More Exercises to Get Rid of Belly Fat

Are you bored with abdominal crunches and need more exercises to get rid of belly fat? Here is a list of the five best belly-busting exercises you can do in your own home.

1) Dance. What? Really? Yes, really. Dancing is a great cardio activity and studies have shown that aerobic exercise will burn fat. Doing the crunches and situps are OK for you, they do build up muscle below the fat and more muscle equates to more fat-burning, but doing targeted exercises for your stomach will not make the fat there go away. Instead, work on overall body cardio. Grab your MP3 player or crank up the radio and dance around in your kitchen. The goal here is to work to a sweat. For me, sweat is the result of "fat melting".

2) Hit the stairs. Even if you don't have stairs, get a stool or stairstepper that you can climb up and down on. Again, the goal with this activity is aerobic. You can get your heart rate up fast and feel the burn. Also, the muscles you build in your legs will power your fat burning engine. Try doing in during commercials of your favorite TV show.

3) Go Gaga for Yoga. Yoga to lose belly fat? Yes, it's true. Scientists have proven that stress can be a cause of belly fat, so reduce your stress, reduce your cortisol levels and watch the fat come off. Not the mention the long, lean stretches of Yoga that work your core and just make all your muscles feel alive. You can find Yoga programs on many television stations, or buy an inexpensive DVD to do in your living room.

4) Side to side now. You have been doing the same ab crunches for weeks, up and down, up and down, up and down. Mix it up a bit and get some other muscles involved. Grab a burst-resistant exercise ball and a weight. Sit on the ball and lean back slightly. Move the weight from the left to the right and back again. Keep swinging the weight and working the sides of your abdominals, the obliques. Then try working the back muscles by turning over and laying your stomach on the ball. Slowly lower your head to the floor and raise back up without using your arms. This will work out your back muscles and contribute to your overall solid core.

5) Superman can do it, and you can too. For this exercise, lie on your stomach on the floor. Place your arms down by your sides with palms up. Now raise your feet and hands about 3 inches from the floor. Hold as long as you can (try for 30 seconds), rest and repeat.

With these exercises to get rid of belly fat along with nutritional eating (whole foods) you will be on your way to the flat stomach you have been hoping for.

Finally, You Must Know this Last Important Thing:

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Molly_Pelletier