Top 5 Proven Steps to Burn MORE Stubborn Belly Fat

It's that time of year again - bikini season! Time to shed our multi-layered clothing in return for sheer fabrics and revealing styles. While it should be a time most of us look forward to, it is a time most of dread. And the biggest dread of all? Belly Fat! Hard as we may try, most of us just can't get rid of it. So what can we do to finally get the smooth, flat abs we all crave? Here's a little guide to help you learn how to finally burn belly fat.

Keep the Fats!

We have been so conditioned over the past few decades to believe so many false 'truths' about fats. First we were told that all fats were bad for us, and to avoid them at all costs in order to lose belly fat. The result? People lost weight, but also lost nutrients their bodies badly needed since many vitamins cannot be properly digested without fat. Then we were told that only certain fats are good for us, and to avoid others at all costs. The result?In order to stay away from 'unhealthy fats' found naturally in many products, people need to spend tons on expensive, organic grocery items. Not something most people can do! So instead of focusing on fats so much, pay more attention to other details, such as adding wholesome, fat-burning foods. Eating fat does not cause you to gain belly fat.

Adding Foods Instead of Taking Them Away

When we think of losing weight, most of us think about taking things out of our diets. But in reality, the best strategy is to add things to our diets. The new 'whole foods craze isn't all just a fad - eating these foods is the fastest way to burn belly fat. So instead of thinking of calories, think of nutrients.

But Watch out for `Healthy`Alternatives

Many of us choose foods that seem healthy because of their packaging. We fall for the `whole grain label and purchase pre-made meals made with àll-natural`ingredients thinking they'll burn belly fat. But take a closer look at the ingredients list and you`ll see a bunch of chemicals and processed foods you've never even heard of that cause you to gain belly fat.

Drink Smart

When we think of healthy foods drinks like smoothies, shakes and juices often come to mind. And while sipping an avocado and banana smoothie can be delicious and even help get rid of belly fat, be sure to watch those liquids! Drinking too much can not only overload your body with calories, but can cause it to overload on nutrients causing all sorts of trouble with digestion. Proper digestion is an essential part of the best diet for weight loss.

Exercise Smarter

If you want to burn that stubborn belly fat one thing's for certain - pounding the treadmill for hours doesn't work. It has been proven time and time again. The best way to burn pure fat is with quick bursts of high-intensity, multi-muscle moves. So instead of thinking of only cardio as the best way to burn belly fat, focus on moves like:
* Jump Lung
* Mountain Climbers
* Squat Jumps

Mix those up with strength moves with or without weights and you`ll be in belly fat burning mode!

There are so many older methods of burning fat that we know just don`t work any more. So step out of your comfort zone, get to know your fat burning foods and exercises, and watch that fat loss go!

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daveet_Franco