Fat that collects in your abdominal area is called visceral fat, better known to most of us as belly fat.
It doesn't matter whether your body frame is large or small, losing any excess belly fat is an arduous prospect for practically all of us. Whatever you choose to call this tenacious build-up of fat around our abdomen, the stomach bulge can be a confidence destroyer and, even worse, it is dangerous to your well-being.
The reason that visceral fat is dangerous is that your liver metabolizes it into cholesterol which is, in turn, dispersed around your body through the bloodstream. An upsurge of cholesterol results in plaque build-up and a dangerous (in many cases; life threatening) constricting of the arteries. The more belly fat you have built up, the greater your risk of suffering heart disease, diabetes, stroke or hypertension.
So why do we gain belly fat?
An inactive lifestyle deficient in physical activity will inevitably increase visceral fat.
An unbalanced, high calorie diet, especially overeating carbohydrates, sugars and trans fats is fertile ground for collecting belly fat.
Other elements responsible for an upsurge in belly fat are stress (hormones generated by stress contribute to the build-up) and smoking (which excites the same hormones as stress).
Your forebears could also be an influence as your genetic make-up can play a decisive part in whether you are more prone to acquiring stomach fat.
How do we go about shedding belly fat?
In spite of what most work out equipment suppliers would like you to imagine, you cannot spot reduce that belly fat bulge. This means exercises, such as sit-ups and other assisted repetitions (you know; with ab-rollers, ab-burners and all the other gadgets that just wind up collecting dust in the back of the garage), targeting the stomach area will not cut down belly fat. What they do is work-out and tone the muscles which won't, in actual fact, be seen until all that belly fat padding is burned off.
But lack of physical exercise is one of the crucial influences in creating that belly fat roll to begin with.
If we cannot spot reduce the abdominal area the genuine and only solution is a combination of aerobic and strength training combined with a healthy diet.
Now, repeat after me;
"Mixing plenty of exercise with a healthy, calorie controlled diet is the ONLY way to burn belly fat fast!"
Aerobic training for 30 minutes to an hour each day of serious cardio workout is sufficient (you need to do whatever activity to the point where you are breathing heavily for at least this time).
If you can integrate this exercise into your daily routine even better.
Walking briskly to and from work 20-30 minutes each way or even cycling is an outstanding way to get lean and healthy fast.
Jogging is another terrific alternative and a great way to de-stress.
Whatever you do; if find the aerobic exercise you enjoy it will make it a lot easier to keep going and see the results that you want.
Strength training is necessary for growing lean muscle which will, in turn, boost your metabolism - more muscle means you burn more calories - and so the process of burning off the belly fat will grow to be far more efficient and less of a chore.
Keep in mind that strength training for woman does not imply you will build muscle the same way that a man does. Women have different physiques and strength training is essential to strong bones and a shapely healthy figure.
Abdominal exercise will help tone and flatten the belly, but the results are not going to be visibly obvious until the fat padding is reduced.
If you cycle, walk or jog moderately BEFORE breakfast, you are calling upon stored fat for energy.
Tips for your diet:
Eating a nutritious, balanced diet without actually "crash dieting" is the way to go because it helps set new lifestyle patterns that will help reduce the "yo-yo" diet effect.
If you work these patterns into your lifestyle so that your eating habits aid your fat reduction you will achieve far more consistent weight loss without a daunting effort and the usual anguish connected to some of the more restrictive forms of diet plan.
Do not be misled by the out-dated "fats in food=fat in your body" myths.
Steer clear of "low-fat" and "no-fat" foods which replace fats with sugars to enhance flavour, likewise artificially sweetened "diet" drinks (artificial sweeteners, like aspartame, poison your system and actually keep you hungry so you are likely to eat more).
Watch out for and avoid, where at all possible, hydrogenated oil based spreads and other products containing trans fats.
Eat plenty of vegetables and lean protein.
Eat wholegrain bread, brown rice with plenty of fibre for a healthy and regular digestive system.
When boosting your wholegrain uptake (with foods like brown rice), be sure you don't leave out your good fats; add a little olive oil to your brown rice or to the accompanying meal.
Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and to cleanse your system. This will also help to regulate your appetite.
Tips for reducing Stress
A healthier diet and more exercise will help ease your stress levels
If you consciously organize time out for yourself with interests that you enjoy and find relaxing (not sitting watching DVDs, include some mild activity) with the aim of reducing your stress and this will be highly fruitful in shedding the belly
Being consistent with both your diet plan and your exercise program is fundamental to losing belly fat and having a flat stomach and this, in turn, should become a part of a healthier lifestyle and set of habits.
This doesn't have to be tedious, punishing or disagreeable, if plan it right you will succeed, and you will never want to look back.
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