Tight Tummy Exercises - Flatten Your Stomach With These Quick Tips

If you're like I was, your stomach tends to want to flop out rather than trim up. I fought with my stomach for years before I finally figured out the trick to firming it up and getting that flat belly I'd always wanted.

Flattening your stomach is a two part process. First, you need to build the muscles in your abdominal region, and then you need to decrease the amount of fat around the muscles. These two things must be done together, or else you'll end up I was: fighting constantly with your stomach.

There are two key exercises that you'll need to do to strengthen your abdominal muscles.

1. Crunches
Fairly straightforward. Lie on your back with your knees at a right angle and feet on the ground. Using your stomach muscles, pick your shoulder blades off the ground. Your lower back should stay on the ground for this. This exercise strengthens the upper part of your abs.

2. Reverse Crunches
Just like crunches, only you'll be picking your legs and butt up and keeping your back on the ground. Extend your legs and hold them a few inches from the ground. Using your stomach muscles, pick your legs and butt off the ground, and then release. This exercise works the lower part of your abs.

Now that you've built those muscles, however, you'll need to let them show. The trick here is to burn the fat off from around your belly. You need to both look at your diet (and remove unnecessary fatty foods) as well as increase the amount of calories that you burn during the day. You should be jogging at least once a day, with a few quick sprints during your jog. This kicks your metabolism up and burns extra fat, helping that beautiful stomach show!

Of course, this just covers the basics of what you need to get yourself nice and toned. For a more complete guide on personal fitness without paying thousands for a trainer, take a look at one of these online fitness programs [http://www.self-help-info.net/top-fitness-program-reviews.html] to learn what you need to do to give yourself an amazing body!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Susan_L_Roberts