So you want to know the quickest way to get a six pack in the fast possible time? Okay, I'm going to break down a simple blueprint to help you achieve that goal. Once you've read this article, take action. That's the biggest piece of advice I can give you today.
Forget About Sit Ups, Crunches and The Like....
Yes that's right. There's a common misconception that you can chip away at your stomach fat by subjecting your abs to hundreds of sit ups. This kind of advice will only lead you to waste precious time in the gym and more importantly precious time with which you could spend in losing the fat to uncover your six pack. So, the most important point so far in this article is this- DO NOT WASTE TIME with abdominal exercises. You simply cannot spot reduce by doing so. And anyone who gives you that advice is perpetuating a myth born out Hollywood action movies. Period.
Clean Up Your Die For A Ripped Stomach
This is the boring part for most people. I mean, there is nothing more satisfying than the pump you feel after a hardcore workout at the gym. There is a real sense of achievement in doing that. Again, I apologise if you believe that gym work is more important than your diet in getting ripped abs because it isn't. Working out should compliment a clean healthy diet. Take a look at boxers for instance. When they need to drain weight before a fight, most of the emphasis is on the diet. There are hundreds of diets out there, but my advice is this, don't follow diets, follow a lifestyle choice. If you cut out sugar, fat and up your protein in addition to a high veg high fibre diet, you will increase weight loss around the stomach like you won't believe.
Work Out With Intensity
Here's the fun part for those of you who love a good workout. Working out will help you on your way to the Quickest Way To Get A Six Pack. Of course this sounds obvious, but again, here's the drawback. If you go to the gym and perform your workout slowly, with long rest breaks in between sets and a huge emphasis on cardio, you are going the wrong way about accelerating the fat loss around your waist.
You need to exercise with intensity with minimum rest breaks. If you've ever heard of interval training or circuit training that is a great way to start. Google it if you don't believe me. If you hit the treadmill for calorie loss, ditch it for free weights. You'll lose more fat by shocking the body into increasing its metabolism. Concentrate on the exercise which will hit your body's core. Bench press, shoulder presses, squats, curl,lunges and deadlifts are a must.
Okay, you've read the short blueprint, but if you want the full recipe to the quickest way to Get A Six Pack, click through to my Secret Recipe to a ripped six pack now.
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