High Cortisol - Weight Gain, Belly Fat and Fatigue - Why Lowering Cortisol is Vital For a Flat Tummy

High Cortisol? Weight Gain? Stubborn Belly Fat and Constant Fatigue? These are some of the side effects of our stressful routine. As it turns out constant stress triggers the secretion of the the so called "stress" hormone-cortisol. Elevated cortisol, in turn, results in weight gain, accumulation of belly fat and chronic fatigue. The presence of high cortisol levels in the body makes losing belly fat almost impossible. Here are a few reasons why:

1. Dieting and cortisol. The vicious circle.

Proper diet and strict exercise regime are important for long term weight loss. However, dieting is a stressful phenomenon for most people. The physical and emotional stress that comes with dieting results in the oversecretion of cortisol. Elevated cortisol increases blood sugar level and triggers the deposition of visceral abdominal fat in the midsection of the body. In other words dieting complicates the weight loss process by adding more stress in the picture and increasing the cortisol present in the body. People who have dieted on and off for years often get caught in that vicious circle. No matter how strict their diet is, they find losing belly fat almost impossible.

2. More cortisol equals bigger waistline. Why does cortisol affect the belly area and spares the rest of the body?

Higher cortisol levels are associated with weight gain. However, cortisol fat is not evenly distributed in the body. It is concentrated in the abdominal area. Abdominal fat differs from other types of fat found in the body. One of the major differences is that it has far more cortisol receptors and is easily influenced by fluctuations in the level of cortisol. Real health risks accompany excess fat in the abdomen-like increased chances of developing diabetes and heart disease.

3. Weight gain is just one side of the story. High cortisol affects your body in numerous other ways.

Weight gain is just one of the side effects of elevated cortisol. The effects of adrenal dysfunction can be profound: fatigue and weakness, suppression of the immune system, muscle and bone loss, moodiness or depression, hormonal imbalance, skin problems. The list of possible damage is long.

High cortisol, weight gain, belly fat accumulation, fatigue -they all seems to be interrelated in a complex puzzle. While the medical world is still learning about the high cortisol-weight gain relationship, one thing is certain-proper diet doesn't always solve our weight loss problems. A smart dieter should always consider lowering cortisol levels first.

Author: Irena Bocheva


Click on the link above and learn more about the best cortisol blockers

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Irena_Bocheva

3 Ways To Avoid Gaining Belly Fat Over Christmas

With Christmas just around the corner, your fitness and healthy eating schedule can be easily forgotten. Everybody is entitled to a few treats over Christmas, but you don't want to start suddenly gaining belly fat when you've been trying to lose it for the past few months. Controlling your weight and fitness over the Christmas period can be easy if you plan ahead and carry on with your workout routines.

Here are 3 ways to avoid gaining belly fat over Christmas:

1. Quick Workouts

Resistance and strength training is one of the best ways to avoid gaining belly fat at any time whether it's Christmas or not. If lack of time is an issue, do your workout in the morning so it's done before everything else. Try combining exercises together to save time, such as squats with an overhead press or lunges with a bicep curl. Also, get some cardio exercise into your day by using the stairs at work, parking your car a bit further away from your destination or get off one stop early if you're using public transport. You can also plan things to do during the Christmas break like a walk after lunch or games in the park.

2. Watch What You Eat And Drink

Over-eating lots of high-calorie, non-nutritious foods is one of the main reasons for gaining belly fat during the Christmas holidays. But if you follow a rule of portion control, it will help. For example, if you're eating from a buffet, take what you want and then go and sit somewhere else. If you eat next to the table you will eat more. Also, eat small, healthy meals or snacks throughout the day to keep your energy up and then you can enjoy your main meal without over-eating because you're feeling starved.

Alcohol is a major cause of fat belly weight gain. Two bottles of beer can have more calories than a large slice of sponge cake. To avoid gaining belly fat when enjoying your favourite tipple over Christmas, opt for a low calorie mixer or soda. Also drinking water in between alcoholic drinks is a good way to minimize your calorie intake and also helps to keep you hydrated.

3. Control Your Stress

Christmas can be a stressful time and stress is a one of the reasons for gaining belly fat. When you're extremely stressed, your body produces cortisol, which can increase fat storage in the stomach area. Many people turn to comfort foods, like chocolate, when dealing with stress. The key is to be conscious of your stress and try different techniques before turning to food for relief. Exercise is a great stress reliever, so don't give up on your workouts. Another way to control stress is to slow down your breathing. Deep breathing can help slow your heart rate and blood pressure while relaxing the muscles and calming the mind.

Do you want to know more on how to get a flat belly? Are you confused about healthy eating and do you want to know the best workout techniques to get the results you want? For nutritional tips, the best exercise programs, fitness motivation and the whole recipe for fat loss with safe, natural and proven methods please visit http://howtogetflatabsfast.org/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jon_Allo

Quick Fat Loss Diet Techniques - Boost Metabolism and Get Rid of Fattening Toxins

If you want to lose weight in the shortest time possible in a healthy and simple way and want to keep the weight off for good, then read on and discover how you can achieve this weigh tloss in a natural and safe way without the need to starve yourself or take any diet supplements. If your goal is to lose 10 lbs or 50 lbs you can do it, once you know how.

What does a quick weight loss diet technique entail?

Through a quick weight loss diet you follow through a healthy diet designed by nutritionists to help you lose weight, burn fat quickly and build muscle mass naturally. The trick is to know which weight loss diets works the fastest.

Through a quick weight loss diet, food will become your friend not your enemy. You will be provided with dietary guidelines, detailing which foods to eat and which foods to avoid. You will learn how to use food so that your body can convert it into energy and burn fat quicker thus increasing your metabolism rate. You see, by utilizing a proper combination of carbohydrates, lean protein and fats to help you lose weight, your body will naturally burn fat faster than ever before. You will be provided with a menu which will include recipes for breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner.

Another important success factor to a quick weight loss diet is when to eat these meals and how often.

The key to the success of a diet program is to follow through with it and you will notice weight loss in less 10 days, your friends and family will be the first to notice the weight loss, their enthusiasm alone will keep you going. Unfortunately some people will eventually stop or go off the program and start gorging on food only to gain back all the lost weight that they have struggled so hard to lose. Once you begin a diet program your body will get an instant boost therefore increasing your metabolism rate which will play a very important role in burning off the excess fat.

There are a number of successful weight loss diets, many of which you can find online and can cost you anywhere from $20 and upwards. Some will take as little as 11 days to work and some can take as long as 30 days. Do a little research on these before you decide to buy one but I highly recommend it if you are looking for an easy, safe and effective way to lose weight and to keep it off for good.

Now Pay Close Attention Here:

The quickest weight loss diet that I highly recommend and have personally used is the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Calorie Shifting Diet [http://www.the-fastest-way-to-lose-weight.info/]. I lost an amazing 44 lbs in 2 months using this diet program. I was amazed at what the program entailed and of its high success rate!

Click [http://www.the-fastest-way-to-lose-weight.info/] to read the reason behind the success rate of the Fat Loss 4 Idiots, and get started today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cristina_Stone

The Best Foods for Fat Loss

It seems that so many of us are on the quest for the perfect diet. They one that will help to shed excess pounds and give us the lean physique we desire. But what is the best diet for fat loss?

It is actually hard to find the best diet for fat loss, since we all have different body types. A diet done by one person may have different results for another, and this is the reason why they think that certain diet programs are not working. Fortunately, there are several diet programs that are guaranteed to take several pounds off you if you will just stick to them faithfully.

The best diet for losing fat works depending on the how much willpower and determination a person has. This means that no matter how effective the diet program is if you don't take it seriously chances are that you will not achieve the body you want to have in the desired amount of time. If this sounds like you, these diet ideas will work, but they may take more time. Just adjust them to fit your lifestyle - but not too much or you won't really be dieting!

Here are some of the things that you can do if you want to have a healthier and trimmer body:

Drink lots of water

Drinking lots of water actually helps to burn fat. Usually, the reason why you weigh more than the average is that there is stored water in your body. This is called the water weight and it adds to the actual body weight. It sounds strange, but in order to reduce the amount of water weight you are carrying, you have to drink lots of water so that the body won't keep holding on to the body water.

Eat small meals

The best diet for fat loss includes the intake of at least 5 small portions of medium-sized meals. Instead of taking large portions which actually take a lot of time to digest, small portions are just enough so that you will feel full without actually feeling all bloated up. Your stomach will be able to adjust to the foods easily, so metabolism is enhanced.

Stay away from preserved foods

Only take minimal amounts of cooked or processed food. Most of these foods have additional fats and other preservatives that can significantly add weight to the body. It is healthier to eat raw vegetables so you'd lose fats easily. Remember, the more foods you eat in their natural state the better they are for your body.

Eat foods rich in protein

For the best diet for fat loss, the inclusion of foods rich in proteins is important. The best sources of proteins are poultry, fish, eggs, cottages, and cheese. Foods high in protein help to build and repair muscle. Muscle burns more calories than fat so you want to work toward building a lean muscle mass for optimum fat burning.

Basically what it all comes down to is eating sensibly. Keep the foods you eat healthy and as natural as possible. Avoid greasy and processed foods and drink plenty of water. By making these simple changes in your diet you will be well on your way to the fit body you desire!

Paige is a graphic designer who enjoys fitness and the outdoors. She uses a laminating pouches daily in her work. Her website helps you to find the best laminating supplies for your home or business.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paige_Mercer

Belly Fat Burning Foods - Speed Up Your Fat Loss

Belly fat burning foods are foods that burn more calories than the calorie content of the food itself, thereby fighting stored fat. There are certain foods which actually burn more fat than the calorie content of the food itself. These fat burning foods are natural plant foods. Foods that are high in protein and fiber are the best kinds of food to eat if you want to burn stomach fat.

Identifying abdominal fat burning foods will help you make the right choices to burn off more abdominal fat than you consume. The stomach fat burning dieting secret to losing weight is to eat and drink until you are full and satisfied, choosing foods that burn more calories than you eat. This helps your body burn up the excessive useless stored fat.

Tropical fruits and vegetables are very good belly fat burning foods. Eating abdominal fat burning foods that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates such as eggs, fish and lean meats will boost your metabolism into burning calories at a faster rate particularly if you add a good exercise workout program. Healthy fats include fish, most nuts and avocado/olive oil etc.

Drinking plenty of water enables your liver to process fat properly. Without the water your body will continue to store fat.

Losing the beer belly and getting a flat stomach can be a painfully slow experience, but it is certainly worth the efforts. Belly fat is the latest threat to your health. Study after study shows that it increases your risk of heart disease, hypertension and cancer.

Abdominal fat does nasty things to the rest of you body. It actually produces chemicals that promote inflammation in other areas of your body, which is how it increases your risk of type 2 diabetes.

Keep cool, you don't have to feel desperate. Nutrition represents 80% of the challenge to lose the belly fat. Get it right and you'll make it a successful strike.

Healthwin G. is a 40-year-old Dad who has always been concerned with the best ways to keep body as healthy as possible via dieting and body activity. Also makes it a must to teach kids the healthier ways. For more information on the fundamentals of nutrition for a flatter stomach Click Here!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gabriel_Colombani

Safe Diet Tips - Lose Weight Eating the 10 Best Foods That Burn Fat

Is there such thing as a fat burning food? Not technically but it is a phrase that is used to describe highly nutritious foods that give you the most nutrition per bite while at the same time making you feel as full as possible. The more of these foods that you eat, the more likely your body is to burn fat. These kinds of food are called thermogenic.

Thermogenic foods are foods that stimulate the body's ability to burn off fat. The more calories you burn the more energy you have. This increase in energy allows the body to be more physically active, which means you burn even more calories because of this increase in energy. So calorie burning becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy so to speak.

Another reason to choose foods that spur your body to burn fat is because most diets limit your calorie intake. This means that it becomes more important than ever that you choose the most nutritious foods possible. For instance, a cup of corn chips packs far less nutrition than a cup of blueberries.

When you consume a donut instead of an apple you are feeding your body with what nutritionists call empty calories. Empty calories are those with no nutritional value. Most sugary, refined foods and beverages consist of empty calories that will add fat to your body.

Here are 10 fat-burning foods that no dieter should be without:

1. Cayenne. Cayenne refers to a broad range of spicy foods that contain capsaicin. They are commonly know as chili pepper, red or green peppers, or sweet peppers. The large mild form of cayenne peppers is called bell pepper in the US and Canada. Cayenne is a natural stimulant and diaphoretic (induces sweating).

2. Ginger. Ginger is a spice which is used for cooking and is also consumed whole as a delicacy or as medicine. It is the underground stem of the ginger plant. Ginger is very spicy and in herbal medicine is also considered a stimulant.

3. Bitter orange. The name "bitter orange" refers to a citrus tree and its fruit. Bitter orange is used in herbal medicine as a stimulant and appetite suppressant, and has replaced the banned stimulant ephedra in many herbal weight-loss products. Other names for bitter orange include sour orange, bigarade orange and Seville orange.

4. Fish. Fish is not only rich in heart-healthy, brain boosting omega 3 oils but it is also a great source of calcium. All fatty fish (such as rainbow trout, catfish and swordfish) can help reduce the risk of heart attack and help your body lose fat.

5. Avocados. Avocados have a lot of fat but they contain the good fat--unsaturated fat in the form of Omega 3 oils. They are also loaded with Vitamin E, which is essential for free radical fighting and general cell health. Avocados are also one of the most thermogenic and anti-aging foods that you can eat. One half of an avocado supplies you with a full day's worth of Vitamin E.

6. Beans. To stay thin and avoid developing a paunchy middle you need to eat plenty of fiber and that is exactly what beans supply you with. They are also full of protein (for building muscle).

7. Oatmeal. Oatmeal is a healthy well-rounded grain that is low in calories. It is a good choice of food for breakfast. Not only does it contain lots of healthy fiber for cleansing your colon but it is also full of B vitamins. B vitamins help increase metabolism (calorie burn rate). For best results stay away from the instant stuff and make you're own with steel cut oats (raw unrefined oats). Consuming steel cut oats can also help lower high cholesterol levels.

8. Broccoli - All cruciferous vegetables are fat burners and contain zero fat. Broccoli is particularly good for you. This accessible and affordable vegetable contains lots of vitamin C and folic acid (which is needed to metabolize iron). It is also a good dairy-free source of calcium.

9. Leafy Greens - This is a group of greens that includes Spinach, Kale and Collard Greens. These foods are loaded with vitamin C, fiber, and calcium; and have next to no calories per serving.

10. Pineapple - This tangy tropical fruit contains plenty of Vitamin A, fiber, and an enzyme called bromelain that degrades food in the stomach so that the nutrients from them can be absorbed more efficiently. As an added bonus, pineapple is also an anti-inflammatory food and can help combat post work out soreness.

Notice that many of these fat burning foods are cheaper to buy than foods that might contain a lot of empty calories (like cakes and breads). Over the long run they are much cheaper to invest in than expensive vitamins and mineral supplements.

So there you have it, 10 safe and effective weight loss tips.

Gale Tern is an experienced health writer and naturopathic practitioner.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gale_Tern

What Are The Best 15 Fat Burning Foods?

We all know that there are foods that make us gain weight and store fat, but there are also certain foods that can help you burn fat. Today, many experts believe that eating certain foods can help you burn fat. Here are 15 burning foods that can help you burn body fat, but remember good health and maintaining the right weight for your body includes eating right and getting enough exercise.

Here they are:

1. Green Tea

Green Tea is an all around good beverage. Not only is Green Tea thought to help prevent cancer and heart disease but there are several studies that have shown that drinking green tea can help spur your metabolism. If you take a green tea supplement or drink about five cups a day, you can actually burn an extra 80 calories each day.

2. Cinnamon

Eating about one quarter teaspoon of cinnamon daily in your food has been shown to help lower your blood sugar levels. This is important in helping your body burn fat. When you have a high blood sugar level in your body, you are more likely to store fat.

3. Non-Fat Yogurt

Yogurt has many health benefits and one of these is a large amount of calcium. Studies have shown that calcium reduces the production of calcitriol, a hormone that tells cells to generate more fat. Eating yogurt will strengthen your bones and help you burn calories while helping to keep your body from producing more fat.

4. Grapefruit

Grapefruit has been shown to help you lose weight by lowering the insulin level in your body. This aids in curbing your inclination to eat in between meals.

5. Garlic

Garlic is a natural metabolism booster; in addition it helping regulate blood sugar, which assist your body in burning fat more efficiently.

6. Fish

Eating fish on a regular basis has shown to lower the body's production of the hormone leptin. This hormone is known to slow metabolism, which will slow the rate in which you burn fat.

7. Bananas

Bananas are high in potassium. Potassium is a chemical that helps to boost your metabolism and balance the body's water levels.

8. Apples

Apples are a great source of pectin. Pectin help your cells to absorb less fat, therefore you store less fat.

9. Ginger

This spice helps to expand your blood vessels, raise body heat and boost your metabolism.

10. Cayenne Pepper

This spice makes your body sweat, and produces a thermal effect that burns calories. The affect on your body can last for hours after eating cayenne pepper.

Additional foods that help you burn fat include: 11. soybeans, 12. berries, 13. oatmeal, 14. whole grain cereals, and 15. water. Eating healthy, exercise and eating these fat-burning foods can aid your body to burn fat naturally. So there you have it 15 fat burning foods That will jump start your metabolism.

This article has reprint rights you can reprint this article on your website or anywhere on the web just make sure. That the resource box is intact: This article has been brought to you by Positive Body Real Results Magazine if you would like more free information on health fitness fat loss and bodybuilding please visit [http://positivebody.com] Download The 15 Secrets to Permanent Fat Loss and Fitness by going to [http://totalbodytransformations.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Szova

Fat Burning Foods For Women - What Are the Best Foods to Eat to Melt Away LBS Of Fat Fast?

If you are a girl and you wish to take away the extra fat that have been accumulating in your body, now might be the right time to look for fat burning foods for women. Time and again, I have seen useless articles all over the Internet; scores of tips and techniques that were supposedly made to help women in their quest to take away all the extra fat from their bodies. There are fat burning foods for women and all you need to do is find the right ones for you, because not everything written in every article is considered true. We will now discuss what these particular foods are and how they can help you take away all that extra fat from your body!

Fat-free dairy products - If you are going on a fat burning diet, then one of the best fat burning foods for women would be dairy products that have been proven fat-free. Dairy products are good for you because they have calcium, which prevents bone breaking and is said to accelerate weight loss. You will know that they are fat-free once you check the label, so always read the label when choosing dairy products.

Lean protein - Fish, chicken and lean red meat are filled with protein but they do not have all the extra calories and fat compared to pork. Chicken is good, as long as you avoid frying it in oil; taking off the skin of the chicken also cuts off half the bad cholesterol compared to a chicken with the skin intact. Fish such as tuna and mackerel contain special nutrients that are good for the heart and are also considered accelerators of fat-burning properties in your body, so substitute your meals with lean meat instead of eating pork.

So, if you want to Burn Fat FAST [http://www.fastfatburningsecrets.info/] and drop 9 pounds EVERY 11 DAYS, then I highly recommend the "calorie shifting diet". I lost an amazing 57 lbs. of fat in 2 months using this popular online diet plan... and it all stayed off FOR GOOD! This diet works really well because it is based on boosting your metabolism by eating REAL foods. NO starving yourself, NO cravings, NO dangerous diet pills... just 100% natural and very EASY dieting!

Click [http://www.fastfatburningsecrets.info/] to gain access to the guide and get started today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Allyson_Meyers

Top Foods That Burn Fat - Best Food You Should Eat That Assist in Weight & Fat Loss

Why think of supplements, exotic herbs in capsules or surgery when you can actually loss fat and weight with the aid of top foods that burn fat. There may be some science behind these supplements or drugs but sometimes the fundamentals of nutrition are forgotten. Your focus should be more on the natural side of losing those unwanted pounds. Isn't it nice to know that eating can actually help you lose weight?

Indeed experts recommend dieters to eat more often to lose weight. But of course they are not referring to eating just any kind of food. If you want to lower your cholesterol then you have to eat cholesterol lowering foods. Same goes with your desire to burn fat; if you want to burn fats, eat fat burning foods. Here is a list of the most effective fat burning foods you can take advantage of:

Acai berry
Known and promoted for its richness in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, the Acai berry fruit can help flush those harmful toxins in your body. It cleanses and detoxifies thus all those fats accumulated in your body is done away.

Soybeans are rich in lecithin which is known to block cellular fat absorption, meaning it promotes the breakdown of fatty deposits in your body. These fatty deposits are responsible for adding up those extra pounds in the weighing scale.

Almost everybody loves apples and this fruit can actually elevate blood sugar level to a safe mode and keeps it up for a longer period of time compared to other fruits. An apple a day, keeps the fats away!

Grapefruits are rich in a substance known as pectin which aids in the breakdown of fat cells. It is also rich in galacturnic acid, a substance known to fight cholesterol and fat.

Eat more to lose more fats; just make sure it's the top foods that burn fat you are munching on.

Now you want to have more energy, be Healthier, look Younger, lose weight, and cleanse your body, right?

Do this with Oprah's Dynamic Duo of Acai Berry & Colon Cleanse by Clicking Here Now!

Acai Berry is the #1 "Super Food" because it has so many different elements that help your body, so you can't go wrong with Acai Berries & Colon Cleansing.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Faviano_Torres

Fat Burning Foods for Effortless Fat Loss

Losing weight is easier when we incorporate fat burning foods into our diet. Fat burning foods work in a variety of ways. Some work because the combination of their components increases our metabolic rate. Some work due to being low in calories and because they require more energy to digest. Others work because they are low in calories and even when ingesting a small quantity of the particular food we feel full. The cooking method selected can also result in a lower calorie count, which ultimately equates to increased fat loss.

Regularly eating fat burning foods with the above qualities will, over time, result in effortless fat loss. Add exercise into the mix, and fat loss will occur at an even faster rate.

Fat Burning Foods - 10 of the Best:


Along with being good for us and tasting great, most fruits have excellent fat burning properties. Citrus fruit, in particular, has an abundance of vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, which is a proven fat burner. It also has a high water content and a low calorie count. Citrus fruits include oranges, lemons, limes, grape fruit, kiwi fruit, mandarins, tangerines, kumquats and clementines. Other fruits high in vitamin C include apples, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, plums, grapes and tomatoes.

Fruit, in general, increases metabolism and reduces bad cholesterol levels, so try to include it in your diet every day. An easy way of doing this is to have fruit for breakfast and if you feel like a snack, make it fruit. Blueberries, bananas, mangoes, papaya and pomegranates are other healthy, delicious and satisfying fruits to incorporate into your diet on a regular basis.


The majority of vegetables are low in calorie and contain vitamins and minerals that rev up our metabolism. Most are also fat free and even lower in carbs than fruit. Vegetables that can be eaten in abundance include spinach, broccoli, cabbage, artichokes, beans and peas. Cucumbers, lettuce and celery are also excellent choices because of their very low calorie and high water content.

Due to their higher calorie count, potatoes and sweet potatoes or yams should be eaten in moderation. When you do eat these, try to cook them with their skin on as the skin is a great source of insoluble fiber.

When cooking vegetables, steaming or boiling will not add any calories. If you want to stir-fry your veggies, do so in the so called "good" oils such as olive, soybean, sunflower or sesame oil. Steer clear of deep frying and heavy, fat laden sauces. Instead, use fresh herbs and spices to add flavour.

Oats and Barley

Cereals containing oats or barley are excellent fat burners due to their high insoluble fiber content. Foods containing insoluble fiber satisfies our hunger and keeps us feeling full for longer. When we feel satiated we are less likely to eat large meals or snack on junk food.

Edible Pulses

Chickpeas (garbanzos) and lentils fall under the category of edible pulses, or legumes. They are nutritious, satisfying and with the addition of herbs and spices, very tasty. They are also low in calories and cholesterol, high in fiber and abundant in amino-acids/plant protein.

The variety of uses for these edible pulses is only limited by your imagination. They can be eaten hot in soups or stews or cold in salads and, containing close to 25% protein, they make an ideal meat substitute for vegetarians who can find it hard to get sufficient protein in their diets. Other edible pulses include kidney, navy, string, lima, bush and soy beans and peanuts.


In the old days we were told that eating eggs resulted in high cholesterol and that we should only eat the whites and maybe one or two whole eggs per week. Medical opinion on this has changed, and eating an egg a day is now not just considered safe, but encouraged.

Eggs provide us with protein and minerals. They are quite low in calories and low in the saturated, or "bad" fat we should avoid. Some studies have, in fact, shown that a regular consumption of eggs can increase our level of "good" cholesterol.

Veggie omelets combine two fat burning foods. They are quick and easy to make, and the vegetables, herbs and spices used can be changed around so they never become boring.

Some dietary studies have concluded that those who eat an egg for breakfast on a daily basis, along with or instead of toast and cereal, lose double the amount of weight as dieters who eat a carbohydrate based breakfast.


Nuts are filling, nutritious and they contain monounsaturated fatty acids, also known as MUFA's. These healthy fats actually burn fat. This makes nuts a far better snack choice than a donut or candy bar and they are just as convenient to grab on the run or pack in your lunch box. Nuts can also be used as an ingredient in salads and stir-fries, or as a coating when baking fish.

We've all had it drummed into us that fats make us fat. You may be surprised to know that this is not necessarily the case, and that people who lack healthy fats in their diet are far more prone to piling on the pounds than those who regularly include moderate amounts of healthy fat. The key here is moderation. Eat a small handful of peanuts, pecans, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, almonds or walnuts every day and reap the health and weight loss benefits. Any more than a small handful though, and you will risk consuming too many calories.


Fish is an excellent source of protein and being rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, provides us with the good fats our bodies need to stay healthy. It is also low in calories and saturated fat. Any fish is good, providing it is grilled, baked or pan fried and not deep fried or smothered in heavy calorie-laden sauce. The best sources of omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, mackerel, trout and tuna.

Chicken and Turkey

For those who eat meat, white meat such as chicken and turkey is a better option than red meat. Chicken and turkey are excellent fat burning foods as they are high in protein with a low calorie count and carbohydrate level. High protein foods take longer to digest than foods with a low protein content, and more energy is expended in the process. It's important not to consume the chicken or turkey skin as these are high in fat. If you must have red meat, limit it to a small serving two to three times a week at most, and choose lean cuts or pork. As with other foods, the way it is cooked and ingredients added can increase the calorie count substantially.


While not a food, water deserves to be included in this list. Water is essential for life. It keeps our metabolism ticking over, therefore it helps us burn body fat. It also helps flush toxins from our system and it is calorie free.

Foods that contain a lot of water impart a feeling of fullness, so we need less of the food to feel satisfied. Examples include cantaloupes, cucumbers, gourds, chard, papaya and watermelon.

When possible, choose whole foods over processed or refined food, using the fat burning foods above for reference. These fat burning foods contain lower levels of fat and sugar and less calories and carbohydrates than cakes, cookies, pizza and the like. Centering your diet around the former foods and limiting consumption of the latter will ulitmately result in a healthy weight loss.

I hope you enjoyed my article. Click link to find out about 5 of the tastiest foods that burn fat and check out my blog for diet tips and advice including info on the best diets to lose weight.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Susan_Gay_Butler

Food Combinations to Burn Fat - The Best Food Pairings to Burn Fat

Looking for the best food combinations to burn fat? Your diet is the single most important step to take in order to burn fat quickly. Often times, people make the mistake of pairing the wrong kinds of foods that do nothing to promote weight loss. What you need is proper balance to ensure your body burns calories at maximum efficiency. Mix and match foods from these three groups and you will lose weight quickly.

Group 1 - High quality and lean protein. Foods from this group include chicken, turkey, tuna, egg whites, and cottage cheese. The protein should not make up more than 40% of your total meal.

Group 2 Complex carbohydrates. Fat burning foods from this group are whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, brown rice, yams, green vegetables, and oatmeal. Mix at least one of these carbohydrates and it will make your metabolism work overtime. Make sure your complex carbs do not make up more than 30% of your meal.

Group 3 Healthy fats. Cook your vegetables with extra virgin olive oil, sesame, and canola oil. You can also use olive oil for your salad dressing. Peanuts and almonds are good snacks that are high in healthy fats that contain fat burning properties.

These are the three best food combinations to burn fat fast. Eat 5-6 small meals a day that combine these three groups and you will notice results very quickly. Try to cut out foods that store fat like sugar, starchy carbs, and processed foods.

But identifying proper food combinations to burn fat is only half the game. You must put together a specific plan in order lose weight properly. Fortunately there is an online diet generator that can completely map out a weight loss program that pairs the best fat burning food combinations. This programs guarantees you can lose 9 pounds every 11 days and lose it the healthy way.

Come see for yourself the diet that has taken the weight loss industry by storm. No gimmicks, no pills, and no fads, just proven healthy techniques to help you lose weight quickly and keep it off. Come get your own customized plan at the top weight loss site today!


Steven Hawks is a personal trainer and weight loss enthusiast. After battling with and defeating his own weight problems years ago, he has made it his goal to help others achieve their physical fitness goals. His articles have been used in numerous publications around the world.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steven_Hawks

Get Rid of Belly Fat Fast - 3 Deadly Things You Must Know When You Are Trying To Lose Belly Fat

How many days more do you want to go by where you wake up every morning and look at the mirror just to see that overhanging belly that never seems to go in?

Have you ever wished to just chop if off once and for all?

How many times have you got upset when you couldn't buy a nice pair of jeans that fits your size?

You need to forget the idea of a thousand of crunches. I bet that even if you do a million crunches, you are going to get the same slow result as doing a hundred crunches. So don't waste your time and energy in something that simple won't work.

Getting flat abs is every man and woman's dream, in their consciousness or at least in their sub consciousness. And that dream of yours can very soon become a reality if you follow the following steps I have outlined in a simple and easy to follow system.

# You need to think big.

If you are working to get rid of belly fat ONLY, then you have to understand that every time you lose a pound of fat in your belly, another pound of fat falls into your belly from another part of your body.

This shows that you have excess fat. And if this is the case, you can't get rid of belly fat by simple ab crunches. You need to work on getting rid of fat from all over your body. This means, you need to do more resistance training that works your entire body.

# You need resistance training.

Since you goal is to get rid of belly fat FAST, the best exercises to perform are ones that can turn your body into fat burning blowtorch. And what are these exercises called? Compound Exercises.

Compound exercises, to be simply put, are single exercises that target many muscle groups all at once.


The Famous "Pushup", targets the biceps, triceps, chest, back, shoulders, and the abs.
The Powerful "Dead lift", targets the thighs, quads, buns, abs, core, traps.

Let's compare:

Bicep Curl targets the biceps.

Tricep Kickback targets the triceps.

Leg Press targets the quads.

You can get a hardcore fat loss workout in less than 10 minutes if you choose the right compound exercises.

If you want to get rid of belly fat fast, you need resistance training, and the fastest resistance training exercises that can speed up the goal to losing belly fat and getting that nice set of abs is compound exercises.

# You need a proper Diet and Nutrition plan.

Did you know that diet and nutrition accounts for 80% of your body fat system? If you want to get rid of belly fat fast, then you need to:

=> Eat more often, a minimum of 6 short meals a day.

=> Have a portion of lean protein in every meal. This could be a protein shake, chicken breast etc...

=> Eat breakfast like a king, and dinner like a peasant. This means, you need to eat less in your dinner than you eat in your other meals.

=> Like parents always say, always eat your green vegetables.

=> Try to have a glass of green tea after every meal. This helps control your hunger.

=> Drink a minimum of 10 glasses a day.

=> Keep sugar levels low, but not too low, you need a little sugar to keep your system active. No wonder eating too many chocolates makes us hyper active.

=> Never let yourself to starve. This trigger's fasting inside your system, and starts storing more fat instead of burning them.

If you want to get rid of belly fat, then you really have to follow the diet and nutrition plan. It is the most important of all factors. Even if you skip the first three factors, Diet and nutrition can help you achieve 80% of your fat loss goal.

So, to sum it up, three things are crucial if you want to get rid of belly fat fast. You need to lose fat from all over your body, perform more compound exercises, and an optimized diet and nutrition plan.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Abi_Shaan

Belly Fat Burner - 3 Quick Tips to Get Rid of Stomach Fat

Are you tired of looking in the mirror and seeing your bulging belly hanging loose? Do you feel upset and disgusted with yourself each time you get conscious of your fat belly? Having belly fat can take its toll on your self-esteem and perhaps you have done countless crunches in hopes of getting rid of it. Unfortunately, stomach crunches are not the most effective fat belly burner there is. Instead, consider turning to these three tips that can help you get rid of stomach fat.

Tip#1: Have a good nutrition and diet plan

Your diet can contribute to how much fat your body can deposit in your stomach. Therefore, if you want to burn fat belly, start eating healthily. Develop a mindset that can make you eat for the sake of nourishing your body instead of eating to keep yourself happy and satiated. Don't skip meals, eat vegetables, and incorporate protein-rich foods from chicken breast, fish, and egg whites in your meals. If you need to eat a snack, consider snacking on fruits and vegetables instead of junk food.

Tip#2: Resistance training

Exercise is an efficient belly fat burner that helps build muscle and increase your metabolism so you can burn more calories. Resistance training can help you burn belly fat that also results in having good and tone abs and muscle building. Incorporate some dumbbells or weights in your exercise routine.

Tip#3: Don't just focus on losing belly fat

If you are only concerned about getting rid of belly fat by doing crunches, chances are, you are not working out the other parts of your body. Therefore, exercise not just to tone or shrink your abs but also to strengthen your muscles and get rid of fat elsewhere in the body.

If you are looking for a proven system to lose your belly fat FAST, click Lose Belly Fat. If you're ready for a highly effective method that's different from what everyone else is teaching, click Fat Loss Now. You don't want to miss this!

Jasmine is a top expert on weight loss, health living, and diets. She has written numerous articles on the topics of weight loss, health, fitness, and diet.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jasmine_Banks

Great Tips for Getting Rid of Belly Fat

Belly fat is one of the most stubborn things to get rid of. Once it is there, you could be exercising for years before it starts to go. This can be frustrating for a lot of people and sometimes that give up all together because they think nothing will shift it.

When people give up on the task to get rid of their belly fat, it tends to get a lot worse and there will become a point when they have twice as much belly fat than they had when they decided that they wanted to lose it.

If you have read the above and it you agree that is sounds like you, then it will be such a shame if you quit now. There will come a time when you regret the decision and then you will even feel worse.

So, if you want to get rid of your belly fat and you are approaching the point where you want to quit, then read ahead for some tips on getting rid of the belly fat and being patient.


Getting rid of belly fat does take patience. It is not going to go away over night and if you are measuring your waistline everyday, then it is going to seem like it is taking forever.

You should not measure once a week, let alone once a day. This will be bad for you and the more you see slim results, the more you are going to feel like giving up. Putting the tape measure away will be the best advice that you will even be given. If you have to measure, then you should stick to a schedule of once a month so that you are giving yourself some time to burn some fat off.

Instead of measuring, you should use a pair of clothing that you want to fit into, as a guide. A pair of jeans that won't close is a good example because you will be able to see your progress as the button gets close to closing. Again, only try these jeans on once a month.

Whole Body

If you want to get rid of your belly fat, then it might be the case that you have to burn the fat off the rest of the body first. It all depends on how your body works. For some people, fat from the belly is burnt off last, and for others, it is burnt off first.

Therefore, it is important not to feel downhearted if you are burning fat off the rest of the body first, because it will burn off eventually. It just takes a lot of determination.

It might be better if your goal was to completely change your life and your body shape overall because then you aren't focused on such a small goal. You will feel like you are more successful when you notice the changes in your body.


There are supplements available that will help you to burn fat off the stubborn areas of your body. The supplements are not meant to replace the hard work. You are not going to take the tablet and then watch as the fat just glides off the body.

You are still going to have to diet and exercise as well. So, don't think of taking a supplement as a short cut, because it isn't and people who expect this tend to give supplements a bad name, when if they did the work as well, they will see that supplements do help.

Nutra Business, otherwise known as Boli LLC, is a online store, founded in 2010, which specializes in the supply of supplements. They started off as a supplier of protein shakes, but as their business grew and changed, they have come to be known as a competitive retailer and wholesaler of nutritional supplements. Their headquarters are in Utah and they are very successful with record growth for the years that they have been in business. They are dedicated to nutritional supplements and they only choose their ingredients and supplements based on scientific evidence. They have core statement and they are devoted to their mission statement. You can visit their website at http://www.nutrabusiness.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Simon_Field

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat to Get a Flat Stomach and Six Pack Abs

Here are some scientifically proven weight loss facts you should consider if you want a well-proportioned flat stomach and six-pack abs. Low calorie diets simply do not work mainly because they have an adverse effect on your fat burning metabolism. Your body soon adapts to it and if the calorie deficit is too low the "starvation mode clicks-in" killing your metabolism and you begin to store fat.

With a reduced carbohydrate diet you need to be extremely strong-willed. Most of us are overweight because we are not strong-willed. This is why this type of diet has a very low success rate. The underlying principle here is that starving yourself always fails and it messes-up your fat burning metabolism. With these types of weight loss plans you will always have hunger pangs, feel low in energy, moody and short-tempered. When you go off the rails and most of you will, the weight just piles back on and all the weeks and months of sacrifices you've made would have all been in vain.

Now an effective scientifically proven 4 pronged weight loss plan is one that incorporates a unique system of eating and effective exercising such as with cardio and abdominal exercises. The scientifically tested plan is different to anything you may have tried before. This powerful fat burning system will guide you onto the path to finally getting rid of belly fat and flattening out your stomach on the way to a 6 pack in the shortest sustainable way possible.

1. Balanced Diet Regimen

To lazily kick-start and fire-up your metabolism you need to eat 5 or 6 modest meal a day rather than 3 large ones. By eating larger portions of food, a considerable amount remains undigested causing bloating. By eating smaller portions, this also helps to reduce your inner gut with time and you are never hungry. Simply, eat more food and lose weight.

Foods to avoid are processed ones that are filled with considerable amounts of fat, sugar, salt, stabilizers, colourings and other man-made chemicals. These also include white foodstuffs such as bread, pasta, rice, fizzy drinks, refined sugars, snacks, deserts, trans fats (crisps, margarine, shortenings), corn syrup- the lists goes on and on.

Good healthy food to include are oatmeal, olive oil, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, real butter, whole grain bread, coloured greens, free range eggs, fish, grass-fed beef, chicken, turkey, shellfish, green tea, still water and so on. These energizing foods contain a mix of complex carbohydrates, lean proteins and unsaturated fats as well as plenty of fibre. Remember to drink plenty of water and severely cut back on salt.

2. Cardio Workout

Interval training types of exercises are the scientifically proven ones that rapidly burn fat both during the exercise and for at least 48 hours afterwards also called the afterburn. These explosive types of workouts are performed in short sharp burst. For example, if you are running, simply run-flat out for 20 seconds followed by 30 seconds of walking and then repeat. Do this for about 15 to 20 minutes 2 to 3 times per week for positive results. Other successful fat busting cardio exercises to include are swimming, biking, step aerobics, elliptical trainer, rowing and so on. They all burn huge amounts of calories and will flatten stomach by getting rid of belly fat.

3. Resistance Workout

Building strong lean muscle is absolutely crucial to your fat burning success and your drive towards a chiselled looking six-pack abs. A pound of lean muscle can burn an extra 15 calories per day, 5 lbs. is about 75 calories. This is one of the most important reason to exercise while trying to lose fat - not to burn calories, but to prevent the loss of lean body mass.

The more lean muscle tissue you have, the more efficient is your fat burning system. Lifting heavy weights not only causes your muscle fibre to break up but also positively strengthens them as it heals.

Try and perform these resistance workouts for 30 to 45 minutes, 2 occasions per week. Leave a 1 to 2 day gap interval so that the muscles can happily heal and repair themselves. Remember to include a good source of protein in your thoughtful or well planned diet.

4. Ab Exercises

For ab definition and to show off that chiselled six-pack look add tried and tested ab exercises into your workout. The proven, useful ones are crunches, leg raises, pull ups, squats and so on. As always mix them up, add new ones and keep your body guessing so that it doesn't adapt. For successful and sustainable results, aim to work your abs 3 times per week!

If you're really fed up and ashamed of carrying around your big fat stomach and can't find nice fitting clothes- expert help is at hand. If you seriously want to follow an easy, expert tested fat burning system that simply works and is sustainable even for the lazy person, I encourage you to take Action right now. Click on the link to get your "Limited Time Free Report" now before it's too late and ends.

If you don't lose 5 - 14 pounds in your first 10 days alone, I'll be really surprised.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr_Rawl_Hardial

Belly Fat Gone in 3 Weeks - Honest Advice to Get Rid of Belly Fat and Love Handles

Sure, you know belly fat is dangerous. What if I told you that some weight loss products like herbal diet pills, herbs and teas can lead to your death instead of helping you to get rid of your belly fat and love handles, will you believe me? But here's something you might not realize: You can lose your belly fat safely through healthy eating and exercise. You deserve to know the truth and act on it today because certain weight loss products can kill you.

The truth must be said and quite frankly too! Exercise will help you to lose weight and get rid of your belly fat. Start your own exercise regime that is suitable for you. Endeavor to include simple exercise like walking into your weight loss plan. Walking alone has been proven to drastically reduce excess fat around the waistline. To get the desire benefit from walking, you must make simple changes to the way you walk.

You should add skipping and jumping moves to your walk around the block if you want to quickly get rid of your belly fat within 3 weeks. The secret is to change the walking pattern your body has grown used to over the years with a high intensity movement. This simple exercise will help you to burn calories, lose weight and feel confident and beautiful in a short time.

Pay close attention to what you eat. It is very easy to get into the habit of eating every food that smells nice. Constantly eating certain kind of unhealthy food will only serve to make you gain weight instead of losing it.

Constantly remind yourself to eat healthy at all times. Learn to eat more vegetables and fruits, almonds, protein and olive oil. Choose whole wheat bread ahead of white bread. Eat more whole grain cereals like bran flakes and oatmeal. Eat low fat or nonfat milk, cheese, yogurt and beans.

Sometimes, you will think that diet pills, herbs and teas commonly advertised by celebrities for weight loss is best for you. Beware! These weight loss products can cause you grave harm or death. Don't waste your hard-earned money on these dangerous and useless weight loss products.

If you have never taken time to examine what you buy as food, then you are not doing yourself any good. When you go for your regular shopping, it is healthy to buy meat with less fat. After cooking the meat, drain off the fat. Buy skinless chicken or remove the skin from the chicken.

Sadly, there are many men and women who are staunch in their belief that you can get rid of belly fat by skipping a meal or two. If you truly want your belly fat to be gone within 3 weeks, you must eat regularly. But, you must eat the right kind of food. Skipping breakfast or any other meal of the day will make you to overeat during your next meal.

I know you enjoy eating fried foods. If you want to quickly get rid of your belly fat and love handles, avoid eating anything fried and learn to use a little quantity of butter, oil and margarine. Experience for yourself that healthy eating will help you to lose weight and get rid of love handles.

Investing in yourself is more healthy and more rewarding than struggling to make money without regards to your looks and health. There is no quick-fix approach to lose weight, get rid of love handles and belly fat. Any expert advice or product that promises you easy and fast weight loss is only trying to deceive you and in the long run, they will take your money and damage your health.

The best and effective weight loss program will teach you how to lose weight, get rid of your love handles and belly fat safely through healthy eating and exercise. It will also teach you how to prepare the best meal that is suitable for your body's natural fat burning mechanism.

After reviewing dozens of programs over the past years, there is one scientifically proven approach that is my favorite weight loss program. This incredible system is by far the simplest and most effective way to get rid of belly fat and love handles.

If you have wasted your time and hard-earned money on all the hype, claims and "quick fix cures" that did not deliver on its promises and you are ready to do it the right way, then this is the honest and effective system that will help you achieve your desired shape!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Flaviu_Serban

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat in 2 Days Or Less!

Here's how to get rid of belly fat in 2 days or less. The fat, especially your belly fat, starts getting burned off immediately when you know these tricks. Besides that, the fat often gets SCORCHED out of your body for 18+ hours NON-STOP! So read this now if you're in a big hurry to lose fat from all over your problem areas.

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat

1. Do "HIIT" cardio on a stairstepper or elliptical machine

HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. Basically, this burns off fat immediately and at higher rates for 18+ hours because of the varied intensities levels you go through.

What you do is start out slow for 10-30 seconds and follow it up with ALL OUT, intense, as fast as you can, effort for 10-15 seconds. So say you're on the elliptical. You'll go at a nice easy pace for 10-30 seconds then when that time is up you go as fast as you can for 10-15 seconds .

And... you keep repeating that over and over (the sequence) until you're done.

2. If you're pressed for time, Hindu Squats are great for attacking fat deposits

Hindu squats are nothing but plain bodyweight squats that you do really fast. You don't need anything. Just you and some effort. The key is your effort. You MUST do these as fast as you humanly can.

To give you a guideline of what to shoot for, do 100 or more squats in 5 minutes. To accomplish this, you pretty much need to squat non-stop the whole 5 minutes. So you'll be breathing heavy. If you shy away from putting in serious effort into exercising, then DON'T do these.

Anything short of full effort will be a waste of your time.

You'll notice stomach fat disappearing quickly. Using these 2 exercises... that's how to get rid of belly fat fast.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah", then...

Click http://www.weightlossguide4women.com to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm giving away this report today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free report now. If you don't lose 10 pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised! http://www.weightlossguide4women.com

Jennifer Jolan

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Jolan

6 Myths About Getting Rid Of Belly Fat

There are a wide variety of misguided beliefs going around about how to get rid of belly fat. The most effective way to lose the fat around your belly is to eat healthy and balanced diet and to do regular exercise. Here are 6 popular misconceptions that you'll hear about the excess fat around your waistline.

1. You Need To Starve Yourself.

Losing belly fat is not about not eating. Not eating won't help to slim your stomach or help your body in any way for that matter. You need a healthy and balanced diet. Never skip a meal and starving yourself will only harm you in the long run.

2. You Have To Give Up All Your Favorite Foods.

You can still enjoy your favorite foods in moderation and lose that fat around your waist. You will need to make changes to your diet and great way to balance healthy eating with your favourite foods is eat 80% of your calories from healthy foods and 20% of calories from other foods of your choice.

3. It Is Genetic.

The amount of fat that we have in our body is not completely due to the genes that we have inherited. While there are different body types that are determined by our genes, our body fat is due to two main factors. First, the food that we have been eating from the start of our life to where we are now and, second, the amount of movement or activity that we do on a regular basis.

4. You Can Take Supplements And Pills To Lose Belly Fat.

There are dietary supplements that can help you lose belly fat, but they won&#39;t help if you don&#39;t make other changes to your lifestyle. You have to look at all areas of your lifestyle, from the food you eat to the exercise that you do.

5. There Are No Real Health Risks With Belly Fat.

While being overweight in general can pose health problems, belly fat is particularly dangerous when it comes to keeping your body healthy. By decreasing your waistline, you can reduce your risk for diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Diabetes is a serious condition and it is the leading cause of blindness and a major cause of kidney disease.

6. Go On A Crash Diet.

Crash diets often severely restrict or forbid certain food groups. Not only will your body lose out on all the nutrients it needs and you will most likely put all the weight back on when you stop the crash diet. To lose belly fat and keep it off you need a long term way of eating that will enable to maintain your weight after you lose the excess fat.

Do you want to know more on how to get a flat belly? Are you confused about healthy eating and do you want to know the best workout techniques to get the results you want? For nutritional tips, the best exercise programs, fitness motivation and the whole recipe for fat loss with safe, natural and proven methods please visit http://howtogetflatabsfast.org/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jon_Allo

6 Facts That Are Wrong About Getting Rid Of Belly Fat

When it comes to losing belly fat, everyone has their own idea of what will work best. This is fine but there are a lot of so called facts out there that tell you how to get rid of belly fat which are just plain wrong. Here are 6 facts about losing belly fat that everyone thinks are true but are just common myths.

1. Crunches And Sit Ups Get Rid Of Belly Fat.

Crunches and sit ups work and tone your abdominal muscles, but you need to burn off the fat that covers those muscles first. That means to start losing belly fat you have to do fat burning exercises, like resistance and cardio training as well as control the amount of calories that you eat each day.

2. As Long As You Exercise You Can Eat What You Want.

It does not matter how hard you exercise if those calories that you've burned are being replaced with unhealthy foods. To lose the fat around your midsection you need to eat less fatty, saturated and fast foods, white flour, sugar and salt and eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.

3. You Need To Workout For Hours At The Gym Everyday.

To get rid of belly fat for good you do need to include some exercise into your weekly routine. But you don't have to spend hours in the gym every day. In fact, exercising for 10 minutes several times each day is about as effective as one long workout session.

4. Long Cardio Sessions Are Best For Getting Rid Of Belly Fat.

If you just spend hours on the treadmill or stationary bike at the same pace, it is not going help you get those flat abs muscles showing through. The best cardio results come from interval training. This is where you alternate between high intensity exercise with low intensity recovery periods.

5. To Lose That Fat You Have To Suffer.

If you always feel that you are on a diet and doing exercise that you hate, it will be very difficult to shed that unwanted fat around your midsection. There are plenty of healthy and nutritious foods out there that you probably have never tried and lots of different types of exercise. You need to focus on changing your lifestyle by improving your nutrition and fitness.

6. It's About What You Eat, Not What You Drink.

What you drink is as important as what you eat. Losing belly fat is not just about cutting down on eating high calorie foods. Alcohol and carbonated soft drinks are very high in calories. Water is one of the few drinks that has no preservatives, no sodium, no calories and you can drink as much water as you want without adding to your caloric intake.

Do you want to learn the real ways to lose weight and get fit? Are you confused about healthy eating? Do you want to know the best workout techniques to get the results you want? Claim your FREE eBook with over 100 tips to lose belly fat.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jon_Allo

Take This Quick Quiz To See If You're Ready To Lose Belly Fat

Are you really ready to lose belly fat? Are prepared to take action? Once you've achieved your goals, can you maintain them? Before you start trying to lose belly fat, answer these 5 quick questions.

1. Are You Worried How You Look?

Do you see a misshapen, lumpy figure when you put on a new outfit? Do you wish that you looked smart and tidy in your new clothes? Do you want go swimming or relax on the beach without having to worry that people can see the abdominal fat around your midsection? When you look at yourself in the mirror, do you hate seeing a flabby gut hanging over your belt? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, then go to the next question about getting rid of belly fat.

2. Are You Worried About Your Health?

Do you want to lose belly fat because you're concerned about the health risks? People with excess belly fat often face chronic disease issues such as diabetes. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness and it is also a major cause of kidney disease. In addition to this, it increases your chance of having heart disease and suffering from a stroke by almost 400%. This is a very important reason for getting rid of belly, not only for you but how your poor health could affect your family and loved ones.

3. Will You be Careful About What You Eat?

If you answered yes to this question, that's good, because this is where it all starts when you lose belly fat. You do need to eat fewer of the foods that are filled with sugars and starches and eat more nutritious foods. Some the best foods to eat to lose belly fat include fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grain foods, fibre sources such as flaxseeds and beans, lean meats and drinking plenty of water.

4. Are You Prepared To Do Some Exercise?

You probably knew this question was coming but don't worry, you don't have to spend hours in the gym doing exercises to lose belly fat. There are plenty of exercises that you can do at home and simple things that you can include into your day. Like always taking the stairs, parking your car a little further from work or getting off public transport one stop early. Try out some new activities and find one that you enjoy and that you can stick with for the long term.

5. Are You Prepared To Change Your Lifestyle?

If you've answered yes to all the questions so far, you're on the right track for getting rid of belly fat. Whatever you do in life, you will always get better results if you set some goals and have something to aim for. With your belly fat gone, think about the new clothes you will be able to wear, how you'll look in your swim suit and how much healthier you will be.

Losing weight and getting fit does not have to be difficult. For the best nutritional tips, the most proven exercise programs, fitness motivation and the whole recipe for fat loss with safe, natural and proven methods please click here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jon_Allo

Tips On How To Lose Belly Fat Fast

Are you worried about excess belly fat? Maybe your favorite jeans don't fit you anymore or you look unflattering in your favorite cocktail dress. You definitely need to do something about that extra fat quickly! You should be aware of the consequences of obesity, and know that it is necessary to maintain a healthy weight to prevent a variety of diseases. There are several weight loss and diet plans available that help in weight and fat loss. But if you want to know how to lose belly fat naturally, here are some methods that are just as effective.

A healthy diet and exercise is necessary for rapid weight loss. As for your diet, you do not need to starve yourself, you can just avoid fatty foods and replace them with healthy alternatives. I suggest you eat 4 - 5 small, healthy meals each day. As for exercise, a combination of weightlifting and cardio is best for fat loss. Now let's look at these methods in detail.

Food you should eat: Vegetables and fruits are the best options for health products that you can include in your diet weight loss. They contain all the necessary nutrients and almost no fat. Fish is a good choice, because it contains omega-3 fatty acids and proteins that are necessary for the body. You can also include low-fat yogurt, low-fat milk, olive oil, nuts and seeds, whole grains, beans, legumes, tofu, soy, herbal tea etc. in your diet. Consuming food with a high protein content is a necessity if you're working out regularly.

Foods to avoid: All junk and processed foods such as pizza, burgers, chips, desserts, etc. should be excluded from your diet. Second, avoid eating fatty and fried foods, like fried chicken, butter, cheese, cakes, croquettes, etc. Meat and chicken with a thick sauce, macaroni and cheese, etc. contain excess calories and therefore should be avoided. Chocolate, sweets, desserts, cakes, pastries, ice cream, are also loaded with calories and therefore should not be part of your diet.

Drink water: Have you heard about the benefits of drinking water to lose weight? Having a sufficient amount of water (8 - 10 glasses) daily helps increase your metabolism, which further helps in quick fat loss. Water is also one of the best natural appetite suppressant. You can drink a glass of water before meals to curb appetite, which consequently leads to weight loss.

Exercise: Exercise is a must if you want to lose belly fat fast. Cardiovascular exercises like swimming, running, jogging, brisk walking, etc. help in burning fat. Another effective way of burning fat is by doing DVD workout programs at home.

Reduce stress: Stress is another factor that affects your weight. It has been observed that people tend to eat a lot when under stress. Therefore, you should avoid eating sweets and try to reduce stress as much as possible to maximize your fat loss. Meditation and yoga are considered to be the best methods for dealing with stress. Pursuing a hobby, or spending more time with close friends or family members, may also help in reducing stress.

Sleep: A good night's sleep is important for having a healthy body and mind. Therefore, having a sound sleep for more than 6 hours is critical.

Now that you've read my tips on how to lose belly fat naturally, it should be easier to understand how to deal with losing weight!

You can find more health and fitness tips at [http://effectivefitnessprograms.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alexander_Persson

Top 4 Exercises to Lose Belly Fat Fast

What are some of the healthy ways to lose belly fat? Is belly fat reduction through exercises cost effective? If you are one of those who want to get rid of belly fat, there are various ways on how you can achieve a flatter tummy and that can be done weight loss workouts and eating the right food. Nowadays, with the numerous food options, many just consider eating whatever they desire without knowing their provided nutrients or effects to their bodies. That is the reason why many end up gaining more weight. Fortunately, there are now tons of options on how you can drop extra pounds. Some consider supplements. However, not all get their desired results. For this reason, some end up frustrated and depressed especially when trying to lose belly fat fast. There are several exercises to lose belly fat in a quick manner. Some of these are:

1. Cardio Exercises

Cardio exercises enhance increased lung volumes and one of the common cardio exercises that is considered by many dieters is aerobics. With this, fat loss can be achieved in no time while improving your cardiovascular health. If you can't do aerobics on your own, you can join a particular group of persons who also aim to lose belly fat for you to be motivated and determined.

2. Strength Training

If you like to gain muscles while losing weight, combining your exercises with strength training can be a good idea. In this training, you will be able to form beautiful abs and muscles, which can give you more benefits in the end. Strength training is an important fitness program that reduce body fat, increase lean muscle and burn calories more efficiently. This is because more muscle mass gained enhances the burning of more calories, which then controls weight gain. Common choices of strength training for weight control include push-ups, abdominal crunches, pull ups and leg squats. Others are free weights like barbells and dumbbells.

3. Bicycle Exercise For #Healthy Weight Loss

This is perfect for those who want six pack abs. For you to do this kind of exercise, you must get into the supine position and your hands must be at your head's back. Then, bring the knees to your chest while you are lifting shoulders off the exercise mat. After that, bring your elbow to your knee when straightening your leg. For best results, you can do one to three sets with twelve to sixteen repetitions.

4. How To Lose Belly Fat Through Exercise Ball Crunch

In this belly fat workout, you will need an exercise ball. Also, when compared to other exercises for losing belly fat, your abdomen will do more exerting. But, your whole body is still needed for stabilizing. For you to do this, prepare the ball and lie on it with lower back that supports your body. Place your hands behind your head. Then, lift your torso off the ball and contract your abs to pull your rib cage's bottom towards your hip. This exercise is like curl ups. But, the only main difference is that you're using an exercise ball.

Exercises to lose belly fat are prerequisite for looking fit and smart. To learn more about healthy ways to burn belly fat, visit http://www.bellyfatbanished.com to explore some of the most cost effective ways to transform your body through safe weight loss.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Okpetu

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat Fast - 3 Simple Steps to a Sexy Stomach

The frustration of modern diets is so common most people stick to any given fat loss plan for less than a week on average. Obviously something is very wrong. Most diet programs are set up for failure because they restrict calories and fats to the point where your body can't function normally because you're so tired and hungry.

The good news is you can get rid of belly fat fast without any of the misery associated with many of these diets by following these 3 simple tips. Losing 7 to 10 pounds of fat in 2 weeks is typical when you use this system.

First, you need to focus exclusively on controlling your blood sugar level and not worry about calories. Blood sugar level controls your hunger, so keeping it in a specific range is critical to controlling appetite.

Once you have this under control your body will burn fat at a much faster and constant rate.

Second, you need to eliminate all the sugar and simple carbs from your diet. These increase your blood glucose (sugar) levels and which cause your body to actually store fat and keep your body in crave mode.

Third you need to switch to a high protein, complex carb and "good" fat eating plan. These foods keep your blood sugar low and help your body use fat stores exclusively as an energy source.

I've presented these 3 steps as simply as possible to illustrate the backbone of a successful fat burning plan that works incredibly well.

Once you really start living with these 3 concepts this will be the last and ONLY fat burning plan you will need. It's amazing how quickly you'll start seeing results as well.

If you are truly frustrated and want to get rid of belly fat you can learn how to make this plan fit your specific metabolic type by watching this free video below.

Alyssa Collins R, Certified trainer, and diet columnist, "You want to lose weight without wasting your time" so if you're not sure where to start, watch this step by step free video that walks you through how to: lose 10 pounds in 7 days

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alyssa_Collins

Lose Belly Fat - 3 Secrets to Lose 10 Pounds in One Week

Did you know you can easily burn 10% of your body fat in about 30 days just by simply adjusting your diet? If you're having trouble losing belly fat, this article will give you solid advice that will help you melt fat by simplifying the diet process.

If you stick with the advice in the article, you will lose belly fat... guaranteed!

What are typical results? 3-10 pounds of fat gone in one week is very typical.

And... If you keep the plan going, you'll burn fat consistently until you reach what ever weight goal you have.

This diet will not make you: starve, do anything strange to your colon, take any supplements or diet pills, deprive yourself of eating satisfying foods or count calories.

Even if you have tried and failed at diets or weight loss programs over and over, hundreds of times even, it doesn't matter one bit.

This plan is based on 3 simple concepts...

1. You must totally understand the foods that let you burn belly fat naturally.

You'll be happy to know there are specific foods that actually help your body burn ridiculous amounts of fat.

These foods keep your blood sugar in the "fat burning range". Sounds simple enough but this is where most people who are struggling to lose weight fail miserably.

Eating only, and I mean ONLY, foods that keep your blood sugar in the "fat burning range" ensures you lose belly fat. You'll be amazed by all the great food you can eat that keeps blood sugar in check...steak, fish, chicken, avocado, nuts, butter, eggs, olive oil...this list goes on.

2. You must know which foods cause your body to store fat.

Eating foods that cause your blood sugar to spike puts your body in "fat store mode". In this mode your body will NOT burn fat but instead burn glucose produced from simple carbs and sugar for energy. While your body is pre-occupied burning sugars, fat is accumulating around your waist. Sugar is the MAIN enemy. Also to avoid like the plague would be any white flour products, bread or pasta, cakes, donuts etc...this list of foods to avoid is huge a well. Get rid of these and your body becomes a fat burning machine.

3. You must know what food combinations work best for you

Here's the challenge with this kind of diet... You need to really think ahead and spend some time planning when you shop for food if you want to lose belly fat. It's a very critical part of your diet because having the WRONG foods around will really throw you off.

Planning out meals, snacks and drinks will help you immensely as you shop for your new diet. You won't feel deprived either. Like...

Who says you can't have dessert?

Instead of eating chocolate cake you can substitute! Try mixing chocolate whey powder with milk and blending in fresh blueberries. Most of the whey protein supplements will satisfy your need for chocolate and supply extra protein to build muscle.

So, make a big deal about stocking up on stuff to eat, it's actually fun once you know you won't be that deprived or have to count calories. The preparation and planning confirms your commitment to lose belly fat as well.

Look... if you need more help on specific foods to choose, and there are many you wouldn't even think of to eat and NOT eat, see the video below....

You want to lose weight without wasting your time so if you're not sure where to start, watch this step by step free video that walks you through how to: lose 10 pounds in 7 days.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alyssa_Collins

Lose 30 Pounds of Fat in 4 Weeks - Watch Your Belly Fat Melt Away With the Top Diet of 2015!

How would you like to lose up to 30 pounds and melt away body fat and belly fat in just 4 weeks? Well, take just 60 seconds out of your day to read this article and learn more about top diet of 2009 for accelerated weight loss and fat loss!

When I first started dieting, I ended up getting caught into those fad diets, celebrity diets, and diet pills that you see all over the place. Needless to say, the results with using all of those were the same each time.....I either ended up losing weight and then regain it all back, or ended up with some type of health complication!

After spending so much time... (and a lot of freaking money!) trying to find the perfect diet to help me lose body fat and belly fat fast, I finally came across the most effective and easiest diet plan. The diet is called the calorie shifting system from Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

Get this, when I began the diet I weighed over 300 pounds and had a belly that looked as if I was 9 months pregnant! Now, in just around two months I ended up losing over 50 pounds, shrunk my waistline, and flattened my stomach....and it all stayed off PERMANENTLY!

Why does this diet work so well when others do not? Simply put, calorie shifting is based around providing you with proper nutrition through your very own custom diet generator, and also by doing the one thing that guarantees fast weight loss and fat loss....boosting your metabolism to the highest peak, which is done by utilizing the "shifting" technique that you'll learn with the diet!

So, if you want to lose body fat, lose up to 30 pounds, and shrink that belly in 4 weeks, then I highly recommend the calorie shifting system from Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

Lose up to 30 Pounds and reduce stubborn fat in 4 WEEKS by using the calorie shifting diet plan!

Click http://www.fatlossin11days.info to learn more and get started today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Avy_Barnes

Discover How to Lose 10 Pounds of Belly Fat in Just 1 Week Naturally - Secret Diet to Lose 10 Pounds

If you are really looking to lose 10 pounds of belly fat in just one week and that too with all natural weight loss diet then you have come to the right place. Here I'm sharing with you my own secret diet to lose 10 pounds within just one week.

1) Completely eliminate the intake of sugar, carbohydrates and grains: If you really want to lose your 10 pounds of belly fat in your first week then you should be seriously thinking about taking the food which contains fewer amounts of sugar, carbohydrates and grains. These elements are responsible for increase in the amount of insulin as well as they catapults the amount of fat in your body. If you can control the intake of these substances then you will easily control your calorie intake and your hunger. Better to have green vegetables and fruit salads in your every meal to keep control on your cholesterol level.

2) Perform regular and intensive aerobic exercises: once you set your diet nutrition plan perfectly then you can easily achieve your weight loss goal within weeks with the help of intensive aerobic and cardio exercises. The most effective and efficient way to burn your belly fat is to perform high energy aerobic exercises like hiking and camping. Hiking and camping activities demands higher physical energy which in turn speed up the process of metabolism. So these physical activities burns a lot of belly fat in minimum possible time.

The key point here is to stay active and to not go away from your weight loss goal until you achieve it. You can also perform some yoga and meditation activities to relieve your daily stress and depression. There are still more advanced ways to lose 10 pounds of belly fat in just one week with all natural methods. But to a master them you need to have a great diet plan and a great advice from experts in this field.

If you want to lose 10 pounds of belly fat with all natural methods in real quick time then visit my website to further learn about more advanced and in depth weight loss diet plan and other details: http://www.squidoo.com/How-To-Lose-10-Pounds-in-A-Week-or-Few-Days-Naturally

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ann_Morris

Lose Belly Fat Easily - Simple Yet Powerful Tips to Lose Bally Fat

The belly fat is an unwanted fat storage syndrome that happens in the mid section of human body. The prolific storage of fats in the visceral skin region in the abdominal area is this belly fat syndrome. People with belly fats face lot of physical and mental troubles. Physical troubles include profuse sweating, difficulty in breathing and difficulty in being active. Mental troubles include inferiority complex and stress syndrome. Many of the belly fat reduction techniques are not popular among people. The common physical exercises like walking and jogging which are well known to people is not an effective solution and also it consumes much time for cure. In this article, some uncommon but very effective ways to reduce belly fats are given.

Skipping Skipping is just common with children as fun habit. But this is a significant method to give workouts to the belly. While jumping with the skipping rope, the belly muscles undergo strain by moving up and down constantly. Minimum of fifty jumps continuously is good as an objective. This routine can be repeated for three or four times a day and within a week you can see good results.

Belly rest This is yoga like workout which demands much of mental concentration than physical strains. One should lie on ground with eyes facing down and the whole body weight is equally spread along the ground. Now slowly make efforts to raise the foot and hands with the whole weight of the body coming to the belly region. Maintain this position for a minute or if possible two minutes. With this position intact, slowly take your hands back and grasp your legs with slight allowance of knee being bent. Hold this position for about two minutes which will give maximum strain in the abdominal region. Sweat drops out as a result of breaking down of energy rich content inside the body.

Belly compress This exercise should be followed after the belly rest workouts. One should lie fully on flat surface with eyes facing skies. Efforts should be made to touch the knees with hands. Strictly no jerks should be made as it would result in unnecessary muscle twists and strains. Slow gradual advancement should be made and the position should be held for one or two minutes.

Knee grasps With the same procedure of the above exercise, the face should be brought closer to the knees with the legs pointing upwards towards the sky. The main idea here is to compress the abdominal region so that some strain is imparted that will help breaking up energy rich constituents in that region. Holding this position for couple of minutes will serve the purpose of breaking up belly fats.

Free Tools For Your Body Transformation Journey

Many people do exercises and even follow a proper diet and still they don't lose weight or build abs. Why? They don't have proper tools to track their progress and see where they are lagging. Download free body transformation tools worth $67 absolutely free. Click Here for more information.

Advanced Diet Tips and Exercise Videos to Lose Belly Fat and get six pack abs - Free

http://lose-fat-belly.com is a great website which provides diet tips and abdominal exercises with videos on how to lose belly fat. Advanced diet tips are also discussed in the website free of cost. It has over 25 different kinds of abdominal exercises to lose belly fat. It also contains information like low calorie foods, high fiber content foods, healthy diet tips, how to undergo diet plans, best diet plans and much more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gary_Gilbert

7 Simple Ways to Lose Belly Fat in Just 21 Days

Follow these 7 simple ways to lose Stomach fat now -

1) Reduce high calorie foods

Stomach fat is stored energy.

One of the necessary ways to lose Stomach fat is to burn more calories than you are taking in.

To do that, you need to get away from 'bad' processed foods that are high in fat and low in nutrition.

Examples of bad foods are soft drinks, fast food, snacks, beer and take away meals.

Instead look at unprocessed, fiber rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole-grains.

Why fiber?

Fiber improves both our blood sugar levels and bowel functions.

2) Cut Out Bad Carbs

We need Carbohydrates, but it is one of the most confusing part of our diet - some are very good for you, and some are not.

Fruits, vegetables, grains, soft drinks, donuts, or a bowl of corn flakes are all source of carbo - but not all of them are good for you.

The best way to classify the difference between good and bad carb is - "good" unrefined and "bad" refined (processed) carbs.

White rice, white bread, pasta made from white flour, all processed foods(cakes, biscuits etc), sugary cereals,
drinks and sugar are all examples of refined carbs.

The one thing to remember - "refined" food are processed carbs where all the beneficial natural nutrients have been stripped away.

The bran, the fiber, and most of the healthy nutrients have been lost, leaving a bland, white, longer-lasting and shelf-stable product.

So, the best way to lose stomach fat - cut out the bad carbs, and eat more good carbs.

3) Decrease Alcohol

Alcohol has no nutritional values.

If you do not burn off the calories from the alcohol, it will be stored as body fat.

4) Burn Belly Fat

Not only is stomach fat unhealthy, it increases your risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

One of the best ways to lose stomach fat is to exercise!

Exercises described in The Truth about Six Pack Abs will give you great ways to lose stomach fat - making it easier to lose weight around the waist.

5) Avoid Late Night Snacking

Late night snacking is one you should avoid.

Most people go straight to bed after a late night meal because they are tired.

This results in high blood sugar levels with no energy spent.

As a result, the excess sugar is quickly converted to fat and stored in the body!

6) Eat Power Foods to Lose Stomach Fat

You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight.

Another way to lose stomach fat is to eat more lean protein, healthy fats and unrefined

Power Foods you should include in the diet are non salted almonds and other nuts, eggs, berries, extra Protein Whey powder, unflavored oatmeal, Fat free or low fat milk, spinach and other vegetables.

7) Quit Smoking

Not only does it increase your chance of cancer, it increase your abdominal weight gain and raises blood sugar level
by stimulating your stress response.

So quit smoking now.

There are many more ways to lose stomach fat, but if you follow the 7 guidelines above - you will lose stomach fat.

The key to a flatter stomach is dropping the body fat level with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Visit The Truth About 6 Pack Abs And Discover the Best Diet to Lose Belly Fat and the Best Stomach Exercises to Get Ripped Abs for Both Women and Men.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Oh

What Type Of Fat Loss Diet Plan Can FORCE Your Body To Naturally Burn Off Fat Fast?

Diets. Most people hate going on one and most people can't stick to one! Does this describe you? If so, then in this article here I'm going to share with you the type of fat loss diet plan that can literally FORCE your body to shed off stubborn fat fast... no matter what your body type is or what your body transformation goals are! Continue reading to learn more...

Why Most Diets Don't Work...

You see, the reason most of these diet plans out here don't produce significant and/or permanent results is because they are based around an unnatural method that does something VERY counterproductive... and that would be REDUCING your metabolism!

In order to burn off fat quickly, your metabolism needs to run at a faster rate, and it needs to do so on a consistent basis.

Cutting back significantly on your calorie intake, eliminating or significantly reducing your carb intake, or not getting the right amount of macronutrients (carbs, fats, and protein) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) will not only slow your metabolism down, it will also cause an array of other issues.

A lot of these diets out here are based around these crazy dieting practices to try to "trick" your body into losing weight and fat. The thing is though, your body is a machine, and that machine needs the right type of fuel (which would be proper nutrients and the right amount of calories) to operate effectively!

What Will Work...

The key to getting results is to not try to trick your body, but instead try to keep your bodies metabolism consistently running as high as possible... NATURALLY.

Therefore, the best type of fat loss diet plan is one that boosts your metabolism naturally, but at the same time, you should be EATING and not starving yourself, and you should be getting ALL the nutrients your body needs.

There are a few programs out there that can do this, but the one I personally used that got me the best results was a program that increased my metabolism by eating specific foods in different patterns.

By doing this, my metabolism stayed running high because it never got used to my eating habits. When your metabolism gets used to an eating pattern, it settles down. When you switch this pattern around the right way with the right foods, it SKYROCKETS!

So, if you're struggling to get consistent results, then I recommend programs based on NATURALLY boosting your metabolism... but not with you starving yourself or restricting nutrients. Because your metabolism will stay running fast, your body is literally FORCED to shed pounds of fat... FAST!

Want PROOF? Click ==> Best Fat Loss Method to find out how this type of dieting caused me (and thousands of others) to get AMAZING results... regardless of body type, age, goals, etc.

I lost an amazing 52 lbs. of fat in 2 months using this popular online fat loss program... PERMANENTLY!

Visit www.FatLossIn11Days.info to learn more and to get started INSTANTLY.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Avy_Barnes