Foods to Eat to Lose Belly Fat - How to Harden Up That Flabby Midsection

Foods you eat are the prime reason for you putting up weight. On the other hand, there are a number of foods you can eat to help you lose weight. If you have that belly fat, here are three super foods you can eat to lose belly fat:

Avocados are the top foods to eat to lose belly fat. These contain oleic acid. This is very helpful in fighting cholesterol. There are a number of benefits of reduced cholesterol in the body. Not only does it significantly reduce the risk of heart ailments, it also helps in speeding up blood circulation.

A heightened blood circulation leads to a higher metabolism. This in turn helps lose weight. Also, avocados are a very good source of potassium. Potassium helps against blood pressure. Hence a good diet of avocados on a daily basis is also good for health.

Almonds, walnuts and other nuts are another category of foods to eat to lose weight. The body needs proteins and calories for energy generation. There are a number of ways through which this need can be fulfilled. You have a choice of foods like bread, corn, cereal etc. which are processed foods.

These are a good source of energy, but are also harmful for someone trying to lose weight. Almonds, walnuts and other nuts are very helpful in providing the body the required amount of calories and at the same time do not have excess carbohydrates or fats that are harmful to the body.

These nuts are also helpful in lowering cholesterol. These nuts also contain Vitamin E which is an antioxidant and hence helps the body in fighting off the free radicals. This helps arrest premature aging.

Onion, garlic and ginger are another group of super foods to eat to lose belly fat. These foods have been used for ages, across cultures, because of their health benefits. These foods are a very good source of supplements that the body needs to ward off ailments.

They have also been known to help further weight loss. The biggest advantage of these foods is that, unlike in case of some other foods, the body does not get resistant to these foods over a period of time. Thus, the benefits from these foods continue over a period of time.

These three foods, if used in the daily diet, can help you lose belly fat. These are the best foods to eat to lose belly fat.

The last factor which I haven't covered here is of course your diet. You can watch my free video [http://thefatfurnace.com] which reveals the number 1 diet secret that stops most people from EVER getting in shape despite everything else they do. You can watch it here: [http://thefatfurnace.com]

I hope you enjoyed this article on exercise to reduce stomach fat.

Sage Thompson is a fat loss coach and fitness enthusiast. She regularly contributes to the health and fitness community with her articles, newsletters and blogs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sage_Thompson/832558

Vacuum Pose - The Best Exercise to Remove Belly Fat

There is one exercise that holds all promise for removing belly fat. You don't have to go to the gym if you want to perform this. You don't have to look weird performing it in public. Plus it is also very simple, but very effective. In just a month you could slash 1.75 inches. Your waist would end up looking healthier and sexier.

So you might ask if this method is effective. Just see the results for yourself. This is Arnold Schwarzenegger's secret. Look at the tone of his waist muscles. You can have that for yourself if you practice the vacuum pose exercise. Simply follow the steps posted below.

As mentioned above, this exercise is simple. Just suck in your abdominal muscles. Do it as if you are allowing your navel to touch your spine. Focus on this; don't just suck in for the sake of sucking in. Now hold this position as long as you can. Fifteen seconds is okay but if you can hold for a minute then that is even better.

Then slowly exhale, but don't breathe in fully. Those with lung or heart conditions should avoid this exercise as it could damage their fragile organs. Those with healthier organs can practice this safely. You will see the results for yourself.

This vacuum pose is the best belly fat removing exercise ever made. Give yourself 5 minutes to perform this every day. You can add more if you want to. Pretty soon, in a month, you will slash 1.75 inches. Your waistline would never have looked sexier.

Check out these tips to Burn Belly Fat [http://weight-losing-guide.info/] faster with no bogus diet pills or useless "abdominizer" gadgets.

Good luck with your fitness goals - Click Here Now! [http://weight-losing-guide.info/]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Bob_Tyler/619547

Quickest Way To Lose Belly Fat Guaranteed

If you've been looking for the ultimate quickest way to lose belly fat, then this article is for you. I'm going to show you 3 super secret and brain-dead easy tricks that are guaranteed to help you start losing abdominal fat IMMEDIATELY!

For me weight didn't really become an issue until my mid-twenties when my sedentary lifestyle and poor dietary habits landed me in a 270 lb. fat suit complete with two double chins and thighs that constantly rubbed together (causing painful irritation).

Then, to make matters worse, my girlfriend left me (she wasn't attracted anymore). This resulted in me falling into a deep depression (and I got even fatter).

After a year or so burying my pain under mountains of greasy snacks I decided to get up off my duff and get my body back into shape.

And I tried everything... from reading muscle magazines, to giving up cheese, soda and desserts, to buying an ab machine I saw advertised on late night television.

And the truth is that each of these things did help, a little bit.

I mean seriously, if you count calories and exercise regularly you are pretty much guaranteed to drop SOME of your weight.

But, and it's a big BUT...This can be an extremely slow and agonizing process.

I should know, I've been there, done that, and I've got the t-shirt to prove it!

Luckily however, I was able to speed up my gains significantly when I found out the quickest way to lose belly fat, and not to toot my own horn but these days I basically look like a fitness model!

Here's the quick and dirty version of how I did it:

1) I stopped killing myself in the gym
I always thought that if I busted my hump doing hard-core cardio sessions that I would lose the weight. And, I tried and tried but it never really did me any good. In fact I would just end up exhausted and starving. Now I just lift weights for 40 minutes at a time and forget about cardio all together!

2)I accepted the fact that "spot reduction" is a complete myth
Complete myth! I used to do 100-200 crunches every time I went to the gym, and y'know what, my abs were nowhere in sight! It wasn't until I started working out the RIGHT way that I was able to melt off my gut and see the abs underneath (they had been there all along!)

3) I discovered small dietary tweaks to pay HUGE dividends
When I tried to be a vegetarian I got FATTER. When I tried the Atkin's diet I felt like complete crap and all that meat gave me terrible acne. But, when I made minor tweaks like cutting out processed white flour products, and eating a handful of raw almonds before each meal I started losing lbs. at an ALARMING rate.

This next part is extremely important, so pay attention:

Ever since I dropped my weight, I've been telling everybody about this awesome system - As far as I'm concerned it's the absolute quickest way to lose belly fat

Click Here and watch the fat melt right off of you!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Curtis_Drexler/700916

Rope Skipping Workout to Help Women Lose Belly Fat

Rope Skipping Was Something Women Used to Enjoy

Rope skipping is a great exercise however, for many women the last time they skipped rope was back when they were young kids or probably in middle school. Using a jump rope can be very effective in helping women lose belly fat and it is a shame that something so simple gets over looked so much. Though I see many of my clients who are able to easily walk or run on the treadmill for 30 minutes most can't skip rope for 5 minutes straight without needing to stop. Think about when you where younger and how much fun it was to be outside rope skipping. In fact only a few people take rope skipping serious and those who do tend to be in top condition such as professional boxers or MMA fighters.

What Muscles Will Rope Skipping Work On Your Body

Rope skipping will work almost every single muscle fiber in your body. I am going to say that after your very first workout using a jump rope that you are going to be sore in places that you never knew existed before. The first time I did my workout routine with a jump rope my entire body felt like it was on fire and was sore for a few days. Not only will skipping rope help you lose belly fat it will have you lean and toned in no time. It will not only work your core muscles, but also your thighs, calves, arms, and shoulders.

Best Type of Rope To Buy For Skipping and Working Out

I have seen ropes be a cheap as $5 and although any rope will work I suggest getting a nice quality speed rope. You can find a speed rope for less than $20 at almost any sporting goods store. They reason I suggest spending a little more on the rope is so you don't break them and so that you can get one that allows you to adjust the length. Make sure the rope is long enough so that while you are skipping the rope doesn't keep hitting your head and short enough so that you are able to pick up speed for your cardio workout.

A 10 Minute Rope Skipping Routine That Kicks Belly Fat for Women

First make sure you are standing in front of a clock or have something that will keep time without you having to look down or stop skipping rope. For the first 3 minutes skip rope non stop at slow to medium pace just to warm your muscles up. After your three minute warm-up rest for 60 seconds and now the workout begins. Jump rope as fast as you can for 60 seconds and rest for 30 seconds and then repeat for 6 to 10 minutes.

1. 3 minute warm-up at a slow to medium pace
2. 1 minute rest
3. 1 minute skipping rope as fast as you can
4. 30 second rest
5. 1 minute rope skipping as fast as you can
6. 30 second rest and repeat for 6 minutes

How to Skip Rope Correctly to Get Rid of Fat

In the beginning a lot of people will tend to jump twice between each rope rotation, this is also known as double bouncing. This is okay if you are just starting out as you have to get your calf and abdominal muscles in better shape. When you are rope skipping you should be careful that your arms should barely move and it should be your wrists that do most of the turning of the rope. If you want to speed up the rope rotation then simply increase how fast you rotate your wrist.

When you first start out jumping rope for 3 minutes straights will be a workout itself. I suggest that you spend your first 2-3 weeks simply working up to being able to skip rope for three minutes straight. If you mess up this means that your entire three minutes starts back over and you keep going until you accomplish this.

Thomas S. Moore is an avid fitness consultant who gives sound advice to women who are looking to achieve a body that only most could dream about. Click here to see more information on how Jump Rope Cardio Kicks Butt. Also visit: http://www.waisthipsandthighs.com for other information on getting the body you've always wanted.

Thomas S. Moore

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Thomas_S_Moore/623153

Navy SEAL Workouts Burn Belly Fat, But Are They For You?

Navy SEAL workouts are superior for burning belly fat and building functional strength. However, the knock against them is that they do not build muscular size. To me, this is NOT a legitimate gripe.

Last week, some friends and I finished our workout at they gym and were discussing what we could do to improve our strength. One of the guys suggested chipping in a couple of bucks each, and buying a Navy SEAL workout dvd to get some ideas for putting together a routine. This seemed like a great idea to me, but our other buddy said, "Those SEAL workouts aren't good for anything but getting you in shape."

Say what? Isn't that what we wanted to do? What he was getting at was that, though, is that we would get stronger, we would burn belly fat, we would get more defined...but we would not get BIG.

Right there is the crux of polarized opinion and the two resolving arguments for using (or not using) Navy SEAL workouts in your personal fitness program.

Exactly what are the Navy SEALs...and what do they do?

The United Sates Navy SEALs are an elite commando fighting unit that engages in covert combat operations. SEAL is an acronym for Sea, Air, Land...the three environments where these small teams gather intelligence, destroy targets, and make rescues, all without being detected. Their missions include small unit patrolling, high speed boat operations, combat swimmer operations, urban warfare, SDV and dry deck operations (using small mini-subs to launch from a main submarine), and even winter warfare operations. They work in small units from two men, up to a platoon of 16, in harsh elements of heat and cold.

How are Navy SEAL workouts focused in their training programs?

These special forces are trained in extreme environments of heat and cold. Their conditioning takes place in jungles, deserts, and urban environments. It is all centered on their mission objectives of Unconventional Warfare, Counter Terrorism, Special Reconnaissance, Foreign Internal Defense, and Direct Action. In a nutshell, Navy SEAL fitness is geared to maximizing mission-related performance. They must be able to transport a substantial amount of equipment, plus two weapons and ammunition, over varied, rugged, and unforgiving terrain. (Loads of 70 lbs - 80 lbs per man are about standard.) Scramble over fences, walls and blown out buildings. Swim long distances with and without fins. Handle heavy equipment underwater and on land, and climb up and down rope cargo nets or caving ladders.

What are the main components of their workouts?

Running, swimming, and body weight exercises are the staple of conditioning for this elite combat unit. Volume sets (such as 10x30 push ups, 10x20 dips, or 10x10 pull ups) are the backbone of maintaining and increasing functional strength. Long distance swimming and running are combined with sprint interval training in both. Exercise is continuous with relatively short breaks of recovery.

How do Navy SEAL workouts fit for you?

The conditioning routines followed by Navy SEALs expend a huge amount of calories. They want to be as lean and strong as possible to complete the arduous tasks of their missions. If your focus in your personal training program is on benching 300 lbs, dead lifting 400 lbs, or gaining 15 pounds in weight over a 6-month period, this workout program would only frustrate you. However, if you are intent on burning belly fat, increasing your muscular endurance, and elevating your functional strength, committing to Navy SEAL workouts will be worthwhile.

Find out more about Navy SEAL Workouts here. For more detailed information about burning belly fat and building lean muscle mass, please visit our site Life-Without-Fat.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Cade_Beach/562802

Great Tips For Losing Fat On Your Belly

The most vulnerable part of the body for everyone is the belly area since this is where food goes. After you eat, you can easily see its increased size. Apart from that, it is very hard to exercise. It is highly emphasized that other areas of the body is so much easier to tone. For the midsection, you will need to adhere with special exercises along with a strict diet in order to make your belly flat and well-defined.

How To Lose Fat On Belly

Exercise - Adhering to specific exercises which target the vulnerable core area is considered the most common pieces of advice given by health professionals if you want to flatten your belly. For instance, you can perform sit-ups, knee lifts, and crunches - these exercises surely work efficiently. Remember though that you have to perform such exercises as often as you can in order for you to really eliminate the pudginess of the area. Those with washboard abs claim that they are performing ab exercises by the hundreds on a daily basis in order to create those impressive rips on their stomach.

Eat lean proteins - This is also a great tip since they support muscle development. Also, they can easily be digested. Dieticians and nutritionists highly recommend eating high-fibre foods like lentils, broccoli, strawberries, pears, brown rice, cabbages, oats, apples, and lots of green leafy vegetables. You must know that these high-fibre food items will greatly help weight loss by preventing cravings; thus, keeping sugar levels low, promoting better waste elimination, controlling cholesterol and maintaining the right pH balance in the intestines. All of these abilities can certainly do much in keeping the belly flat and healthy.

Non-invasive cosmetic procedures - For people who cannot commit to rigorous workouts, this can be the best option for you. These non-invasive procedures will efficiently reduce stomach fat. One of these procedures is Lipomassage - this is a very popular treatment since it will reactivate the fat release process in order to erase localized fat and imperfections. Also, this will re-sculp your figure. Another procedure you would want to consider is Hypoxi Training. This procedure will allow you to get a workout without the need for you to exert too much due to the fact that these machines will do great job for you. All you have to do is to present your fitness goals and a health professional will know the compatible programme that suits you.

There are still a lot of great options you might want to consider if you want to have a flat belly. More information mentioned here.

There are effective methods on how you can achieve a flat tummy. For more info, click here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Mell_F_Bucks/1868292

Best Fat Loss Diet - Fast & Easy Weight Loss Tips

Is there a best fat loss diet out there? One that will help you lose fat and experience weight loss, but won't have any impact on your muscle mass (except perhaps to make it increase, if that's what you want)? In fact, there is. Perhaps the best fat loss diet out there today is available now, and you can experience it yourself.

So many of us want to lose weight today, but in fact, many of us go about it the wrong way. We focus on total weight loss, not on fat weight loss. However, when it comes to weight loss, what we really want to do is lose the fat and keep the muscle. So the diet we follow has to be the best fat loss diet possible, making fat melt away and helping us feel good, healthy, strong, and best of all, not hungry. There is a diet out there like that, and it's fast becoming a favorite among those who want to lose some fat, not just some weight.

It's called Fat Loss 4 Idiots, and it's unique because when you follow this plan, you are never hungry. Perhaps best of all, though, it's not about deprivation; it's true that when you're "on" the plan, you can't indulge in chocolate cake, but the plan itself focuses on a cycle whereby you do the diet for 11 days, then you eat whatever you want for three days. You follow that up once again with another 11 days on the diet, three days off. When you are on your "three days off" part of the cycle, you can eat that chocolate cake if you so choose. So you never feel tempted to binge because you're never away from your favorite foods for very long.

When you're on the program, during the 11 days, you focus on eating vegetables and fruits, high-quality protein, and some complex carbohydrates. You eat four times a day, every 2 1/2 hours, so that you're never hungry. And you don't count calories or try to control portion sizes, because you eat until you're satisfied but not stuffed. Overeating is going to become a rarity and eventually should be nonexistent, because you'll be eating again in 2.5 hours anyway. So why stuff yourself?

The program does briefly mention exercise, but it's not a central part of the program. If you've been sedentary for a long time and/or if you've got a lot of weight to lose, it's best to focus on some gentle exercising, like moderate walking for 10 minutes. You can always step up your activity once you've lost some weight and have the capability to do it. (Of course, check with your doctor before you undertake any type of exercise program.)

But as easy as it sounds, Fat Loss 4 Idiots really does help you lose weight that will stay off over the long term, and it will help you lose it quickly. The program promises that in that 11 days on the program, you can lose up to 9 pounds. Do as many cycles of the program (11 days on the program, three days off) as you need to until you've reached your goal weight. After that, you can still follow the program if you want to, but you should adjust as necessary so that you don't continue losing weight once you've reached your desired weight.

If you have found that yo-yo diets and magic pills simply don't work, one tool that has been shown to work is Fat Loss 4 Idiots [http://www.fat-loss-4idiots-review.com]. This is a sensible diet that helps plan meals around your weight loss goal and may be a good product for you to try!

Check this simple, affordable plan designed to leave you satisfied and eating delicious foods while you lose weight without hard exercise.

Learn more about proven diet method at [http://www.fat-loss-4idiots-review.com]

It is completely RISK F-R-E-E for 60 days.

Test it, see if it works for you and if not just get all your money back.


Peter Skotnicky

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Peter_Skotnicky/315137