Belly Fat Reduction - 3 Tips to Reduce Belly Fat in 14 Days

What are the best methods for "belly fat reduction"? Here are 3 tips that work:

#1) Use HEAVY weights

These are imperative for becoming lean. Most people-especially women-make the error of using only light weights.

Super light weights will NOT help you drop flab

Whether you are a man or women, challenging yourself by lifting a substantial amount of weight is KEY.


Because super light weights only help you increase your endurance--and endurance does NOTHING for your burning flab. This might help you run the New York City Marathon but it's irrelevant for what you want to accomplish .

When you are looking to become LEAN you MUST focus on the type 2 muscle fibers. These are the key to improving power, performance AND fat loss.

#2) Avoid "low intensity" cardio

This might be the biggest time waster of all when going for belly fat reduction. Jogging does NOTHING--and yet it's what most people spend the greatest amount of time doing.

Sure it will help you run for a longer time period... but it's really not that effective for burning flab.

#3) Do NOT overdo the situps

Do they really work? Yes and no--they are NOT bad-but they are FAR FROM THE most effective workout.
Which exercises you do will make or break your success

There comes a point in time-when you reach a certain conditioning level--where WHICH workouts you choose are critical.

Don't get me wrong-situps and crunches have worked for many people-but only because they were so out of shape that ANYTHING they did would have worked.

That's why "low calorie" and other very restrictive diets that work for some people don't work for others. Unless you are super out of shape, you won't get belly fat reduction from most activities.

Are you sick of diets and exercises that don't work? Stop wasting time on bad advice--discover how to have great looking abs NOW by visiting [http://www.GetRidofAbsFatNow.info].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Walter_Madison