overweight. Hazuda says when people think they're doing something good by drinking artificially sweetened drinks, it's "actually totally counterproductive." For the most part, if you are seeking to lose belly fat, it would be a wise idea to reduce those diet sodas and choose a healthier diet choice such as natural fruit juice or water for fat loss.

For more health information, please visit http://www.fatlossfactorxx.com/
Source: Hazuda, H. William, K. Fowler, S. "Diet Soda Intake is Associated with Long-Term Increases in Waist Circumference in a Biethnic Cohort of Older Adults: The San Antonio Longitudinal Study of Aging" 17 March 2015 Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Leeman_Taylor

Belly Fat Diets for Weight Loss

When you're looking to lose weight focusing too much on the stomach area is a mistake as it can be very difficult to lose belly fat simply through exercise. You have to learn a combination of diet and exercise in order to be able to properly you choose fat from your stomach area. You'll find that combining the right diet in addition to exercise is the best way to be able to get rid of the unwanted pounds that you have around your stomach.

Going on a diet to get rid of belly fat does not mean that you need to get rid of all of your favorite foods. And it is not all about eating fruits and vegetables as you can still eat all of the foods that you enjoy. What you want to do is start eating a sensible diet of a basic small meals a day that way you're keeping your metabolism going. You do not want to overly involved in anything that is high in sugar or fats and if possible you want to reduce the amount of carbohydrates that you're consuming.

Another excellent idea when you want to create a diet that is gonna help you lose belly fat is to replace a lot of the fatty foods that you eat with fruits and vegetables. While you do not have to give up every one of your favorite foods by replacing some of the foods that you eat with fruits and vegetables you will be able to start losing fat in your stomach area. There are a great many ways to prepare fruits and vegetables so you should definitely find some way to prepare them that you enjoy.

You'll also want to look for foods that help to burn fat. For example spicy foods are often able to increase your metabolism so if you can increase the amount of spice in your diet deal may often find that your metabolism will increase thus your weight loss in your belly area will increase.

As you can while burning belly fat can be difficult it is not impossible to do. You want to make sure that you creates a diet of good foods and a good exercise regimen and you'll go far in getting rid of the unwanted pounds that you have in not only your stomach area but the rest of your body as well.

Check out this blog for more information on Home Workout Routines

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_O'Riley

Get Sexy Abs and Lose All Your Belly Fat Before the Summer

The summer is coming. Do still have the belly that you do not want. Do you want to have sexy abs. There are a lot of methods that will teach you how to train to get sexy abs. The truth is that you need to have an combination of various things to achieve the perfect belly that you want. In this article I will give you the lifestyle that you need in order to reach your goal. Sexy abs will be the result.

The first thing that you have to do in order to get sexy abs, is to adjust your diet. A lot of you are eating way too much. That wouldn't be a problem, except we want to have sexy abs. Your belly has to burn the fat away. How do we do this. Start with eliminating all junk foods of your diet. A lot of healthy products, are not that healthy. They are just so bad like junk food. So do some research and try eliminate all the fatty products that store fat on your belly.

We cannot have perfect and sexy abs without doing some cardio training. Your body already has stored some fat on your stomach. We have to run and burn off the fat. The only way to that is through cardio training. Cardio training will speed up your metabolism. When your metabolism is increased, you are burning fat faster.

The last step in getting sexy abs is doing crunches. We have to make sure that the abdominal muscles have to grow. In order for the abdominal muscles to grow, you have to train them hard. Make sure that you rest between exercises.

These are the 3 principles to getting abs. Apply it and reap the rewards.

Have you thought that maybe you have the whole picture wrong about how to get six pack abs? There is this fantastic diet and exercise system that will teach you everything you need to know about how to get a firm and trim midsection and that allows your ab muscles to show through. Click Here To Get Six Pack Abs [http://www.top-shape.com/]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ricki_Rivaro

Three Steps to Preparing your Body for Summer

Summer is not too far away. It is almost time for shorts, tank tops, and bathing suits. Time to prepare the body for not only looking good in such few clothes, but preparing the body for the effects of the heat and sun. Three important steps to this preparation include exercise, eating foods high in antioxidants, and drinking plenty of water.

The National Weight Control Registry and a Consumer's Report survey of 32,000 people both show that people who have lost significant amounts of weight and kept it off have all followed some consistent guidelines, which has included regular exercise, eating lots of fruits and vegetables, following a low fat diet, and eating primarily healthy fats.

The advantage of regular exercise not only includes weight loss, but more important is that consistent exercise results in body fat loss and development of muscle tone, which shows most when clothes are skimpier. This improvement can be felt quickly, as the muscles are worked and get used to the demands made of them. When you feel more fit, you start to hold yourself up, stronger and prouder. Posture improves and you just look better, overall. For someone who has not been exercising regularly, after a quick checkup by your doctor, simple walking can be a great way to get started! But, in order for it to be effective, you have to do it on a regular basis; at least 3-5 days a week. When just starting out, 3 days a week of 20 minutes per walk may be plenty. It may even be a challenge at first! If you keep it up, though, shortly it will get easier. As it gets easier, progression to 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week will be more effective. If someone started walking 4 miles per hour (15 minutes per mile) for 30 minutes, 5 days a week, they will start burning roughly an extra 1500 calories a week. Although this will only result the loss of a few pounds in 10 weeks, the increase in your resting metabolic rate will also increase with regular exercise. Your resting metabolic rate is how many calories you burn at rest. The higher your metabolic rate, the more calories you burn when just sitting! So, without even changing the way you eat, you're already working towards some weight loss.

This brings us to the second step for preparing the body for summer, which is making some changes to the diet by increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables. There are three advantages to a diet high in fruits and vegetables;

1. these foods are rich in antioxidants, which help protect the skin from the harmful, oxidating effects of the sun and toxic chemicals from the hot air,

2. they also have been shown to help fight against heart disease, cancer and obesity,

3. finally, they will fill you up on fewer total calories because they are high in fiber and bulk. If a person were to eat 5-10 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, which is the recommendation of many health organizations, today, they would feel fuller on fewer net calories by the end of the day. Theoretically, they could end up eating 200-500 fewer calories per day, which further helps with weight loss. Plus, you would feel better, your hair, skin and nails would look better, and you would become more regular.

The final important step to preparing for summer is to increase your intake of water. Sixty percent of our body is water. Studies have shown that a diet adequate in water helps with weight loss, helps moisten skin, decreases dryness, can help prevent the development of wrinkles, keeps the hands and lips moist, can help fight heat exhaustion, and even has shown to decrease bladder cancer in men. Although there is a lot of debate over just how much water each of us needs, a good individual rule of thumb is to drink enough water so that your urine is clear by the afternoon. Worry about staying up all night going to the bathroom? Then drink most of your water in the first half of the day. Don't like water? Then experiment with various temperatures of plain water, or add a slice of lemon or orange to your water. Perhaps you can find a flavored (not sweetened) water. Even eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables and getting plenty of other fluids can be adequate for some, because these foods and other fluids also provide free water for the body's needs.

Now is the time to start getting ready for summer! It is not too late. If you start on these steps now, you will be well on your way to feeling great, looking great, and be prepared for a new you this summer, strutting your stuff in those brand new shorts that are sitting in your closet.

Marjorie Geiser is a registered dietitian, certified personal trainer and life coach. Marjorie has been the owner of a successful small business, MEG Fitness, since 1996, and now helps other nutrition professionals start up their own private practice. To learn more about the services Margie offers, go to her website at http://www.megfit.com or email her at margie@megfit.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marjorie_Geiser

Get Bikini Ready Fast With the EASY Steps!

Get Bikini Ready In No Time!

Even though you might not think about it, summer is fast approaching. If you don't start planning now, you wont make your body shine for bikini season. So, what I want to do is give you some easy tips that will help you be the envy of everyone at the beach!

Bikini Season Tip #1

The first and most important tip I can give you is that you must plan for this! You cant expect to just go into the gym 4 weeks before summer and expect to look great! So, what you need to do is set a goal at least 6-12 weeks out that way the day the pool/beach opens up you are ready to go and have the body YOU deserve!

Bikini Season Tip #2

Now that we know we need to plan lets talk about getting our bodies looking the best! The next thing we need to do is have a good workout plan together. I recommend working out at least 4-5 times a week doing moderate to heavy resistance training. Now, this is going to help you increase lean muscle tissue (you wont get big and bulky) and help decrease fat! So, its time to get started!

Bikini Season Tip #3

Diet Diet Diet.... You just cant expect to eat pizza, donuts, and ice cream and have a rockin summer body! You are going to have to cut back on junk food and increase quality food! What I recommend doing is eating good healthy small meals, 4-5 a day. Another tip is to eat your carbs in the morning and not at night! But, try and eat 4-5 small, healthy meals a day and this is going to help your metabolism skyrocket and help you lose weight for summer fast!

Lets Sum It Up!

Ok, so there are three tips that will help you lose weight for summer and look absolutely amazing in your bikini! Remember, you need to plan, have a good workout plan that makes you really sweat, and clean up that diet! You can do it! You will be the envy of everyone this summer!

You see, even if you just follow the tips above you WILL lose weight. It doesn't have to be THAT hard. There are fast and easy ways to lose weight. If you go here The Get Fit Club [http://www.thegetfitclub.com] you can find out how.

Of course, the site listed above is only for people who are SERIOUS about losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle. Here is the site again - The Get Fit Club [http://www.thegetfitclub.com]. Its time to have the body YOU deserve!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christopher_M._Gardner

7 Simple Steps To Lose Extra Weight And Tone Up For Your Summer

Summer is here and we are already half-way through the year!

As the weather starts to get warmer, we start to ditch our warm clothings and prepare for our summer vacations. We love to spend time with our family or friends at the beach, and we become more conscious about our own body shapes.

If you have been putting off starting your weight loss plan, this is a great time to start seriously.

But the truth is that it is not easy for women over 40 to lose weight within a short period of time. It will take a lot of hard work and consistent effort if you want to achieve the weight loss you desire.

Eating right, making smart food choices, and working out regularly are the keys to the body almost everyone will envy. Having said that, it's never too late to improve your body and your look for your bathing suit, bikini, or tankini.

Start your beach body "boot camp" today!

Here is a simple 7-step plan for you to lose some pounds and tone up for your summer...

1. Write it all down on a journal.

It is always a good idea to write down accurately what you eat and drink everyday including your occasion snacks (e.g. a chocolate cookie). Also, you must jot down what kind of exercise you do every day. From there, you can learn about your own eating and exercise behaviour. You will be able to zoom in your weak points which you can make improvements on.

2. Learn to read the food labels.

This is a very important habit you must adopt. Do not be deceived by words such as "Low Fat" or "Less Sugar". The products may have reduced its fat or sugar content from the original products, but you must still do a proper comparison with other similar products to find the right kind of food for yourself. Remember to study every label before you purchase anything that will end up going into your body.

3. Drink more water & cut down on other beverages.

It is very important that we drink 8 to 10 eight-ounce glasses of water a day. You will need drink even more when you are doing your exercise. In case you didn't know, this can help your metabolism also. Try to cut down on your fruit juices. Instead, it's better to eat the whole fruit because it will give you the fiber and vitamins your body needs and less calories as compared to a glass of fruit juice. If possible, try to limit your alcohol intake, especially high caloric alcoholic beverages.

4. Eat all your meals.

Do not skip any meals. Many women tend to skip their meals, especially their breakfast. Do not do this. You must eat breakfast everyday. Because so many hours have passed since last night's dinner, your breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Choose a breakfast with complex carbs and fruits to kick start your day. You can have a small snack before your lunch and your dinner. As for your dinner, it is a good idea to reduce the portion size and have more vegetables for easy digestion. Remember, do not starve yourself as this will backfire on you, and make it more difficult to lose the weight in the future.

5. Exercise.

A good old advice. Exercise is one of the keys to lose weight regardless what kind of diet you are on. A 30-minute routine of aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, jogging or swimming every day can help to burn more fat in your body. Even doing housework can be treated as a form of exercise. Remember, you must keep your body moving if you want to burn those fats.

6. Increase your metabolism

The key to increase your metabolism is really to build muscles. Muscles are like a furnace that increases your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories even when you are at rest. Thus, muscles are very important and essential for your fat loss. You can do weight resistance training 2 to 3 times every week. Furthermore, you will also look better with a toned-up body when you are in your swimming suit or bikini... just like the Hollywood stars.

7. Sleep.

Many people tend to ignore the importance of sleep. In fact, if you have sufficient 8 hours of good sleep, you will not only feel refreshed and recharged, but you will find yourself losing some weight. Recent scientific research has shown that people with insufficient sleep tend to have difficulty to lose weight and tend to get other health problems too.

It may seem quite easy but without a proper plan and successful strategies, you won't succeed in achieving your weight loss goals. You really need to have patience as results do not happen overnight. The most important thing is that you must not GIVE UP even when you hit a temporary setback.

Copyright 2006 Tracy Lee

Tracy Lee is the owner of the "Weight Loss for Women Over 40" site. Get the latest news, tips & tricks that can help women over 40 to lose weight safely and permanently, and your complimentary copy of our Special Report "9 Little-Known Insider Weight Loss Secrets To Help Women Over 40 Make Those Extra Pounds Disappear" instantly here:


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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tracy_Lee

Post Partum Belly Fat - 3 Shortcuts on How to Lose Baby Weight

Wow - So, you had your precious baby over 6 weeks ago and you're still stuck with postpartum belly fat? Have no fear - there is a way to get your body back and have fun while you're doing it! Keep reading to find out 3 shortcuts to success and how to lose baby weight...

The bad news is it does take a trustworthy, reliable diet and exercise program designed especially for new moms with a postpartum belly and you will have to work at it. The good news it that it can still be fun and something you actually look forward to! The key is to take "shortcuts".

What are shortcuts? Well, we're not necessarily talking easier - because easier doesn't usually mean "better" in the world of weight loss.

No, when we say "shortcut" we are talking about taking a path that can get you there faster and with less resistance.

We all know it takes diet and exercise - but what makes some people quit while other people are able to keep going until they love the shape their in? The answer is "shortcuts" - three little things that get them there faster and with less resistance.

So, what are the shortcuts to successful belly fat weight loss? Check these out:

1. This is the #1 shortcut - USE SOME TYPE OF RESISTANCE IN YOUR WORKOUTS! Seriously, plain old cardio won't cut it. You will lose weight, but your body will stay flabby and soft - yuck. Add light weights and "interval training" for your best results. See the diet and workout mentioned at the bottom of this article for more details on a postpartum belly busting program that is designed specifically for moms! This workout only takes 15 minutes. Shorter workouts are better because you are more likely to do them!

2. Create a good support system. This means telling your family, friends, and coworkers what you are doing and that you need their support and encouragement. Let them know that you are serious and that you would really appreciate it if they would be positive and helpful when you really need it. This makes a huge difference - for example at work - it can be really hard when it is someone's birthday and everyone is expected to eat cake. If you let your coworkers know this is not good for you - perhaps they will make something low fat and healthy, or at least congratulate you for passing up on the fat and calories!

3. Communicate frequently with others who are going through the same thing as you and be accountable to them. This can truly be a lifeline at times. Either find someone who wants to workout and diet with you, or join a weight loss group, or find a weight loss forum online (one is included with the program at the bottom of the page). THIS IS SOOO IMPORTANT! You will be amazed at how much easier it is to go keep it going (and keep it fun!) when you are doing it with others who know what you are going through! You can discuss your experiences and what is working for you. Remember, it's great to talk about what is bothering you, to vent, and complain - but the key thing to focus on here is to always be looking for SOLUTIONS to your challenges. Find out what is working for others, what recipes they are using, what new workout moves are most effective, and any other tidbits of information that keep you involved.. Check up on each other, encourage one another, and keep each other ON TRACK.

There you have it - the top 3 shortcuts to successful postpartum and belly fat weight loss. Actually, for any kind of weight loss! The fact is that the people who incorporate these 3 things into their weight loss program are the most successful.

You can use one or all of these "shortcuts". The important thing is to get started! Begin by adding one shortcut, and as you get used to it, add another. Who said you had to live with a pregnant belly? With these "shortcuts" you'll be wearing your skinny jeans in no time!

To get more of these POSTPARTUM BELLY TIPS - and TO GET SKINNY FAST, check out this SPECIAL WORKOUT AND DIET designed EXCLUSIVELY FOR MOMS - Just Go To: [http://www.slimandsexymom.info]. Included is a FREE mini course and an online forum for you to talk to other moms who are going through the same thing you are!

To read more about post partum belly and what you can do about it - go to: Post Partum Belly and Lose The Baby Fat Belly Fast!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anna_Anderson