Foods to Eat to Lose Belly Fat - How to Harden Up That Flabby Midsection

Foods you eat are the prime reason for you putting up weight. On the other hand, there are a number of foods you can eat to help you lose weight. If you have that belly fat, here are three super foods you can eat to lose belly fat:

Avocados are the top foods to eat to lose belly fat. These contain oleic acid. This is very helpful in fighting cholesterol. There are a number of benefits of reduced cholesterol in the body. Not only does it significantly reduce the risk of heart ailments, it also helps in speeding up blood circulation.

A heightened blood circulation leads to a higher metabolism. This in turn helps lose weight. Also, avocados are a very good source of potassium. Potassium helps against blood pressure. Hence a good diet of avocados on a daily basis is also good for health.

Almonds, walnuts and other nuts are another category of foods to eat to lose weight. The body needs proteins and calories for energy generation. There are a number of ways through which this need can be fulfilled. You have a choice of foods like bread, corn, cereal etc. which are processed foods.

These are a good source of energy, but are also harmful for someone trying to lose weight. Almonds, walnuts and other nuts are very helpful in providing the body the required amount of calories and at the same time do not have excess carbohydrates or fats that are harmful to the body.

These nuts are also helpful in lowering cholesterol. These nuts also contain Vitamin E which is an antioxidant and hence helps the body in fighting off the free radicals. This helps arrest premature aging.

Onion, garlic and ginger are another group of super foods to eat to lose belly fat. These foods have been used for ages, across cultures, because of their health benefits. These foods are a very good source of supplements that the body needs to ward off ailments.

They have also been known to help further weight loss. The biggest advantage of these foods is that, unlike in case of some other foods, the body does not get resistant to these foods over a period of time. Thus, the benefits from these foods continue over a period of time.

These three foods, if used in the daily diet, can help you lose belly fat. These are the best foods to eat to lose belly fat.

The last factor which I haven't covered here is of course your diet. You can watch my free video [http://thefatfurnace.com] which reveals the number 1 diet secret that stops most people from EVER getting in shape despite everything else they do. You can watch it here: [http://thefatfurnace.com]

I hope you enjoyed this article on exercise to reduce stomach fat.

Sage Thompson is a fat loss coach and fitness enthusiast. She regularly contributes to the health and fitness community with her articles, newsletters and blogs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sage_Thompson/832558

Vacuum Pose - The Best Exercise to Remove Belly Fat

There is one exercise that holds all promise for removing belly fat. You don't have to go to the gym if you want to perform this. You don't have to look weird performing it in public. Plus it is also very simple, but very effective. In just a month you could slash 1.75 inches. Your waist would end up looking healthier and sexier.

So you might ask if this method is effective. Just see the results for yourself. This is Arnold Schwarzenegger's secret. Look at the tone of his waist muscles. You can have that for yourself if you practice the vacuum pose exercise. Simply follow the steps posted below.

As mentioned above, this exercise is simple. Just suck in your abdominal muscles. Do it as if you are allowing your navel to touch your spine. Focus on this; don't just suck in for the sake of sucking in. Now hold this position as long as you can. Fifteen seconds is okay but if you can hold for a minute then that is even better.

Then slowly exhale, but don't breathe in fully. Those with lung or heart conditions should avoid this exercise as it could damage their fragile organs. Those with healthier organs can practice this safely. You will see the results for yourself.

This vacuum pose is the best belly fat removing exercise ever made. Give yourself 5 minutes to perform this every day. You can add more if you want to. Pretty soon, in a month, you will slash 1.75 inches. Your waistline would never have looked sexier.

Check out these tips to Burn Belly Fat [http://weight-losing-guide.info/] faster with no bogus diet pills or useless "abdominizer" gadgets.

Good luck with your fitness goals - Click Here Now! [http://weight-losing-guide.info/]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Bob_Tyler/619547

Quickest Way To Lose Belly Fat Guaranteed

If you've been looking for the ultimate quickest way to lose belly fat, then this article is for you. I'm going to show you 3 super secret and brain-dead easy tricks that are guaranteed to help you start losing abdominal fat IMMEDIATELY!

For me weight didn't really become an issue until my mid-twenties when my sedentary lifestyle and poor dietary habits landed me in a 270 lb. fat suit complete with two double chins and thighs that constantly rubbed together (causing painful irritation).

Then, to make matters worse, my girlfriend left me (she wasn't attracted anymore). This resulted in me falling into a deep depression (and I got even fatter).

After a year or so burying my pain under mountains of greasy snacks I decided to get up off my duff and get my body back into shape.

And I tried everything... from reading muscle magazines, to giving up cheese, soda and desserts, to buying an ab machine I saw advertised on late night television.

And the truth is that each of these things did help, a little bit.

I mean seriously, if you count calories and exercise regularly you are pretty much guaranteed to drop SOME of your weight.

But, and it's a big BUT...This can be an extremely slow and agonizing process.

I should know, I've been there, done that, and I've got the t-shirt to prove it!

Luckily however, I was able to speed up my gains significantly when I found out the quickest way to lose belly fat, and not to toot my own horn but these days I basically look like a fitness model!

Here's the quick and dirty version of how I did it:

1) I stopped killing myself in the gym
I always thought that if I busted my hump doing hard-core cardio sessions that I would lose the weight. And, I tried and tried but it never really did me any good. In fact I would just end up exhausted and starving. Now I just lift weights for 40 minutes at a time and forget about cardio all together!

2)I accepted the fact that "spot reduction" is a complete myth
Complete myth! I used to do 100-200 crunches every time I went to the gym, and y'know what, my abs were nowhere in sight! It wasn't until I started working out the RIGHT way that I was able to melt off my gut and see the abs underneath (they had been there all along!)

3) I discovered small dietary tweaks to pay HUGE dividends
When I tried to be a vegetarian I got FATTER. When I tried the Atkin's diet I felt like complete crap and all that meat gave me terrible acne. But, when I made minor tweaks like cutting out processed white flour products, and eating a handful of raw almonds before each meal I started losing lbs. at an ALARMING rate.

This next part is extremely important, so pay attention:

Ever since I dropped my weight, I've been telling everybody about this awesome system - As far as I'm concerned it's the absolute quickest way to lose belly fat

Click Here and watch the fat melt right off of you!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Curtis_Drexler/700916

Rope Skipping Workout to Help Women Lose Belly Fat

Rope Skipping Was Something Women Used to Enjoy

Rope skipping is a great exercise however, for many women the last time they skipped rope was back when they were young kids or probably in middle school. Using a jump rope can be very effective in helping women lose belly fat and it is a shame that something so simple gets over looked so much. Though I see many of my clients who are able to easily walk or run on the treadmill for 30 minutes most can't skip rope for 5 minutes straight without needing to stop. Think about when you where younger and how much fun it was to be outside rope skipping. In fact only a few people take rope skipping serious and those who do tend to be in top condition such as professional boxers or MMA fighters.

What Muscles Will Rope Skipping Work On Your Body

Rope skipping will work almost every single muscle fiber in your body. I am going to say that after your very first workout using a jump rope that you are going to be sore in places that you never knew existed before. The first time I did my workout routine with a jump rope my entire body felt like it was on fire and was sore for a few days. Not only will skipping rope help you lose belly fat it will have you lean and toned in no time. It will not only work your core muscles, but also your thighs, calves, arms, and shoulders.

Best Type of Rope To Buy For Skipping and Working Out

I have seen ropes be a cheap as $5 and although any rope will work I suggest getting a nice quality speed rope. You can find a speed rope for less than $20 at almost any sporting goods store. They reason I suggest spending a little more on the rope is so you don't break them and so that you can get one that allows you to adjust the length. Make sure the rope is long enough so that while you are skipping the rope doesn't keep hitting your head and short enough so that you are able to pick up speed for your cardio workout.

A 10 Minute Rope Skipping Routine That Kicks Belly Fat for Women

First make sure you are standing in front of a clock or have something that will keep time without you having to look down or stop skipping rope. For the first 3 minutes skip rope non stop at slow to medium pace just to warm your muscles up. After your three minute warm-up rest for 60 seconds and now the workout begins. Jump rope as fast as you can for 60 seconds and rest for 30 seconds and then repeat for 6 to 10 minutes.

1. 3 minute warm-up at a slow to medium pace
2. 1 minute rest
3. 1 minute skipping rope as fast as you can
4. 30 second rest
5. 1 minute rope skipping as fast as you can
6. 30 second rest and repeat for 6 minutes

How to Skip Rope Correctly to Get Rid of Fat

In the beginning a lot of people will tend to jump twice between each rope rotation, this is also known as double bouncing. This is okay if you are just starting out as you have to get your calf and abdominal muscles in better shape. When you are rope skipping you should be careful that your arms should barely move and it should be your wrists that do most of the turning of the rope. If you want to speed up the rope rotation then simply increase how fast you rotate your wrist.

When you first start out jumping rope for 3 minutes straights will be a workout itself. I suggest that you spend your first 2-3 weeks simply working up to being able to skip rope for three minutes straight. If you mess up this means that your entire three minutes starts back over and you keep going until you accomplish this.

Thomas S. Moore is an avid fitness consultant who gives sound advice to women who are looking to achieve a body that only most could dream about. Click here to see more information on how Jump Rope Cardio Kicks Butt. Also visit: http://www.waisthipsandthighs.com for other information on getting the body you've always wanted.

Thomas S. Moore

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Thomas_S_Moore/623153

Navy SEAL Workouts Burn Belly Fat, But Are They For You?

Navy SEAL workouts are superior for burning belly fat and building functional strength. However, the knock against them is that they do not build muscular size. To me, this is NOT a legitimate gripe.

Last week, some friends and I finished our workout at they gym and were discussing what we could do to improve our strength. One of the guys suggested chipping in a couple of bucks each, and buying a Navy SEAL workout dvd to get some ideas for putting together a routine. This seemed like a great idea to me, but our other buddy said, "Those SEAL workouts aren't good for anything but getting you in shape."

Say what? Isn't that what we wanted to do? What he was getting at was that, though, is that we would get stronger, we would burn belly fat, we would get more defined...but we would not get BIG.

Right there is the crux of polarized opinion and the two resolving arguments for using (or not using) Navy SEAL workouts in your personal fitness program.

Exactly what are the Navy SEALs...and what do they do?

The United Sates Navy SEALs are an elite commando fighting unit that engages in covert combat operations. SEAL is an acronym for Sea, Air, Land...the three environments where these small teams gather intelligence, destroy targets, and make rescues, all without being detected. Their missions include small unit patrolling, high speed boat operations, combat swimmer operations, urban warfare, SDV and dry deck operations (using small mini-subs to launch from a main submarine), and even winter warfare operations. They work in small units from two men, up to a platoon of 16, in harsh elements of heat and cold.

How are Navy SEAL workouts focused in their training programs?

These special forces are trained in extreme environments of heat and cold. Their conditioning takes place in jungles, deserts, and urban environments. It is all centered on their mission objectives of Unconventional Warfare, Counter Terrorism, Special Reconnaissance, Foreign Internal Defense, and Direct Action. In a nutshell, Navy SEAL fitness is geared to maximizing mission-related performance. They must be able to transport a substantial amount of equipment, plus two weapons and ammunition, over varied, rugged, and unforgiving terrain. (Loads of 70 lbs - 80 lbs per man are about standard.) Scramble over fences, walls and blown out buildings. Swim long distances with and without fins. Handle heavy equipment underwater and on land, and climb up and down rope cargo nets or caving ladders.

What are the main components of their workouts?

Running, swimming, and body weight exercises are the staple of conditioning for this elite combat unit. Volume sets (such as 10x30 push ups, 10x20 dips, or 10x10 pull ups) are the backbone of maintaining and increasing functional strength. Long distance swimming and running are combined with sprint interval training in both. Exercise is continuous with relatively short breaks of recovery.

How do Navy SEAL workouts fit for you?

The conditioning routines followed by Navy SEALs expend a huge amount of calories. They want to be as lean and strong as possible to complete the arduous tasks of their missions. If your focus in your personal training program is on benching 300 lbs, dead lifting 400 lbs, or gaining 15 pounds in weight over a 6-month period, this workout program would only frustrate you. However, if you are intent on burning belly fat, increasing your muscular endurance, and elevating your functional strength, committing to Navy SEAL workouts will be worthwhile.

Find out more about Navy SEAL Workouts here. For more detailed information about burning belly fat and building lean muscle mass, please visit our site Life-Without-Fat.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Cade_Beach/562802

Great Tips For Losing Fat On Your Belly

The most vulnerable part of the body for everyone is the belly area since this is where food goes. After you eat, you can easily see its increased size. Apart from that, it is very hard to exercise. It is highly emphasized that other areas of the body is so much easier to tone. For the midsection, you will need to adhere with special exercises along with a strict diet in order to make your belly flat and well-defined.

How To Lose Fat On Belly

Exercise - Adhering to specific exercises which target the vulnerable core area is considered the most common pieces of advice given by health professionals if you want to flatten your belly. For instance, you can perform sit-ups, knee lifts, and crunches - these exercises surely work efficiently. Remember though that you have to perform such exercises as often as you can in order for you to really eliminate the pudginess of the area. Those with washboard abs claim that they are performing ab exercises by the hundreds on a daily basis in order to create those impressive rips on their stomach.

Eat lean proteins - This is also a great tip since they support muscle development. Also, they can easily be digested. Dieticians and nutritionists highly recommend eating high-fibre foods like lentils, broccoli, strawberries, pears, brown rice, cabbages, oats, apples, and lots of green leafy vegetables. You must know that these high-fibre food items will greatly help weight loss by preventing cravings; thus, keeping sugar levels low, promoting better waste elimination, controlling cholesterol and maintaining the right pH balance in the intestines. All of these abilities can certainly do much in keeping the belly flat and healthy.

Non-invasive cosmetic procedures - For people who cannot commit to rigorous workouts, this can be the best option for you. These non-invasive procedures will efficiently reduce stomach fat. One of these procedures is Lipomassage - this is a very popular treatment since it will reactivate the fat release process in order to erase localized fat and imperfections. Also, this will re-sculp your figure. Another procedure you would want to consider is Hypoxi Training. This procedure will allow you to get a workout without the need for you to exert too much due to the fact that these machines will do great job for you. All you have to do is to present your fitness goals and a health professional will know the compatible programme that suits you.

There are still a lot of great options you might want to consider if you want to have a flat belly. More information mentioned here.

There are effective methods on how you can achieve a flat tummy. For more info, click here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Mell_F_Bucks/1868292

Best Fat Loss Diet - Fast & Easy Weight Loss Tips

Is there a best fat loss diet out there? One that will help you lose fat and experience weight loss, but won't have any impact on your muscle mass (except perhaps to make it increase, if that's what you want)? In fact, there is. Perhaps the best fat loss diet out there today is available now, and you can experience it yourself.

So many of us want to lose weight today, but in fact, many of us go about it the wrong way. We focus on total weight loss, not on fat weight loss. However, when it comes to weight loss, what we really want to do is lose the fat and keep the muscle. So the diet we follow has to be the best fat loss diet possible, making fat melt away and helping us feel good, healthy, strong, and best of all, not hungry. There is a diet out there like that, and it's fast becoming a favorite among those who want to lose some fat, not just some weight.

It's called Fat Loss 4 Idiots, and it's unique because when you follow this plan, you are never hungry. Perhaps best of all, though, it's not about deprivation; it's true that when you're "on" the plan, you can't indulge in chocolate cake, but the plan itself focuses on a cycle whereby you do the diet for 11 days, then you eat whatever you want for three days. You follow that up once again with another 11 days on the diet, three days off. When you are on your "three days off" part of the cycle, you can eat that chocolate cake if you so choose. So you never feel tempted to binge because you're never away from your favorite foods for very long.

When you're on the program, during the 11 days, you focus on eating vegetables and fruits, high-quality protein, and some complex carbohydrates. You eat four times a day, every 2 1/2 hours, so that you're never hungry. And you don't count calories or try to control portion sizes, because you eat until you're satisfied but not stuffed. Overeating is going to become a rarity and eventually should be nonexistent, because you'll be eating again in 2.5 hours anyway. So why stuff yourself?

The program does briefly mention exercise, but it's not a central part of the program. If you've been sedentary for a long time and/or if you've got a lot of weight to lose, it's best to focus on some gentle exercising, like moderate walking for 10 minutes. You can always step up your activity once you've lost some weight and have the capability to do it. (Of course, check with your doctor before you undertake any type of exercise program.)

But as easy as it sounds, Fat Loss 4 Idiots really does help you lose weight that will stay off over the long term, and it will help you lose it quickly. The program promises that in that 11 days on the program, you can lose up to 9 pounds. Do as many cycles of the program (11 days on the program, three days off) as you need to until you've reached your goal weight. After that, you can still follow the program if you want to, but you should adjust as necessary so that you don't continue losing weight once you've reached your desired weight.

If you have found that yo-yo diets and magic pills simply don't work, one tool that has been shown to work is Fat Loss 4 Idiots [http://www.fat-loss-4idiots-review.com]. This is a sensible diet that helps plan meals around your weight loss goal and may be a good product for you to try!

Check this simple, affordable plan designed to leave you satisfied and eating delicious foods while you lose weight without hard exercise.

Learn more about proven diet method at [http://www.fat-loss-4idiots-review.com]

It is completely RISK F-R-E-E for 60 days.

Test it, see if it works for you and if not just get all your money back.


Peter Skotnicky

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Peter_Skotnicky/315137

Additional Nutrition Tips For an Effective Fat Loss Diet

Going through a fat loss diet also means going to a nutrition program. In relation to this, there are some fat loss tips that are proven to be effective and that is advised to be followed. But this does not require you to do these tips abruptly. Just start slowly and add one procedure each week. While doing these nutritional tips as well as while reaching goal, it is very important to understand that incorporating trendy diets and taking some infomercial products that has been ruling the television, internet, and magazines will not help. The way to effective fat loss diet is a well-thought nutrition and regular exercise.

Here are some nutrition tips for an effective fat loss diet:

Never skip breakfast. It has been proven and nutrition experts agree that a person who regularly eats breakfast is more successful at controlling their weight than those who do not. Especially when you are doing strength exercises, it is very much helpful to fuel your body after an overnight fast. If you skip breakfast and just eat lunch at noon, you are just giving your body starvation signals.
Minimize sugar intake, start reading labels. Sugar is present in majority of commercial food items. In case you are not not aware, certain amount of sugar is hidden in almost items that you use everyday. A can of cola contains an oozing 40 grams of sugar, plus all carbs present in a cola are also sugar! Sugar is digested quickly that results to an express spike in blood sugar. This forces your body to release huge amount of insulin to clear the glucose that are present in your bloodstream. This lowers your blood sugar which causes low energy level, weakness, and your most hated part, cravings and hunger which eventually leads to weight gain.
Eat more often. This will help you maintain blood sugar levels which also regulate your insulin level. To manage your insulin and sugar levels, choose only few simple and complex carbohydrates. Eat more fibers and balance your carbohydrates with lean proteins.
Be sure to incorporate protein on your fat loss diet to fuel you level of activity. Protein basically speeds up your metabolism. It is even advisable to take up more protein because it is less likely to become fat compared to any other nutrient.
Minimized eating foods from the box and stick with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, etc. The more you make yourself closer to nature the better. Boxed foods contain plenty of chemicals such as preservatives that are harmful to the body. Eating vegetables on the other hand do not refer those fries ordered from fast food chains. Eat as many vegetable as you can. There is nearly no such thing as vegetable overeating. They contain plenty antioxidants and fiber which makes you full. Raw and steamed vegetables are the best.
Spend time to prepare your own food. Why? Simple, it is cheaper, it is clean and safe, and you are surer for the nutrition content.
Drink lots of water! Make sure to drink a gallon of water everyday. Our body needs plenty of water for cleansing toxins and for proper circulation. The more you drink more you drink coffee the more you need to drink water. Drink 16 oz of water for exhausting exercise.
Exercise often. Burn those excess fats and carbs. This will not only help you burn fat easily, its will also put your body in the move.

Commit your self to this additional nutrition tips for an effective fat loss diet. Adapting to these nutrition programs will make your way to accomplish your goal.

This article is for informational purposes and not to give medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor when starting any program for safety purposes.

Wendy Gorman is an expert on finding the best weight loss action program [http://nowstripthatfat.com/]. Read more of his contributions at healthy diets [http://nowstripthatfat.com/] site for more weight and fat loss tips and information.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Wendy_Gorman/229225

Tips For Reaching Your Muscle Building and Fat Loss Goals!

Want To Sabotage Your Goals? Do This!

Want To Reach Your Goals? Do This!

Muscle & Fiction, Huh, what's that?

More than 96% of the people who start out on a diet and exercise program, fail to stick with the program after 6 to 8 weeks! Why?

ANSWER... Because they grow physically and mentally weary in that amount of time. Why? Because they become over-worked from the training routine and underfed from the inferior diet.

What do I mean? Well - - the person starts out with the best of intensions. Sets a goal for them self, starts a workout program that they found on the internet or magazine or their favorite celebrities "no-fail-program" to get in shape. They get all pumped-up and start first thing Monday.


By Friday night they are making any and every excuse they can conjure up in their mind to convince them self that it's "okay" to have a pizza or ice cream or any unhealthy delight that they crave that will surely go against the diet plan they started on Monday morning. You know it's true... it's happened to me, you and millions of other well-intentioned people.


Because they read and follow the advice of what I call "Muscle & Fiction" programs and literature. You are bound to fail, you will have no choice but to fail, because... you are following the fictional, inaccurate, fad diet advise.

Do you want the "2-Step-Secret" to guaranteed fat loss and muscle gain? Yes? Okay then, follow this.

#1... QUIT reading all the Muscle & Fiction Bullsh#t - There is no "eat-whatever-you-want-diet" for losing fat and getting in shape. If you allow yourself to believe that cr@p then you deserve to fail! Am I being harsh? NO, I'm being "HONEST" with you. Eat crappy foods and you'll build a crappy body. You can't defy the laws on nature, plain and simple!

#2-1... Do what makes sense and feels right - You can't take years of your life building an unhealthy body and expect to "make-it-healthy" overnight, especially eating processed, denatured and refined foods, it's IMPOSSIBLE, the human body was not and is not built that way - you have to build healthy blood which in turn builds healthy tissue, which in turn builds healthy bones, and you know what? - - that takes time, what kind of time? - not days, not weeks, but months - - and maybe a year or more if you have really abused your body! make sense? It better or you're doomed to failure if you think you can fool the 'laws of nature". People want to do it quickly, without pain and all pleasure, that's why "Muscle & Fiction" exists. It panders to your emotions, not you logical brain.

#2-2... Train and eat in a healthy fashion that is best suited for 'your-body" not someone else's. Weight train no more than three times a week. If you are weight training in a progressive, continuous regimen you will not be able to weight train more than three times a week. If you can weight train more than three time a week I can guarantee you are not training hard enough, if you train hard and intelligently, you will not be able to train more than three times a week!!

Eat to live, don't live to eat! You can create easy to make, delicious and nutritious foods that build you up and stop the cravings for sugar and sodium and fatty foods. Food to the body can be like a drug - eat the wrong foods and you'll trigger the mechanism for wanting more of the wrong foods and drinks. It's a vicious cycle that always end's in disappointment and frustration. Eat clean, eat healthy - lean meats - - clean carbs - - plenty of vegetables - - fresh fruit and clean water.


Quit following the Muscle & Fiction - follow the best diet, and the best diet for you is that "diet that works for you" always.

"FREE" fat loss and Muscle Building Reports at http://www.MiloBodyBuilding.Com Dan Przyojski is N.F.P.T. Certified - Mr. Toledo - Masters Mr. Michigan - Writer - Author - Speaker and owner of http://www.BodyBuildingWithoutSteroids.Com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Dan_Przyojski/1502675

The 10 Best Fat Burning Eating Tips

If you want to get more from your diet by burning fat while feeding your muscles, here are 10 eating tips to burn more fat. Though these tips focus on healthy eating habits, keep in mind that proper exercise is also an important factor to burning fat.

1. Eat frequent meals - You should feed your body every 2 to 3 hours with small, nutritious meals. This will keep your blood sugar stable and allow your body to burn more of its fat reserve. Small meals can include sugar free yogurt, soup with meat and veggies, sandwiches, protein shakes, fruits and vegetables, beans or any other food that is free of white flour or sugar.

2. Eat more protein with fewer carbs -This type of diet is proven to be most effective at burning fat. Protein feeds the muscle and foods that are low in carbs tend to burn a higher percentage of fat.

3. Eliminate sugary treats - Elevated blood sugar prevents your body from burning excess fat. Eliminating sugary treats goes a long way to helping you burn fat. If you're a "sugar- holic" then give yourself one free day where you eat anything you want. Have your sugary treats on your free day and eliminate those treats the other six days a week.

4. Eliminate bread, pasta and white rice - Bread and pasta are usually made from white flour products which are notorious for spiking blood sugar level resulting in excess insulin secretion. This all but eliminates your body ability to burn excess fat in the presence of too much insulin. Brown Rice and whole grain pasta are okay but still keep these foods to a minimum when trying to burn fat.

5. Eliminate white potatoes - Unfortunately potatoes tend to spike blood sugar which needs to be avoided when dieting to burn fat. As contrary as this may sound, sweet potatoes are OK in moderation because sweet potatoes elevate blood sugar slowly compared to white potatoes. Sweet potatoes are very nutritious and considered a super food.

6. Eliminate sugary drinks - This should be a "no-brainer" because regular soft drinks are full of sugar and calories. Think of sugary sodas as liquid candy. Diet sodas and other low calorie beverages are acceptable.

7. Drink at least 10 cups of water each day - Strive for 16 cups but settle for 10 cups per day. Staying well hydrated helps your body burn more fat and rid itself of waste products.

8. Increase intake of high fiber foods - Start with high fiber cereal in the morning. Consider using soy milk which is high in fiber and protein. Fruits and primarily vegetables are high in fiber along with beans and nuts. High fiber foods require more calories to digest, increase bowel movement and considered the types of foods that burn fat.

9. Cut visible fat from meats - You save lots of extra calories by trimming away excess fat from your meat. Less fat means less calories and allows your body to burn a higher percentage of fat.

10. Eat celery and carrot sticks with low fat dip - This is a great low calorie snack food that makes you feel great and helps burn more fat. There's been some debate that celery can be considered a "negative calorie" food because it may require more calories to digest than its actual caloric content. Use low fat and low calorie dip to add more taste.

Dan Burley is editor and author of [http://www.DietForum.com] and has written hundreds of weight loss and nutritional articles on the Internet. Dan is a fitness guru and nutritionist who has spent a lifetime staying in shape and fighting overweight issues. When I discuss overweight and overeating issues it comes from the heart because I am prone to overeating and obesity. See Dan's sample 1500 Calorie Diet Plan [http://www.dietforum.com/diet-1500-calories-day.htm]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Dan_Burley/95104

How I Can Reduce Tummy Fat Exercises ? - Best Ways to Reduce Belly Fat

Everyone's looking for exercises to reduce tummy fat. The problem is that most people have been misinformed about what it really takes to get rid of their belly fat. This article will make sure you're not one of those people.

The problem is that our body burns fat in an illogical way: you can train one muscle group all you want, it won't matter. Our body burns fat from anywhere it pleases, regardless of where you want the fat to melt away from. Focused exercises do not lead to focused weight loss. It simply doesn't happen this way. If you have trouble burning stomach fat you won't do it with crunches or sit-ups. You need to spend your time on more rigorous and intensive exercises, the kind that burn the most fat.

You also need to make sure you workout in a way that makes the most of your gym time. For instance, don't socialize too much at the gym, you're there to workout not to make friends. Keep your in-between-sets time to a bear minimum to remain warm and focused and to not let your body unwind during the workout. To reduce belly fat Do some complex, multi-jointed exercises, as these generally are harder to do and will get you to burn more fat.

Here are some killer exercises to reduce tummy fat fast:

1. Squat with shoulder press - Grab a dumbbell in each hand. Hold the dumbbells at shoulder height and go into a squat. Make sure to keep your back straight. Rise from the squat and push the dumbbells up in a shoulder press. You're working your body top to bottom with this one exercise and burning a lot of fat in the meantime.

2. Squats with jumps - Go into a low squat, going all the way down very slowly. When you risk, end with a jump and bring your knees toward your chest. This actually works the abs as well as the lower body and is a great way to reduce belly fat.

3. Dumbbell swings - Hold a dumbbell in both hands. Stand with your legs shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. Now, swing the dumbbell to the left to shoulder height, bring it back and swing it up again straight up, bring it down and swing in to the right. That's one rep.

These exercises are more complext than what people normally do at gyms. They can certainly help you to burn a lot of tummy fat. Enjoy.

For an excellent way to get flat and sexy abs, visit Your Six Pack Quest

For more killer exercises to work your abs visit Waist Slimming Exercises To Burn Fat
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Davenport/92959

How Tummy Fat Exercises and Workouts To Lose Belly Fat Fast?

The extra pounds of weight that you have gained in the midsection of the body cannot be lost overnight; it needs a proper and regular exercising routine to reduce fats. The fats that are present in the abdominal region are called as tummy fat and it deposits like a thick layer of fluffy skin near the stomach. There are number of exercises to reduce tummy fat but abdominal exercises along with cardio have been proven to reduce tummy fats in the stomach region. The implementation of abdominal exercises in our exercise routine aids the process of stimulation of metabolic activities thereby reducing tummy fats.

Abdominal Exercises

1. Leg cycling on air or Bicycle crunch

This is one of the simplest forms of abdominal exercise that can be practiced easily to reduce tummy fats. Just lie on the exercising mat and with your palms facing upward. Now hold your hand to grip the head and lift your legs above the ground and move them as if imaging that you are riding a bicycle.

2. Bridging

This abdominal exercises works our both abdominal muscles and the core muscles that supports your back. The starting position for the exercise is to lay flat on the exercising mat with your hands rested near your knees. Now contract your abdominal muscles and slowly lift your midsection of your body with the help of your hands gripped on the mat and shoulders in such a way that it forms a straight line through your hips and shoulders. Hold this position for about 10 t0 15 seconds and then come back to normal position. Repeat the exercise for at least 10 times in an exercising routine. Throughout the workout you will feel that your core muscles being stretched and contracted in the entire process.

Cardiovascular workouts

While the abdominal exercises helps us to get rid of tummy fats near the abdomen, cardio exercises helps us to maintain overall balance and it also helps in reduction of tummy fats. Jogging is a simple cardio workout that helps to reduce tummy fats substantially. It is preferred that jogging should be carried out in the early morning to get pure oxygen to your respiratory system. Usage of treadmill is also encouraged but see to that you carry out the exercise at an optimum speed so that you sweat yourself out during the workout process. Practicing of swimming is also encouraged as it stretches your core abdominal muscles to reduce more tummy fats.

Healthy food habit

Many think that when an exercise routine is carried out, there is no need to follow a balanced and healthy diet, but the irony is that a healthy diet aids in the process of reduction of tummy fats and also maintains our body healthy to carry out the regular workouts. A balanced diet burn more calories than an imbalanced one and supply rich amount of proteins and vitamins to nourish our body. Consumption of carbohydrates and fats should be reduced. Intake of more amounts of vegetables and fresh fruits are encouraged as it by our body to produce energy.

Don't lose your muscle mass/ water weight while losing belly fat. How to avoid the mistake which most people are not even aware of?

Healthy and permanent way to lose belly fat <- Click here to read my most popular and most informative article which discusses one of the most popular myth which 90% of the people are not even aware of. Don't do the same mistake which is done by everyone else.

Healthy and permanent way to lose belly fat <- Click here to read the article and achieve easy and permanent weight loss by not losing muscle mass/water weight.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_DK/343299

What Exercises To Reduce Tummy Fat?

Is your unattractive protruding tummy irritating you? Numerous weight control plans and workouts are out there that guarantee tons of things, yet in the event that they have frustrated you, possibly what you require are exercises that helps to lessen tummy fat. Here are those 3 exercises.

1) Bike pumps

Rest on the floor flat on your back. We have a bend of the spine on our lower back that normally raises it a bit and almost does not touch the floor. Ensure you press your lower back to the ground. Put your hands over your head. Lift your left curved knee and your right elbow to touch it. Without bringing your lifted knee and arm down, likewise do elbow-to-knee touching on the other pair. Rehash these bike pumps 20 times before coming back to your initial position. This, together with two more exercises explained below, will decrease tummy fat. Let us move on to the next exercise.

2) Full circle twist of the body-trunk - the torso

Stand straight on the floor, feet separated, and hands on your hip. When you feel sufficiently stable, lift both hands and fasten them together over your head. Turn your face right without moving your legs, from this position you will curve down and sideward on your right side, going toward your foot, and bending till your body-trunk arcs in a circle that passes your left foot and finishes the bend with your hands lifted and fastened over your head again. You can begin from the right or lift as you like. Do 5 full circle body-trunk twists beginning on either side, then change sides.

3) Crunches

Crunches are essential and compelling. A few individuals skip crunches assuming that they are old-fashioned or hard to do, or both. Don't be same to them. Crunches focus on the surfeit fat gathered in your tummy area. Start by lying on the floor, looking up the roof. Ensure your knees are twisted, and that your feet rest flat on the floor. Keep your hands at ear level. Your lower back has a bend that renders it somewhat over the ground. Press your entire lower back till it touches the ground. Bend up till your shoulders are over the ground by some inches. Hold that posture for 5 seconds. Relax. Come back to initial position and rehash.

With these focused workouts, you are certain to diminish tummy fat quickly.

The author of this article has over 15 years of experience in market research of health & fitness.

Why wander a whole lot of sites to get the right information?

Please visit How Can I Burn Fat or http://healthguidanceforyou.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Latha_G/42042

Best Tummy Fat Burning Exercises That Are Fun And Effective

One of the best ways to lose belly fat is with exercise. But just doing a few sit-ups each day will not get you the flat stomach you want. In fact, doing sit-ups or crunches are not the best stomach fat burning exercises because you can't tone fat. To get those nicely toned abdominal muscles showing, you first have to lose the fat that is laying on top of them..

The thing to remember with exercises to burn belly fat is to find one that you like and that you will want to keep doing on a regular basis. Don't worry if you think going to the gym is boring and not for you, here are 3 fun tummy fat burning exercises and that really work.

Get Dancing!

One of the best exercises to burn belly fat that is super-fun and comes naturally is dancing! Put your dancing shoes on, set your iPod to shuffle, and work it out. Belly dancing videos are a great way to burn that unwanted belly fat. An 180 pound (81 kilo) person will burn approximately 386 calories for every hour that they dance. If you are even heavier, you will burn even more calories than that.

Beware of crunches - they are great for toning up your belly, but you can't tone fat. Doing thousands of crunches a day won't burn half as much belly fat as something like belly dancing. Once you lose most of the fat in your belly, then you can start doing crunches to tone your muscles underneath.

Anyone For Tennis?

Another one of the great exercises to burn belly fat is playing tennis. Tennis serves as a great workout because it works your core body. The core of your body is your abs and lower back muscles. These muscles are the ones doing all of the work to hit the tennis ball hard and far. Your core doesn't just keep you balanced as you run from place to place on the court but it provides you with an extra boost of power in all of the strokes. You're constantly in motion on the court, and it's a great way how to lose belly fat workout while having fun.

Who's For A Swim?

Swimming for fitness requires a lot of energy and burns a lot of calories. This is because, when you swim, you need to move your whole body instead of just your legs or your arms. Swimming works your body and heart the same way any cardio workout, such as dancing or running would. Not only is swimming good for a cardio workout, swimming challenges the muscles all over your body and is great for increasing overall body strength. The water resistance you face while swimming forces your muscles to work harder - just like traditional forms of strength training which is one of the best ways how to lose belly fat because muscles burn more calories, even while they are at rest.

Do you want to learn more ways to lose belly fat and get fit? Are you confused about healthy eating? Do you want to know the best workout techniques to get the results you want? Claim your FREE ebook with over 100 tips to lose belly fat.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jon_Allo/1079948

What Top Foods Can Help You Burn Belly Fat?

Usually, the body part most people have difficulty with when it comes to weight loss is the stomach, and especially the lower section and love handles. However, there's a trick to everything, and although it will take time and patience, there is definitely a way to get rid of that stubborn belly fat once and for all. How to Lose Weight the right way is also related to losing belly fat; if you haven't seen results, it is probably because you haven't been doing the right things.

Forget everything you've heard about crunches and sit-ups. The truth is that you should not be targeting your abdominal area during exercises more than twice a week and usually crunches and sit-ups are not very effective. When it comes to fitness training, the secret to losing belly fat is to do full body workouts and not target the abdominals often. Focusing on exercises for the stomach when you already have fat on it will cause you to form a bigger and thicker waist and stomach area.

Why? This is because you are building muscle on top of fat. The first thing you have to do is to burn the fat, and then begin to build muscle. Here are some good exercises that will help you burn belly fat without targeting your stomach:

1. Staircase workouts

2. Wind sprints and hill sprints

3. Bodyweight workouts

4. Swimming

5. Mountain biking

6. Jumping exercises

7. Indoor or outdoor rock climbing

8. Bag boxing

Another important thing to keep in mind is that proper nutrition is probably the most important aspect of losing stomach fat. So, if you are constantly at the gym and wondering why you haven't been able to get rid of your stomach fat, then you probably have not been eating the right things. Fat loss diets are a great way to start losing belly fat, and there are specific foods that are target fat loss and allow you to lose weight at a faster rate.

One of the most effective foods for stomach weight loss is whole grains. Stay away from refined grains, because a diet rich in whole grains will change the glucose and insulin response in your body, which will speed up the melting of fat process in your abdominal area.

Also, studies have shown that a diet with a higher ratio of monounsaturated fats can prevent the buildup of belly fat. Some foods to avoid are Trans fats such as margarines, crackers, and cookies, because they are made with partially hydrogenated oils which means that their fat content will be deposited mostly in the abdominal area.

Soluble fiber such as apples, oats and cherries lower the insulin levels, which as mentioned above, can reduce the amount of belly fat storage. Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFAs) can burn more belly fat and they can be found in the following foods:

1. Oils such as olive oil and canola oil

2. Nuts and seeds, such as cashews, peanuts and walnuts

3. Avocadoes

4. Dark Chocolate

5. Grape seed oil

6. Soybean oil

Losing belly fat can be a challenge, but it's not impossible. Make sure that you are following a proper and balanced nutrition plan and are exercising regularly. In addition, never skip breakfast, drink LOTS of water, and carefully monitor everything you eat! Don't get discouraged, be patient and give yourself time. When learning about How to Lose Weight, do it the right way. Your health is important, so give it the attention it deserves!

Click to Lose Belly Fat Here: http://loseweightrightway.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Hanieh_Khosroshahi/381651

Don't Eat These Foods to Lose Stomach Fat

There is a lot of hype about eating certain foods to lose weight. Much of this hype is often unsubstantiated by science. However, when it comes to losing stomach fat, there is plenty of research that shows that certain foods can indeed help you lose belly fat. There is also scientific evidence that shows that some foods may actually increase belly fat. Therefore, if you want to lose stomach fat it is important to have an understanding of which foods do and don't help you lose stomach fat, and which foods actually hinder your efforts to lose tummy fat. Here we will focus on the foods that have been shown to hamper losing stomach fat.

Saturated fat and trans-fat are associated with higher levels of belly fat. Therefore, to lose stomach fat cut down or reduce foods that are high in these fats. While it may be more obvious which foods contain saturated fat (e.g. meat, butter, lard, etc.), it may not be immediately obvious which foods contain high levels of trans-fats. Moreover, in addition to increasing belly fat, there is much evidence that trans-fats can adversely impact health. Indeed, in some countries trans-fats are effectively banned, as well as in some US states and US cities.

Trans-fats are found in convenience foods, as well as baked goods and fried foods. You'll find trans-fats in spreads, packaged foods, soups, fast food, breakfast cereals, chips, crackers, cookies and candy. While this list may seem long, it really only includes foods that are generally considered unhealthy and calorific, ready made or both. You can still prepare these foods at home with your own ingredients that do not contain trans fat and will most likely also be lower in sugar, salt and calories.

Research has also shown that eating a diet rich in refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, sugar, white rice and white pasta, is associated with greater levels of tummy fat. Instead opt for wholemeal bread, brown rice and brown pasta. To lose stomach fat, you need not forgo your favorite foods entirely, you just need to make some substitutions!

To lose belly fat avoid eating foods that are known to be associated with increased levels of stomach fat. Therefore, avoid eating junk food, convenience foods and processed foods. In any case, junk food tends to have a lot of calories, while failing to make you feel full for any length of time. Soon after eating junk food, you'll be hungry again. This means, not only are you eating a lot of calories at one meal, but you'll also be hungry quicker and eat even more calories later. Furthermore, junk food is often high in refined carbohydrates and contains a lot of saturated fat and trans-fats. In other words, junk food will make losing stomach fat more difficult. If you are on the go and why not try a homemade sandwich or salad instead of buying processed, junk or convenience food.

It is important to have a good understanding how to lose stomach fat. With careful planing, hard work and persistence, you can lose weight fast, improve your body shape and get fit.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Alex_St_John/1154209

Discover Now 5 Secrets to Tone Abs - Exercise and Diet Myths Busted

There is such an overflow of information, diet gimmicks and exercise advice, that it is easy to get caught up in this advice and believe it word for word. But did you ever stop to think that much of this information could be myths? When trying to tone your abs it helps to have information that is true and that works. When you have information and advice that helps, you will tone your abs in less time and with fewer worries along the way. So here are 5 secrets to tone abs: exercise and diet myths busted.

Myth 1: If I train with weights I will bulk up and look like the hulk.

If you avoid weight training because of this crazy and wrong myth, you are missing out on serious fat burning opportunities. If you train with weights, your body won't bulk up overnight and it won't bulk up at all. Training with weights is actually the best way to burn body fat and to get lean. This is because when you train with weights, your body has to make space for your muscles and it then burns fat in return.

The only way you can bulk up is with you weigh train the way body builders do: overtraining their muscles and feeding it extra muscle building foods. So if you train with light weights regularly, you will gain lean muscle mass and by getting rid of your stomach fat, you will be able to tone your stomach muscles much more effectively.

Myth 2: The more cardio I do, the better my toning and weight loss abilities

Steady state cardio at long time intervals is not the most effective method to rid the body of excess fat and to lose weight. The truth about doing cardio for longer than thirty minutes at a time is that you start to burn muscles after only twenty minutes of steady state cardio. As muscles are very important if you want to tone your abs and lose weight, doing more than 20 minutes of cardio at a time should be avoided. The best cardio to tone your abs is training for twenty minutes doing interval training.

Myth 3: If I train hard, I can look like a super model.

Although when you train hard, you will tone your body and lose excess body fat, the fact of the matter is you can't change what you where born with. If you are pear shaped, or if you have short legs, you will never be able to change your body shape or to lengthen your legs. So stop trying to look like a super model, and start trying to look and feel your best.

Myth 4: There is miracle pills that will help me lose inches and fat faster

Diet pills and fat burners are not the way to go to lose body fat and to tone your abs. Pills like that only have horrible side effects and are bad for your body. So ditch the "Miracle pills" and tone your abs the natural way.

Myth 5: Eating little will help me tone my abs and to lose weight.

If you want to lose weight and tone your abs, eating almost nothing on a day is the worst thing you can do. When you don't eat enough or you don't eat often, your metabolism will slow down. And this will decrease your long term ability to lose weight and you may also shed muscles instead of fat.

Like I already said, muscles are vital to lose fat. Check out my article on the dangers of the 7 Day Diet for more information.

So by ditching the above myths and by starting to train with weights, doing interval cardio training and by eating small healthy meals more often (6 meals a day is recommended) and by accepting your body as it is, will you tone your body and keep the weight off. You might also want to look at some more specialized ab training equipment, like the Supreme Pilates [http://loselovehandleshowto.com/supreme-pilates] machine.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Suzie_Parker/327464

The Best Secrets to Building Muscle in Less Than Ten Seconds Here????

In 7 SECONDS you can develop new muscle tissue. That mean in less than 4 hours a year you can develop a whole new body adding anything from 12 - 25 lbs of muscle on to your frame while substantially reducing your body fat. A statement like that seems unrealistic. Fantastic - a figment of a delusional comic book writer explaining how a superhero became incredibly strong. I wouldn't blame you for thinking that. I though the same and I'm approaching it form the cynicism of a seasoned fitness instructor and personal trainer. There's just one little, teeny-tiny problem though.

It's possible. More so that that it's a reality for thousands of people everyday. And no, they're not on steroids or drugs or part of military experiment creating super soldiers. They are everyday people like you and me. They hold down 9-5 jobs and don't have time for exercise between the kids and mortgage payments. So how are they doing it? The answer is Isometrics and I'm going to explain what Isometrics is and how you can start doing it as you read the rest of this article. That's right. By the time you have finished this you will have completed two exercises, the first to trim and tone your waistline the second to tone and firm your chest.

Isometric Abs

1. Sit up tall and straight in your chair.

2. Breathe in deep and suck in your stomach as hard as you can.

3. Now tense your stomach hard as though bracing for a punch - still keeping it sucked in

4. You feel that tightness, a slight quiver in the muscles? Good, that's the start.

5. Breath out tightly making an SSSSSSSSS sound. You'll feel your abs getting tighter.

6. As you breathe out crunch your abs really hard rotating your pelvis upwards and your rid cage inwards.

7. Breathe all the way out

8. Relax

How did that feel? If you did it right it should feel great. Yours abs will be warm, worked, feel relaxed and slightly tired. Now do it again and repeat until you've finished this article. Your abs will be tighter, firmer and more toned tomorrow morning then they are right now. Diligent practice of this one exercise will tighten and tone your stomach faster than 1,000 sit ups. Now to give you something entertaining to read as your tighten and tone your stomach here's the fascinating and scintillating science behind Isometrics. Iso (meaning the same) and metric (meaning distance) is a method of tensing the muscles without moving the angle of the joint they are connected to. The abs exercise above is an example of this. So is pushing against an immovable object. Try as hard as you can, tense every ounce of muscle fibre against something that can't move, you'll feel you've done great workout and in many ways you have!

Back in the old school days of physical culture, the Victorian era's introduction to bodybuilding and strong men Isometrics was all the rage. Skinny weak sickly kids turned to tensing their muscles in a specific way and transformed themselves into well toned living Greek Statues, strong enough to press grown men over their heads with one arm. Their feats of strength astonished the men of the time and women marvelled at their physiques. Okay, they couldn't leap tall buildings in a single bound, or hold back a locomotive but they could easily walk up walls lift horse over head and in one demonstration lift a platform on top on which ten men were standing. One such guy was Maxick. Maxick, born Max Sick was a very weak child from birth and was not supposed to live. But he fought on and survived.

A young Max once saw a strong man at the circus and determined to be as strong as the Greek Hero Hercules (their equivalent of Superman). So little Max started lifting weights. Fortunately his parent soon put an end to this - as he was too weak and fragile to take the strain. Still determined Max began to experiment with his body. Tensing his various muscles as hard as could and learning to control each one individually. Soon Max started to get stronger, more muscular. One day in his teens Max went in to a local gym, too young to join he just watched. Then on invitation from one of the chief physical culturists (an old school name for bodybuilders) tried to lift a weight. Of course they were expecting Max to fail and have a good laugh at his expense. Max out-lifted the strong man.

People were stunned. Max became a local celebrity in his home time, demonstrating feats of unbelievable strength and muscle control. He could make his muscles jump and dance with a simple thought. And lift seemingly impossible weights. He travelled to England where he developed a reputation as being incredibly strong. It was here he teamed up with fellow strong man Saldo and developed his Isometric Training system called Maxalding. You didn't lift weights; you did Isometric Exercises where you tensed and relaxed your muscles, just like your abs. How are they doing by the way? Pretty tired? Okay give it a rest. Instead let's try this one for the chest.

Isometric Hand Press

1. Stand tall and straight

2. Hold your arms out in front of your chest

3. Make a slight bend at the elbow, creating a triangle from the wrist to the elbows

4. Press your palms together

5. As you do so concentrate on making your chest as tight and hard as possible.

6. After a few seconds you should feel you're chest and arms shaking all over - this is the muscles tiring as they work really hard - this is Isometrics.

7. Hold this Position for 30 seconds.

8. Slowly release - this is important, after intense contraction your body needs time to unwind.

Now how does that feel. Repeat it ten times as you scroll down. The Maxalding system was an early whole body Isometric Training system. His students got stunning results, and they weren't the only ones. Years later, a man named Charles Atlas achieved phenomenal fame as the Worlds Most Perfect Man while promoting an Isometric System he called Dynamic Tension. It's still around. However time advances, people on the look out for new fads move on and Isometrics was forgotten until recently. With a new fitness and physical culture renaissance approaching people are turning back to the old methods.

And science is discovering some amazing things. Like it only takes 7 Seconds to stimulate new muscle growth. That said, there is one small detail - it has to be incredibly intense stimulus. Isometrics just happens to be the most intense exercise in the world and in a little as 7 seconds you can completely exhaust your muscles. The wonderful thing is it doesn't matter what your current level of fitness is, because the force you generate while doing Isometrics is in direct proportion to your current level. You can't really go too far. Isometrics is also incredibly safe because it does not require any weights (except at very advance levels) making it ideal for rehabilitation, seniors and everyone else too busy to get to the gym.

If you've followed the directions in this article you will have just worked out two of the biggest muscle groups in the body, the chest and the core muscles of abs. In future articles I'll explain a little more about some of the specific benefits of Isometrics and give you some more exercises, as well as reveal how it blowtorches fat, and strengthen your digestion system, your internal organs and even reverse the again process. For now enjoy, the feeling of a firm toned waist and a lean powerful chest. Practice these two techniques every second day and remember to breath correctly.

Now, Click Here <--- As of May 29th '09 this was rated the #1 program for bodybuilding and has been exclusively featured in Men's Fitness Magazine and Maximum Fitness Magazine.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Daniel_Novak/423517

Secret Foods to Eat to Lose Belly Fat - How to Harden Up

Foods you eat are the prime reason for you putting up weight. On the other hand, there are a number of foods you can eat to help you lose weight. If you have that belly fat, here are three super foods you can eat to lose belly fat:

Avocados are the top foods to eat to lose belly fat. These contain oleic acid. This is very helpful in fighting cholesterol. There are a number of benefits of reduced cholesterol in the body. Not only does it significantly reduce the risk of heart ailments, it also helps in speeding up blood circulation.

A heightened blood circulation leads to a higher metabolism. This in turn helps lose weight. Also, avocados are a very good source of potassium. Potassium helps against blood pressure. Hence a good diet of avocados on a daily basis is also good for health.

Almonds, walnuts and other nuts are another category of foods to eat to lose weight. The body needs proteins and calories for energy generation. There are a number of ways through which this need can be fulfilled. You have a choice of foods like bread, corn, cereal etc. which are processed foods.

These are a good source of energy, but are also harmful for someone trying to lose weight. Almonds, walnuts and other nuts are very helpful in providing the body the required amount of calories and at the same time do not have excess carbohydrates or fats that are harmful to the body.

These nuts are also helpful in lowering cholesterol. These nuts also contain Vitamin E which is an antioxidant and hence helps the body in fighting off the free radicals. This helps arrest premature aging.

Onion, garlic and ginger are another group of super foods to eat to lose belly fat. These foods have been used for ages, across cultures, because of their health benefits. These foods are a very good source of supplements that the body needs to ward off ailments.

They have also been known to help further weight loss. The biggest advantage of these foods is that, unlike in case of some other foods, the body does not get resistant to these foods over a period of time. Thus, the benefits from these foods continue over a period of time.

These three foods, if used in the daily diet, can help you lose belly fat. These are the best foods to eat to lose belly fat.

The last factor which I haven't covered here is of course your diet. You can watch my free video [http://thefatfurnace.com] which reveals the number 1 diet secret that stops most people from EVER getting in shape despite everything else they do. You can watch it here: [http://thefatfurnace.com]

I hope you enjoyed this article on exercise to reduce stomach fat.

Sage Thompson is a fat loss coach and fitness enthusiast. She regularly contributes to the health and fitness community with her articles, newsletters and blogs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sage_Thompson/832558

You Can Get a Flat Stomach Fast With This Secret For a Sexy Ripped Stomach

If you've been exercising and not getting the sexy ripped, flat stomach you're after, worry no more; these secret exercises and lifestyle changes will make all the difference.

Following the seven steps below should lead to major improvement.

1. While you are sitting in your car, on the couch watching tv, or at your desk working, contract your stomach. Doing this simple isometric exercise several times every day, you will be on your way to the tight abs you're after.

2. Substitute water for any soda, coffee drinks or alcoholic beverages you normally consume. It is nearly impossible to lose stomach fat when consuming these fattening, sugar-laden drinks.

3. An exercise ball is an inexpensive, effective piece of equipment when trying to tone up your stomach muscles. Crunches on the ball are easier and more effective than those done on the floor. Doing a bridge over the ball, where your toes and fingertips are touching the floor, will strengthen your back as well.

4. Pilates, a very popular type of exercise today, strengthens your core through movement and breathing. Doing Pilates will tone your entire body, but is particularly effective on your abdominal section. You will maintain your sexy ripped stomach if you continue doing Pilates on a regular basis.

5. Leg raises are another exercise that works wonders on your abs. Simply raise your legs slowly off the floor while keeping your back flat. Keeping your legs stiff, hold them in the same position for ten seconds. Rest, then repeat as often as your fitness level permits.

6. Knee raises can also be an excellent form of exercise when trying to achieve a flat stomach fast. You will need a specific type of equipment found in a gym or purchased for use in your home to do this type of exercise.

7. Any type of aerobic exercise, including brisk walking, running, jogging, bicycling, stair climbing, etc. can help get you to your goal of a flat, ripped stomach as well.

So, take in fewer calories, particularly by consuming water instead of high-calorie drinks like soda, and burning calories with aerobic exercise in addition to toning workouts that include leg lifts, knee raises and crunches and you will have your stomach flat and gorgeous before you know it.

You can also get a free ebook by a certified trainer on how to get ripped and lean by clicking Secrets to Getting Lean

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Berryson/445625

Exercise to Lose Belly Fat - Here is the Top Secret to Having the Flat and Sexy Six Pack Abs

To get a firmer and leaner belly, you need to have the proper exercise to lose belly fat. There are no proven technical gadgets and gizmos that can help you tone that abdominal muscle. To achieve that sexy and leaner body, you need nothing but simply to sweat it out. So that you can get rid of those love handles, here are some important things you need to understand.

What is a Stomach Muscle Exercise? Doing a good workout program for leaner abdomens require high intensity of muscular overload while increasing its intensity progressively. When you do stomach exercises, be sure your lower back is properly supported. When you do these types of exercise, the whole upper and lower parts of your abdomens are slowly toned.

Additionally, abdominal exercises help you gain stronger back and stomach muscles. When you constantly have exercises to your stomach, you are also doing this to lessen back pains.

What to Remember when doing Stomach Exercises. When you desire to follow the right stomach exercises to finally say goodbye to those love handles, you need to understand that doing such exercises is about frequency and not intensity. When doing the exercise can cause you pain or any forms of discomfort, it might be best to momentarily discontinue doing the regimen until you have consulted the professionals.

There are different exercise to lose belly fat and that includes crunches, reverse curls, leg raise, abs exercises with a stability ball, using a bicycle, or a plank. But before you do any forms of exercise, make sure you consult with your doctor first to avoid any discomfort in the long run.

Also Pay Close Attention To This:

What I am about to share with you is a secret fat loss secret that no one will ever share with you. This secret will make you lose belly fat [http://losestomachfatnow.info/], and trim your whole body like crazy. If you truly desire to have an amazing body that you will be proud to walk on the beach with and have others stare with amazement then I Strongly Urge You To Read The Next Page. It may well be The Most Important Message You Ever See. Follow This Link And Read Everything On The Next Page Carefully- Click Here! [http://losestomachfatnow.info/]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Casey_Gentles/174890

Best Flatten Your Abs -Top 3 Weird Secrets To Getting 6-Pack Abs

Getting a great Physique is always going to be a challenge, and nothing screams dedication like a Flat and Toned Stomach.

Unfortunately there is so much mis-information out there on methods of obtaining a Flat and Toned Stomach; it is difficult to understand what methods will work and what methods are simply wastes of time.

I am going to reveal to you 3 weird secrets that will fast track your efforts in getting Flat and Toned 6-Pack Abs.

Crunches and Sit-Ups will not flatten your Stomach. Isolating your exercise purely to your Stomach will not give you 6-Pack Abs. The reason you do not have 6-Pack Abs right now is that your body fat percentage is too high. You need to reduce your Body Fat levels in order to reveal your Flat and Toned Stomach muscles hidden beneath.
Heavy Compound exercises develop your core muscles far better than any Abdominal Isolation exercises. The best two exercises for cutting down Body Fat and developing your core muscles are Squats and Deadlifts. Both exercises are potentially dangerous and should be carried out after a detailed demonstration by a professional. If you want to build your core strength the quickest way to Flat and Toned Abs is incorporating Squats and Deadlifts into your exercise routine.
Wholegrain Foods are not your friends. Despite all the information to the contrary Wholegrain foods will destroy your efforts to achieving a Flat and Toned Stomach. Wholegrain foods are packed with excess Carbs that take a lifetime to assimilate in the body. This excess energy will always end up being stored as Fat. You can instantly see this will not help you quest for a Flat and Toned Stomach. Try to reduce your Carb intake and have early in the day, this allows your body time to work off this energy completely. Sleeping on a body packed full of un-used carbs is a sure fire way to increase Fat. Instead Focus on Muscle Building Foods such as Chicken and Tuna; both are packed with protein and will aid the recovery of your muscle while not adding to your body fat.

Following these three simple rules will definitely improve your chances of success in getting Flat and Toned Abs.

For the FREE Metabolic Secret to Insane Muscle plus a FREE Insane Muscle E-Course visit [http://www.FitnessDNA.net]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sebastian_G_Marley/789213

The Top Secret to Effective Abdominal Toning Exercises To Take

I could say that the body part I'm most conscious about is my belly. I've been doing crunches all my life, but I'm not as, shall we say, committed as one should be to get the perfectly-toned abs that most people want. I've tried different abdominal toning exercises but none of them seemed to work! But after reading up on abdominal toning, I've realized my mistakes and am ready to move on, armed with new knowledge about toning abs.

First, toned abs isn't all about exercising just your stomach muscles. If you do crunches every morning, but still keep eating more than enough, you won't get the abs that you want no matter how much you desire! Healthy diet and proper nutrition come hand in hand with cardiovascular and abdominal toning exercises, it has been proven over and over again. You see, if, for example, you eat more than the recommended daily intake of sugars and carbohydrates, you'll end up with more amount of stored energy in the form of fats in your body. If you don't run, jog, swim, or work the treadmill or stationary bike, you won't burn enough calories to get rid of the extra energy.

Three abdominal toning exercises are a must in your daily routine. These are: the reverse crunches that work on your lower abdominals, the lying scissors that also tone your lower abs, and the side crunches that work on your oblique abdominal muscles. When you perform these, make sure you do small amounts of controlled movement consisting of twenty to twenty-five per set for two sets, four to five times a week, and increasing every week.

Eating the right food in the right amounts keeps you healthy. Cardiovascular exercises keep you fit and strong. Your abdominal exercises will tone your stomach muscles and give you that figure you've been longing to have!

For some of the best toning abs exercises [http://ltone.com] that will help with only 7 minutes of work a day, visit toning exercises [http://ltone.com] and get started today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Joan_Walker/597114

Can This Top Four Exercises Help YOU to Lose Belly Fat Fast?

What are some of the healthy ways to lose belly fat? Is belly fat reduction through exercises cost effective? If you are one of those who want to get rid of belly fat, there are various ways on how you can achieve a flatter tummy and that can be done weight loss workouts and eating the right food. Nowadays, with the numerous food options, many just consider eating whatever they desire without knowing their provided nutrients or effects to their bodies. That is the reason why many end up gaining more weight. Fortunately, there are now tons of options on how you can drop extra pounds. Some consider supplements. However, not all get their desired results. For this reason, some end up frustrated and depressed especially when trying to lose belly fat fast. There are several exercises to lose belly fat in a quick manner. Some of these are:

1. Cardio Exercises

Cardio exercises enhance increased lung volumes and one of the common cardio exercises that is considered by many dieters is aerobics. With this, fat loss can be achieved in no time while improving your cardiovascular health. If you can't do aerobics on your own, you can join a particular group of persons who also aim to lose belly fat for you to be motivated and determined.

2. Strength Training

If you like to gain muscles while losing weight, combining your exercises with strength training can be a good idea. In this training, you will be able to form beautiful abs and muscles, which can give you more benefits in the end. Strength training is an important fitness program that reduce body fat, increase lean muscle and burn calories more efficiently. This is because more muscle mass gained enhances the burning of more calories, which then controls weight gain. Common choices of strength training for weight control include push-ups, abdominal crunches, pull ups and leg squats. Others are free weights like barbells and dumbbells.

3. Bicycle Exercise For #Healthy Weight Loss

This is perfect for those who want six pack abs. For you to do this kind of exercise, you must get into the supine position and your hands must be at your head's back. Then, bring the knees to your chest while you are lifting shoulders off the exercise mat. After that, bring your elbow to your knee when straightening your leg. For best results, you can do one to three sets with twelve to sixteen repetitions.

4. How To Lose Belly Fat Through Exercise Ball Crunch

In this belly fat workout, you will need an exercise ball. Also, when compared to other exercises for losing belly fat, your abdomen will do more exerting. But, your whole body is still needed for stabilizing. For you to do this, prepare the ball and lie on it with lower back that supports your body. Place your hands behind your head. Then, lift your torso off the ball and contract your abs to pull your rib cage's bottom towards your hip. This exercise is like curl ups. But, the only main difference is that you're using an exercise ball.

Exercises to lose belly fat are prerequisite for looking fit and smart. To learn more about healthy ways to burn belly fat, visit http://www.bellyfatbanished.com to explore some of the most cost effective ways to transform your body through safe weight loss.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Andrew_Okpetu/510933

How To Make Your Belly Fat Go Away? - Start This Top Secrets About Abs Exercises

If you've decided to get your belly fat disappear and make yourself nice four or six-pack, then listen closer! There is nothing easier to get muscled than1 abs, but there are some secrets about making it work. I don't know where it came from, but it's a myth that you can make your belly fat go away by doing crunches. This exercise will help you burn more calories, but as any other activity will do that for you.

When we do crunches we logically think that by making work our abdominal muscles, we burn our belly fat. Wrong! Our body decides where to take energy reserves from in order to do the activity. And the belly fat is the lust one to go. Yep, sadly but true. You need to understand the physiology behind that. If you consume more calories that you spend, the excess is stored as fat in the middle of your body (your stomach, hips, your buttock). It's a survival function. Your body keeps this energy in the less distractive place. It would be energetically inefficient to store fat in your arms, because you would move them all the time and spend it all.

So knowing that, the first step for beautiful abs is diet. Consume less calories that you spend and you are one way there! Having great abs isn't hard, as I said, but it has it's tricks. You have to do both: right diet (nothing complicated there - as less sugar as possible) and right exercises (this component for having sexy abs is more specific).

You need to know what to do for your body. The workout for two different people are usually different. Find what is yours and you'll possess the right tools to loose belly fat and shape your abs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Nesterov_Gueorgui/146731

Secret Top Steps To Start to Getting a Six Pack

Is there really a secret step to getting a six pack? Everybody dreams of that flat stomach, tight abdomen, ripped six pack abs. We all look for easy ways to achieve a six pack and prefer those that require minimal effort. Unfortunately, it is not easy and requires hard work and dedication. While this sounds unattractive, it is the sad truth.

Strong and defined abs are the cornerstone of a physical ideal. It increases the body's core strength, which is also vital for good performance in all your physical activities. There are two things you have to do to get great looking abs. The first is to reduce belly fat covering the abdominal muscles and the second is to build ab muscles by doing ab exercises. Thinking that ab exercises will burn fat in your stomach is a myth. The body cannot be forced to lose fat in a particular area by exercising the muscles in that area directly. Exercises work muscles, not fat. The only way to lose fat in your stomach is to lose overall body fat. Here are some tips to help you lose body fat and get those dream abs.

Steps to getting a Six Pack?

· Set your goal: Everybody wants a 6 pack abs but no one has a plan to achieve it. Set a definite goal to get abs. Motivate yourself by putting a 6 pack abs pictures in your room and look at it every day. Whatever happens, do not lose your motivation! It will take some time, not to lose patience.

· Nutrition: Changing your diet is the first step to losing fat and gaining muscle. You need a balanced diet of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and reduce your calorie intake so that you burn more calories than you are consuming. Make sure you do not cut calories too drastically as it could have a negative effect on their health. It is easier to consume fewer calories if you fill with food rich in fiber, which is found in whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Also, beware of empty calories such as sugary drinks, beer etc. You have to eat 4-6 meals throughout the day instead of 3 large meals as this will help boost your metabolism and reduce hunger.

· Do not cut the fat: Do not cut fat intake because it is necessary for bodily functions. Instead switch to healthy fats like olive oil, fish, and nuts. These may also help lower cholesterol and protect your joints.

· Protein:Protein is a must if you want six-pack abs. Reduce carbohydrates and increase intake of quality protein with each meal. Protein is the primary building block for your muscles. Good sources of protein are chicken, fish, eggs, milk, etc.

· Drink more water: Water cleans toxins from your body, and keeps you hydrated. It has zero calories and helps reduce hunger as well.

· Do cardio: Cardiovascular exercises like running, bicycling, brisk walking; swimming, etc are the best exercises to burn fat. You can start with 15 minutes of cardiovascular exercise daily for 3 to 5 days a week and increase to 45 minutes for best results.

· Abdominal workout: You have to work your abs every day. Just take 2 to 3 days (not consecutive) per week to work all muscle groups like the abdominals. Treat the abdominal muscles like any other muscle, and concentrate on doing slow and controlled repetitions. Some of abdominal exercises you can do include guidance abdominal, oblique abdominals, lift the front leg, side leg raises, abdominal crunch, abdominal exercise ball, reverse lateral, side bends and twists.

· Sleep well: Muscle recovery is also important after training. The average healthy adult requires 6-8 hours each night. During this period of rest, the body recovers and is ready for another day.

It takes different time for different people to lose fat as the body stores fat and loses according to your genetic makeup. You cannot control when and where fat is lost. For example, women tend to store excess fat in the hips and thighs while men tend to store in the middle and back. So all you need to do is follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly and let your body respond. Consistency in everything you do is the key to getting ripped fast!

For more information see the resources below

Want to learn the SECRET TO GETTING A SIX PACK in HALF the time. This secret will turn your body from fat storing mode to fat burning mode within hours?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Chris_J_Hardy/817728

Secret Exercise For Stomach - Start Six Pack Abs Secret Routines Unveiled

Ab workouts do not give you abs. But leg workouts can give you big legs... How does that workout? Ab workouts do not give you abs, but chest workouts can give you a big chest... Let me unveil this mystery for you right now so you can stop wasting your time in the gym and start getting some decent results.

The secret to getting abs is to remove as much of the fat on your stomach as possible. If nobody in the world had a layer of fat on their stomach, everybody would have abs. This is as true now as it will be in 1000 years.

If you can carve that layer of fat, no matter how think or thin, away from your stomach, then you are 95% of the way to having a fantastic set of abs. The other 5% come from training them to make them a little stronger and bigger, but the hardest part is actually burning the fat away from them in the first place.

Here is how to do that.

Combine weight lifting with interval training:

Interval training is simply picking an exercise such as running, boxing, swimming or anything else and going hard at it for 30 seconds and then taking it easy for a minute, then going hard again for 30 seconds and repeating this for 20-30 minutes with very few, if any breaks.

The second part to this is hitting the gym.

Do full body workouts such as dead lifts, squats, bench presses and shoulder presses.

This will see fat carve off like a hot knife through butter, as long as your nutrition is up to scratch.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have a brand new guide to your fat loss and muscle building success.

Download it free here today: How To Get Abs [http://www.absrightnow.com]

Johnny is a full time fitness instructor and author. He has been helping people lose fat, get six pack abs and build muscle successfully for the past few years.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Johnny_Palmer/14326

Secret Love Handles Exercise To Take & The Secrets to Get Nice Flat Abs!?

With so many options of love handles exercise out there, we're all spoilt for choice. Which are the right ones that gets you optimal results? Have you tried sit-ups and crunches that did not work the way you imagined it would? I'll outline the reason why so many love handles exercise are ineffective. Here's the secret recipe to love handles exercise.

Common Mistakes in Love Handles Exercise

Sit-ups and crunches alone do not help you to get rid of your loose belly fat. They are primarily exercises that are effective in toning up your muscles. Your belly fat needs to be peeled off first, to reveal your toned muscles beneath.

To illustrate my point, imagine a hunk with chiseled 6-pack abs. Now, dress him a bulky winter coat. You will not be able to see his tight body he has under all those layers of fabric. If you take that bulky winter coat and replace it with body fat, you'll have the same results. So your workout has to address the layers of fat too, while you tone your ab muscles up.

Now, if you take the conventional route and opt for a cardio workout alone, you'll need to run for at least 20 minutes to burn body fats. You then have to follow that up with love handles exercise like crunches, which would cost you another 20 minutes of your life! There is a quicker solution than this.

The 'Ultimate Love Handles Exercise'

The most lethal 'Ultimate Love Handles Exercise' is a clever combination of a cardio and strength workout. High resistance training will help you to achieve just that. By doing a full body workout, that combines working with dead lifts, snatches, crunches and sprinting, will let you achieve a better body in half the time.

What you need is a love handles exercise routine that stimulates a metabolic boosting effect while working on the various muscle groups in your body. If you want better results, throw in a balanced diet that will complement your workout. Good proteins will help you to develop nice muscles and less oily foods will ease the fat burdens of your love handles exercise.

I stumbled across this site: NiceFlatAbs.com [http://www.niceflatabs.com], which has specially designed love handles exercises and fat stomach busting solutions. It's an expert all-round solution that's given me and my friends awesome looking abs!

Anyway, if you are looking for more information on the key points highlighted here, check out Claire Summers's page on Love Handles Exercise. She has written more interesting tips on love handles exercises there that you shouldn't miss.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Claire_P._Summers/122141