Lose Body Fat Fast - How to Create an After Burn From Exercise

I am going to share how you can lose body fat fast by exercising in a way that boost your metabolism. This creates an internal environment in your body that keeps fat burning off more efficiently long after your exercise session is over. This is called the after burn and this is the best way to get fat off fast. Would you like to learn which types of exercise are best at creating an after burn? Then take a couple of minutes to read on.

Lose Body Fat Fast

1. Interval training. The days of slow steady, hour-long workouts on the treadmill are being replaced by short-duration high intensity interval training and the reason for the shift is simple - after burn.

When you work out at a slow steady pace you will burn calories but the calorie burn ends very shortly after you stop moving.

When you do interval training you actually burn fewer calories while exercising but because you boost your metabolism your body continues to burn fat more efficiently all day long and this after burn can boost your fat loss by up to 9 times higher.

Interval training can be done in just 20 minutes and all you need to do is keep constantly alternating between short intervals of high pace/intensity and short intervals of low pace/intensity.

2. Workout with a combination of cardio and weights. This is a trend you are beginning to see more often as exercise gurus who make exercise DVD's are starting to catch on to the metabolic power of this exercise combination.

You can create this workout easily by simply performing a cardio exercise for a few minutes (i.e. jumping jacks or high-knee raises) then switching to a few sets of weight lifting (i.e. squats, lunges, push-ups). This can explode your metabolic rate for a great after burn.

You can lose body fat fast by exercising in ways that keep the fat burning all day long.

Do you want to learn more about how to do it? I have just completed a brand new free guide. Download it free here: 7 Secrets Guide

Do you want to learn how to speed up your fat loss? Speed Fat Loss

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Becky_Gillaspy