The Best Exercises to Lose Stomach Fat Fast

It is often assumed that the best exercises to lose stomach fat are specific exercises for the mid section.

While training the stomach area is necessary, it is not going to get rid of fat from around the stomach anytime soon. These types of exercises are mainly designed to make the core area stronger, and do not really burn a lot of fat.

In order to get rid of fat you will need to target exercises which are going to burn lots of calories in one go. You will lose more calories if you train your body as a whole, instead of training individual areas. There is one major way of approaching your training in order to get rid of stomach fat quickly.

Cardio exercises are considered to be some of the best exercises to lose stomach fat. Traditionally this meant doing long boring hours of cardio work each week. Obviously doing it this way can get very boring very quickly. However there is a much better approach to cardio training these days.

Your focus needs to be on the quality of training, and not the quantity. This means doing your cardio in a way that is going to give you the fastest and most effective results. This is where interval training comes into play.

What is interval training? It is a method of training which uses higher intensity instead of a higher time frame. This type of training is harder than conventional training but it will save you a lot of time and it will produce some great results.

The best exercises to lose stomach fat will be through the use of running, cycling, rowing, and some kind of circuit training. Interval training can be applied to almost any cardio exercise.

If you take running for an example, instead of running around a park for 30 minutes, you should use interval training in your running. This means instead of going at a steady pace for the whole of your run, you will go at a steady pace for a few minutes, and then sprint as fast as you can for around 30 seconds. Then you go back to a slower pace to get your breath back.

You simply repeat this process for around 15 minutes, and then you are done. This not only saves you time, it will also produce faster results. You can do this on a bike, rowing machine, or a treadmill.

The reason this works is that in order for your body to change, it needs a good reason. A long jog around a field is not really pushing your body. This it can cope with, regardless of how out of breath you may get. Sprinting pushes your body to the point, that it realises that it has to change in order to handle this type of training. It does this by supplying more energy to your muscles by burning more calories.

Burning calories is what you need to do in order to lose fat. If you look at long distance runners, you will see that they carry very little fat. However their bodies can hardly be considered as attractive. If you look at sprinters, you will see that they also carry very little fat, but their bodies are more muscular and they ooze power.

Doing sprints in your cardio training, regardless of what type of cardio you do will give you the best exercises to lose stomach fat fast.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Paul_Duncan/1758